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<br />. '~ 7~i:i,~~.ii",;;t~~~l'"kê'~"",~~...............,.~:.."""",.....~~·.¡.t.J:~~p~%·:';.!.1:§¿;r;;3f,-~~'·~;"Ž~:-,:ii:±:.2;i:'.£~.;"....,:.~~';;!zJ <br /> <br />~ui .__. I.~. .b..' .<!"'-_ <br /> <br />"17~ """'~-.=--.,.,..~~ <br /> <br />. ¡ <br /> <br />'" <br />I";"':f .:¡ I: <br /> <br />Soutter was requested to wrl te the County Engineer a.nd request an estimat,e tRAINAGE <br />ot' what the coat would be to the Village of Roeeville to enter into PROORlttt, <br />the proposed drail14g9 program at Larpenteur Avenue and Fermroodo <br /> <br />>j <br />J A report wu read by Soutter of what he would like the Engineering E~O. DEFT" <br />j Dept. to accOII1pl1sh this year" He feels with the assistance of one <br />i he <br />, man now and one later on in t year everything mentioned in report <br />¡ can be done. <br />",.-,... <br /> <br />t..J~f!WlØOVedt KoOeeSeco~ed that Keith Johnson, 4.3.3, Q1rard Ave. N", ENG. AID HIRED <br />J. ..~Çø1ü.. 1,......::-... p~.. at. ~320.00 per 1I1,1th as an Engineering Aid. <br />: RoUOalJ., .(~}.N..,. (0). <br />lii<...··...··. ....... ·.··..·....·...·...i. .. ·ii .....·.5...........· <br />. : AÛt!.n huÐ,PaU1i~t.ndMr. Thompson, who are membezos of the North ZONING <br />View .. Vern Haven organization were heard and they expressed their DISGUSSIQ¡l <br />dft.1l'e to keep the prQperty in the vicinity of Hanl1ne and H1gbwqllJ6, <br />Clue A aoD1ng and not be rezoned commerclalu If a peti'tion for re- <br />zoning 18 brought before the Council at a later date, theY' will be <br />notified of the hearing 0 <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, HammerlSlten Seconded that the following licenses be <br />approved. Ron Cau, Ayes (4)-Nay-s (0). <br /> <br />Electrical <br />John Albu <br /> <br />LIC8NSES AF.F::::j <br /> <br />Excavation <br />II _ <br /> <br />Plumbing <br />Anderson Bros.. Plbg. & Htgo <br /> <br />Harold Oaruth <br /> <br />Letter f~m T. C. Field & Co.., bonding COOlpany for F. Morettini. Ino 6 RI!..1.EASE: REC~~Jil;: f <br />was read a~e1ng to release by village all estimates up to 9,% of <br />r:.orett1ni tCPntract. <br />\ \ <br /> <br />Brennan Kovéa., Huanersten Seconded that the following bills be paid BILLS APPROVS! <br />and that bin '£rom. Squires and Borden be added on in the amount of <br />. ,~2.828.S2. Roll Call, Ayes (4)..Nays (Q). <br /> <br />Sewer <br />Ps Morettin! - Proj. 7 ø ~20,987.70 <br />., " · ·1. Morett1ni .. Proj. 6.. 19,892..1$ <br />L8ø1ett1& Son .. Pro~. 11... 2,847oSS <br />(1(1",1-81 . .... .. . .. . . <br />~;1n.:~e.:~~2;~~~:~J <br /> <br />.....".",. <br />"\ <br />J <br />....J <br /> <br />I~iquor <br />Distillers 'D1.stribut1Þg Co", <br />Ed' e Cleaning Serv10e <br />Famous Brands <br />Griggs Coa.Pe.t & Co. <br />tlalftm B~p(). <br />Lynn Johft80n <br />McK,s..øn> & Bobb1D8 <br />Old Pèor1a. Co. <br />Ed Pb111,"p&t & So!teCo, <br />St. Pau11Up <br />Schlit" .B....~ICò. <br />SûburbanP1ck up <br /> <br />242.87 .., <br />12S.00- <br />130. Sa- <br />2,42'7.10"" <br />4.'5~,_32" <br />644,.89''''' <br />'2Wî.S.S'" <br />194...~~. <br />1.2~.*?".: <br />239 ¡U~~· <br />^ß.~ <br />221..uu <br />18.00· <br /> <br />.. ' ',,' ',', " <br />!cOee Moved, ø..e1"&~ S.ÇQnðed that a cba1r be~..d lor Judge <br />Franke to use 111 court roÔ111. Roll Call, A1eS (4)-tfqs(O). . <br /> <br />a.une:rsten Ho'f$CI, McGee. Secondéd that :œeting.'be adjourned. Roll <br />C811, .A1"ea (4)-Nays (0).. (Adjourned 4:55 P.K.) <br /> <br />~ <br />Ni~ <br /> <br />OHAtR toR COURT <br />ROŒ <br />MEETING ADJOURNEï' <br /> <br />Æ. .~.çy <br /> <br />