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<br />~ <br /> <br />il - <br /> <br />~"::;:.."~---=-_~__~__,.,.....~~..........-..~~~~=.~__,_.--~_,,,-~:::iii~~~...&,,,~\J,,,,~<~'I't....:.....~·,_..~'.......,n"-"_..",..~,..~_.-.<,.%t"s:~-c;..~;i:::;."2~.;;;i);-'¡·'"£'k;1::;~L-_~,^::"~ <br />"_,c;.:'-_'.........."",,lQ <br /> <br />¡ <br />j <br />J <br />j <br />i <br />, <br /> <br />{ <br />~ <br />¡ <br />j <br />! <br /> <br />A letter from thE: PlamL111g Commission of Januar':( 2; J~}58, '.Ja;;, I'Gad <br />giving a report of meet.:tng$ bald ÔUI<\XJl::i.]¡i)'{C;?T ;!I¡() progre,gs r:wde" <br /> <br />Hoomerst.en Moved, Brennan Seconded that th(} matter of Or'dinance <br />No" 216 be referred to Lof'!:,sgaa.l'den foJ:' his approval of: c03:'rectionu <br />made by the Planning Commj.ssion:m t.hÜ: ol"du1fll.'1Ce and t,hBn present <br />to the Council the n.ecessary cor)~fJc.l;,:tO(¡S to amend Ord:tnam:e No.. 216" <br />Roll Call, Ayes (4)-Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />'J <br />¡ <br />~2) <br /> <br />¡, 1'b,è deed hs.sbeenJ'8ceived from St. P¡deh:~el t s Lutheran Church <br />¡ iW8,nting .th$Village ,of Rosevilla permission to run a road on their <br />p~})e~'Wjt.ª~r,,~M()V'$4, Brannan Seconded thattheeasaDlent,tor <br />Eldridge' Avenue dedlca't1òn be accepted and placed on file attbe <br />\ court house. Roll Call, Ayes (ìd...Ways (0). <br /> <br />I. lett3r from Suburban Building Ma:i.ntÐncìnCe Co.. "tlas road informing <br />they would like to and keep tJ'1..e ,rillage h:Ül c1ean for <br />~295.00 a month. Engineer will Gheck cost of maiJY~ainifJg building <br />for last. three months and report, back at, tbe next r;¡ee·~,ing, <br /> <br />Hr. rlelke, who i5 painting t.he vUl""gø hallt su.t'Iilitted I! price :for <br />complete painting of the firo bbU'f1, 'I'h(-; mütter was t.r\blod until <br />next week.. <br /> <br />Curtis S. Hill fJub.-nitted his ros1gr:&t:ìcn from the Rosevi.l1e <br />PlaMing Commission.~ Hsmmel"'sten MOlTed, l'.cGee Seconded t,hat the <br />resignation be accepted and a letter be ser.t to Kr'" Hill in appre.... <br />ciation for his services. Roll Call,. lW(~s ,(4)-Nays (0) 0 <br /> <br />Dr" Sekhon Embmi tted his I'Cport. çln ;;: compJJ1int recohred from R-udolph <br />Kivimaki, 2781 Harrill$" of a søwage problem at. 2198 Hel"!'ill}. <br />Dr.. Sekhon contacted the developer and was infonned he "wuld correct, <br />this sew-ape problem,.' <br /> <br />A repcnot from the Police Dept.., was ~ub¡1'Iitted on broel{dmin of"'ø <br />and it was paced 011 filA" <br /> <br />SchunomM t s De pt" Store subroi ttad ê h:tð to install draperies in the <br />village hall" tic act,.ion wiJJ. be taken uatlH ino):'" bidA 1ì;l:'a x'aceived$ <br /> <br />PLfJJ;VnW GŒ,i <br />fŒPCmr <br /> <br />OíìDINANŒ: NO i¡' <br /> <br />EL DR! DOE .t~ìì~.. <br /> <br />VILLAGf: K~L.L <br />NliINTErJ¡\ :~C1:; <br /> <br />BI1) ~¡~O ¡:'It[;·r:' <br /> <br />FIHE BilHN <br /> <br />P1¡\~:il:l:HG CUY: <br />f?[~S IGrJ~ 'l'1 m, <br /> <br />S}i}Jft.GE Gc~,n, <br /> <br />ror..ICF ¡EPT <br />REF OWl' <br /> <br />BID ~'\OR' DH.:\Y <br />AT nJ,.:1,AGE <br />/ <br />¡. <br /> <br />Sout.ter infQrmed tbeCQ'I).n\'.lil tl1Ætt thE; pl':I.n ter (,ti,d noipr1t1tthodoo <br />4a.tG on util~t.lbills san1,9u.t .mð doe8notr~el he.oh9t1l,d,pharge <br />.n.~OO penalty for delù\quent p~ments.. BrenMU. Mowd. HfiBmèJ:'G$eÞ <br />S~ç9nded that the matter be reterred to Loftagaarde1'1 to'1! M.& >recom... <br />mendationø.. Roll Ca1.1. <br /> <br />Soutter reported tbatoœ trJck is nQý1 being left attb., gar.p·and MilD DEP'J!~ <br />thé other,~$tAken home by the fOrelllaD so '~hat whenhe.18 ,~lIll~d on <br />weekenðaandeV'etßnr;storemergenciea he willbeaYåilabltf .-ndalso <br />use thè truck torrepler inspection of thelU't a-.t1ønsóJ)."eø1œnds. <br />Mr. Markham was he,ln"d and he still feels both. trucks $hoUld1)e bpt <br />at the garage, but the Council feels the foremanshoUldbave, tbe trt)bk <br />at his disposel for emergencies'" <br /> <br />>,,~~. <br />) <br />._~.,,- <br /> <br />Soutter infonnad the Council that a water truck vill be rs.eedøöfor <br />flushing sewer 1ines~ <br /> <br />WE '.' QA'n\ì9N <br />UT!Lt'l'Y . 13IL[, <br />