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<br />¡!' \.~ "." <br />.' J...t' <br /> <br /> <br />171 ;:.'ceo,rdË((::(~ '('7-:i <.1 ,,\:.: :1~;·,~t~~ n>n .J.' ·'),Î <br />\.;:111 110"t'tf:V ¡'1ír }{\:-c~\:;' c·f tl~\d f,',i,)¡ :.),~"~] i,at <br /> <br /> <br />~_..~ {):-:~I~'; <br /> <br />(' 1;'·...., ',_~';-:..' ;",~~'~ <br /> <br />'," .;-', <br />~)t:':(; f) ~'¡{)U (-¡ <br /> <br />Y"U ~::t: ~:~_ \. ~ C'-'~" <br /> <br />H~JYtr:::-;'i~ste:n F·.cr:,t'!Jd,: Cal·1~:·(E':1 <br /> <br />·:·r.~;i {~, <br /> <br />~(. i>!:;}'~. {~;/) <br /> <br />~. :N~- ;-; ': f\ <br /> <br />,~, ,~, .. -,' . <br />'.1 :)... \",~: <br /> <br />~' J. ,,~ <br /> <br />~;t~., ;=U1(¡ î;J.{;C~t1'~t~()L·~ t', \~~ t;" be <br />at 2: (K.ì F' "'[.. F.oll CalI; <br /> <br />Zae (~e tf,.) v,::,ca te the alley bf:.1 t.!.¡~~¡:"n C,,:n ;TC <br />accepted and be hcÙd ¡:OJ! Jmw <br />Ayes (J)-N8,Y8 (0)0 <br /> <br />A letter from HC15eville Schl.)olð ,;a;.:; read x'equ8;~tinf:; !'e'Æi?r ::rt C~l) CAPT'I'f L vr'7/! <br />View Jr.. High School. Hammersten 110ved,. Carlson Secondeò that the HIGH ~Ci-iU()L <br />letter be referred to Banister Engineering for &sc6rt.ail'dng the <br />feasibility of this request.. Roll Call, <'4ye3 (3)-Nays (0). <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved, 'Carlson Seconded that t.he resolution from the S~.'ORM S~~H[!;J1 <br />County regarding the storm sewer sta·t;ion be referl'(~d <br />engineer to checl( with the GO\1nty l-ef(;1'en(~a to cost nf c(l'nstru(>· <br />t.ion and operationo <br /> <br />HaITl11ersten Moved, C."irlson :)(;::,:ondeÓUl<'.t~· ¿;0'''\~:;' :røi1r¿;ai .:¡¡g ;wt.Ú;;(;J t.;(. <br />sent to North Como PrmJbyb:rlan ':~lrt.;T·~;h ;~:':; it let1:,e:r '~"D~~:'('t';\~j:\f\:~d Ù<(J;/; <br />the1l1 stating they .teel thei)"Da8B3"7;'.er;~,.::~; tç~), C:.'¿'~c~: \y:UJ. <br />also also write t1 bt.t..'1í:' J,/) t·j)l8m. ::>'011 '>>':D., AI¡~' (3)·N'ty-n (C) <br /> <br />Easewnt No. 4.3.3 fc)r (;~ÜITt1J':f :: S':, Cb.Ui.· ;:l· ,m,.; <br />S:1't':.;..::1gs & Loan A.SBO., ;,vas rf;f;~;j;r¿(:l:).< p:L:;ced 0;' <br /> <br />,: :r J.; <br /> <br />l' '1 .. <br />,~, .'- .,... ..." ,", <br /> <br />n·d l\ue·¡~.\,.VJ ,",t1J'r:CT' "¡¡f),r't' ;~·'e,G(-:i.\le:¡ <br /> <br />';:~I:;',ì. <br />. ,II.,}, " .., <br /> <br />E¡lS{-~l1ents No 63h I1nd 63, fer;' L:::neo:;l:. <br />and ;'Jill be recorded, <br /> <br />:ie, <br /> <br />:>:.~l< t) ~ <br /> <br />:-;:.rl <br /> <br />i1- <br /> <br />- . <br /> <br />~'; :él'¡~l <br /> <br />CS:'.' ~'T <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />?:~~::.,,: 'If <br /> <br />,r'-. <br />: \.., I.~ <br /> <br /> <br />and E>t l:';èu::'('~:der¡' ,l <br />1:'øcOI'dcd., A ehecl{ fOl~ <br />t.he cost of bringtng <br /> <br />Easement No, 4.27 for Leo (!;'< ::;:'1":.~' ,.' <br />Savings & Loan Assoo was !'e(;e:\v8(~ !~'!'::1 ~;:Li.J. bü <br />d>9 L... .....85 included P"'y""b'L" "(., r1'''~ 'f'" 1 ...,,'" p~.. <br />-w t'~) '11 ~ a _-..\.~" '" - .,...L~ J.l...._~..)~ ,l.\__I... <br />dO'WTl the abstract. <br /> <br />Harnmarstan I'loved" Carlson SI:òccmc;N! t;"j",t the JolJmJing ¿m¡(¡mrL:J for <br />final easements he paid" Ra:U.. Gf.Ül.1 Ayes (J)-NaY~1 (0).. <br /> <br />~:'¿~~~1! ~_~.1 :.~, 1'; ,:~, .: <br /> <br />Esmt. No" <br />432- <br />549 <br />472 <br />,28 <br /> <br />476 <br />473 <br />527 <br /> <br />Name <br />FraÍ\k George &. AnnÜ1 !.: " ~nandÐI" <br />William H~ & LQ:rra:ine 11. Schroeder <br />Allen P. & Olive S~ Boyd <br />Clarence E. & Mayme l' and Gena J. & <br />Eileen M.. Mundt and First Nat'J.. Bank of <br />St. Paul <br />Rq & Marie T" Rob1naon and Minn" Federa.l <br />Savings & Loan ASBO" <br />Carmine & Rose A" Sacco <br />Clarence E ~ &. Ml\Y"me McHugh and Gene J Q & <br />Eileen M. Mundt and 'rhe First National Bank <br />of St.. Paul. <br /> <br />AI'ùOunt <br />m:öõv <br />8,.,00")- <br />105'* CAY" <br /> <br />,O~CJOv <br />1'15.~ <br />185000" <br /> <br />95~OO"" <br /> <br />Easement Noo 468 tor Raymond Eo S, K8.t.hryn M. A1~a nnd Falcon Height.s E~'1TS, ¡¡(J" <br />Sta.ta Bank and No" L.66 for EdwG.'{'d J;, & V; Awe 110:r.., J'ece1ved ,~nd <br />pl8.Ced on file" <br /> <br />Easement No" 3,Sh for 12ote.!' l' &. ì1ì~'!.''Y 1 ~~fi'}.I)5:e;:" and FiLeon Rotgut!! E3!·';T. NO 35.~. <br />('\.J.·<M-t.n h 1"'k"'~~t~ l1-f;4jW't¡Ö;~J,0',*j "~1'1"¡- .ï.'!"1;'1"~f,.) f'\.·~(ìt"'1·_..··1t"':; <br />,,) VÓ, ,~... ,¡".¿u:.... ;f>j C"-..~ '.* '"'........_ ",'j\"'!'!Àoi ( It" .,h"_. ".. I.I....J ,o. '" ,.-~, ~,. \.\'....' ~", r <br />