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<br />Eð,õ("¡!.!lf{n't No," h3? ¡,.¡::~s r(~c~~i\'r':':;L:' 1ì",!f i::_~·F;:t... ; O{~ {)(} f\\.~· :>.r <br />the abstract t/) cht.(~ fŒ~ 11m"J"y ;'. ;:'<'("·.Jyii Ii. K.8.U".l .nnc,;;'.i.U¡~C) <br />X"fJcorded. <br /> <br />Halmiersten Hovad, Carlson Seconded tJ:Jci t Easement No" 51:~ for 0't/GO (ý. ESHT~)~ NO ,. <br />Anna Zibell in the anount. of $lSQOO for t€1Tlporary eaS€'Jllent. and...v 9(: <br />Easemen t No. 510 fa r tbro thy & John Doch arty in the amoun t of ~ 15 ,,00 .,/ <br />tor temporary eas_ent be paid. Roll Call, Ayes (3)-Nays (0). <br /> <br />Ea8M1ente No. 4$4 for E. Be. & Mim1ie F" Thewis Ð.nd No... 358 for <br />Ephraim & Ellen Danielson and Minn. Federal S,9vings' òo: Loan Jlsso. <br />and No. 464A for _E1Jaer R. & Anna F. Johnson were received and \dll <br />be recorded. <br /> <br />ESMTS. NO., hS1¡ ,Or <br />35b ,:'.: <br />46hA <br /> <br />Brennan now present .. 9: 20 P.M. 0 <br /> <br />The attomey read a resolution he had drafted raising license fees .LI ŒNS£; ~·~:E,::'.~ <br />to ';2$$00 and making all bonds for ~2, 000,,00. Claude Anderson from BONDS <br />the Eleotrical Contractors Aaso" WM heard and he felt all contxactors <br />should also carry insurance. The matter '¡-las laid ovor one ~Teek .fO!' <br />further study. <br /> <br />Hsmmersten Moved, Brennan Seconded that~ l'oad rest.rlctio113 be l::.ft'zd RD" R.~5'frECTIC\·:, <br />8S of Mq 9, 19~. Roll Call, Ayes (4)·..Nays (O)a l...Ili·T~~D <br /> <br />The engineer would like to change materia.l being used for 'U-li.~ i:>Jp of ¡'1AT11fiJ¡\ L ?GD <br />roads to hot mix and feels ordinance should also be changed., He '.dlJ. ROP,DS <br />bring the ma tter up again next week" <br /> <br />Clerk Hammersten has been appointed to the Reception Corom. at the CLERKS CONYEr,; <br />National Institute of Municipal L1erlŒ to be held at Toronto, Canada. <br />Cedarho1m Moved, Carlson Seconded that Hammersten be sent to the ' <br />convent1on with 8XpeI18es paid not to exceed .~lOO.OO to defray part <br />of cost. Roil Call, Ayes (4)-NQ3's (0) ð . <br /> <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded that t.he meeting be adj ournedo <br />Roll Call, Ayes (4)-Nqs (OL (Adjourned 9:50 P.M.) <br /> <br />AT'J'1I'M. <br /> <br />~~~. <br /> <br />