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<br />Vil1af.'E; of HosevUle <br /> <br />Regular meeting of the Village Council, Tuesday, January 2:L, 1958. <br /> <br />The Council met on the a.bove ðate \-11th the following mernbers present: <br />Ceda.rholm, Hammersten and Brennan. McGee-lat.e~ Carlson absent. <br />Attorney Loftsgaarden and Engineer Soutter were a1eo preaent... <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Haøuaer8ten Seconded 'that the minuteß of January 14, 1958, <br />'.-~ be accepted as corrected.. Roll Call, Ayes ()..Nays (0)... <br />) <br />~ <br />Mr. Cal Gar' ~y presented 11 petition tor rezoning ot property owrutd by KNUTSEN <br />lIa:r.Ty Knutson, 1720 N. Snelling. Brennan Moved, lWrInersten Seconded that H,óZONING <br />~...",tJ,t#-9n be<~.f~~t'$ð to the P1anning Commission tor '¡¡heir recaamenda.... <br />t1or\s. ~ Cò.u81on hearing will be Feb1"U.8!'14, 1958 and It <br />hearing by the Council on February 11, 1958. Roll Call, Ayes (J)-Nays (0).. <br /> <br />2 F .t-: ~ <br /> <br />Brenna...'1 Moved, Humersten Se~::onded that we accept the low bid from. Rainvill~J" HOOF}:, <br />Carlson o£ $1,110.00 tor re..roof:tng the vil1agø hall. noll Call_ Ay'es 0)- BID <br />Nays (0). <br /> <br />Occupants of County Road A2 are not interested in having th«; street <br />renamed to S" McC~rron's Blvd... ~¡r.. Hfmll1l€1:'sr,en 'Will nöt:U'y the County <br />Engi,neer' B office tha.t we do not ',Jish to rename Count;r Road A2.. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Harrunersten Seconded that loftsgaarden be authorized to <br />write the Board of' County' Commistlioners and clÙ.l t.heir ßttention to <br />correct their aôntract 90 tt~t it will read the ~300.00 charge is <br />yearly and not monthly' for the new poHcø radio system. Roll Call, <br />AJee (3)-Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />Brennan ~ov8d, Hammersten Seconded that a special permit be gr~nted <br />tor a 7$' X 300' lot to James Borden. Roll Can, Ayes (3)...Ways (0)" <br />'. <br /> <br />The auditor, t>lr.. JI'¡attila¡¡ presented tc: the Council his nine month <br />report on the liquor store bQoks. Brennan Moved, Hammersten Seconded <br />that Mr.. r'¡attila be authorized to make the audit for the fourth <br />quarter tor Q1'1 estimated epproximate cost of $30:),,00. Cederholm <br />suggested that since the auditors report was 30 lengthy that it be <br />reviewed and discussed at the next meeting. Roll Call, Ayes (b)... <br />Nays (0).. ' <br /> <br />Bt-ênnan Moved, HatmrJersten Secondedtha t 't.he artlclepresen'tQd by <br />attornelI.ofts«..r.,Pbe6ubmit ted from. thE) C~nQ1,1.~' tJ1e i9~,~..ib~ <br />tor pl1bllcationøoric~rn1ng~t.. P8l\l' 8 proposed irtcréa_ in seWet'Cbarge <br />tor suburbanaroa.. .RoU Cà11, Ayes (4)·NaY'8 (0).; <br /> <br />Brennanl-1oved, ~1'I~n Seconded that the eJ;lgineer check 81yjthJlt <br />Joseph Betten~t appraise the property and de~ 1Ihat tbeaetual <br />008.t of dä i8 th" 1181 been. dona to the Wl1Ue Boe.p~ <br />and inf'01'l!1 attorney 80 thát be may prepare the detenee tor ti1eV111age <br />on this Buit.. RollCall, Ayes (4)-Nsyß (0). <br /> <br />A letter of January is, 19~, was read fram tne P1al1n1ftgCQllJ(l11se1on <br />stating the Higluro;y Dept. is not provlding tareD OVÐrpasson County <br />Road 02 on Klghwq 1~80 which is to be cOnßtructecttbJtO~ theVi13.e;p. <br />Brennan Moved, Hamerstèn Seconded t..hat we authorlzeWPlannUig <br />Conmiasion to check further intc the mattA)T of an overpass on County <br />Road C2 and .High":a,y f¡!280 n~~ì.l Gn.ll; Ayes (4)-Nays (0).. <br /> <br />cou!/'ry In' <br /> <br />POLICE rp l,i ' <br />CONTP'f,C'I' <br /> <br />:'3PECIAL P;;Y., <br />GRANTED <br /> <br />AUDITORS Rì~P:: <br /> <br />Sß\'lSJtAR-rICLg <br />It'Qa . mmLICA1'lOi' <br /> <br />VII,LAC$S'Ht'i <br /> <br />REQUESTFOH <br />OVERPASS ON <br />COtTNTYRD.. ,02 <br />