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<br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded that pho'c.os1;..atas of t.hø 1(/ t,tar fron <br />the County Audi tor ~prov:ing t.hl:; appJ.ic.~a'tiion of the V 5.'1J.agf:' of <br />Roßeville for permißsion to \~X'('ss œrta1n l'Oað..e in connoctlon with <br />Project #4 of St!lmtBry Sawer Improyero..::mt #2 be Bent t.(J <br />Engineering and the Village '~nginœr" Roll Call, Aye" (~)"'~~8 {OJ. <br /> <br />. _..'__.. ~._....__,_.,...._"."., ........ n'" _~....._ ';_...'-<.:_... '-:_...;'--:"....._M.:.."'.~_:..._~."..~";... ':";-::'.... '~. <br /> <br />A letter frolll the att.o!'ftey to the Highway _'.\1fåI!l,~~t'~X: <br />mentiøned t.b~i't,.Viil.1aJ80f.. RcHI8'9'ill.b.;....¡"~~~jW1,.:N··· <br />am.ôuntof..$649 .6~tQr·Panal.; 4<*. . <br /> <br />A letter .troIft Clll1'8DOe North, Chairman or the Reoreation Board was <br />read with re!'erenoe to possible development of the basement of the <br />VUlag8 Hsll so that it can be used by cœm\\n1t.v activities mtdthe <br />program of the Recreation Board. Breman and Shields were put. on t. <br />ooJllJlllttee to dr- up . plan and tho estimated cost of imprcvementø. <br />Reha. t1lein¡ the noOI". <br /> <br />BJoeøœn Moved. Shields Seconded that the Clerk not1ty all village <br />_ployvos, except inspectors, not to park in front ot t.t.. <br />hall.. Roll Call, Aye. (5)...N~:18 (0). <br /> <br />Brennl.il11 reported that the bill to allow' Ranøey Counv to sell bigb.wøy BRT)~ Q?' RML CO <br />maintenance and construction material to other govel"mnental 8\1bdivia1ons CœM 0 M~F.TnJG <br />was ditlllis8ed at the Board of Ramsey CoW1ty Commissioners meeting laat <br />Fridç' 0 <br /> <br />~¥' I.~ ;.~~ <br /> <br />The unsightly ~ í'ent-:e (;(\~lst:\:'uctod at 202~) 1!l,. Go" fìd". B ','!as di;J~ <br />cussed and the attorns:;t ~1a¿¡ :l.nstr'u(.;:tRd '1;.0 ¡;:hec'K on f;ue!; <:~ f€!1cø or <br />Stl~Cture being a ~uis&nO?v <br /> <br />Brennan Mov'ed, Sh:'iE~ldS S(r~Ond3d that. the non plat t3ubmitt~d for Kroi~s <br />Westtrood Addi tior: '00 referred to the Plannil1g Commias:3,í)l'! a:-:d VHlage <br />Engineer>. Roll Call, "'¡is:> (~))..N3Y''':¡ (O). <br /> <br />The 1'I".D.ttel" of cU5t\)diMi 1.¡(n"'k;çr t1')(; Villago Hall ~lt,S disct8sed" 'l"he <br />Council gElve the Clerk au.tb(,rity t,.) supct'vlsø {):H3 (~uat.od:tv.n ~"::¡rk~ <br />Shields Moved, Brennan Sec()ad('J() that the Clerk ì:>e nuthol'iY;~jð 00 dra\'i' <br />up the specifications needGè for the custodial') t~"ö!'k at. '\.:he V:D.lage Hall <br />and all duties concerned, ,md nd'Jm.'tls6 for bids to be oper/ad on <br />Maroh 17, 1959 at 2100 P.N. It{¡ll C:;~ll, Ayes (5)~·Nays (0). <br /> <br />The Clark was in s-t.ruc:ted t.o Bond Ð let":.el' to [,d Rudolph,!' l~tjeJwd1a.n :rO¡,~ <br />the li.quor lounge reqUÐßtlng he kEl~ his fi.nanceB tn bet.ter shJ.Þ:po.. <br /> <br />BrE':\nrum ttLoved, Carlson Secor..ded that ti'~ .foll~ling resip;n&t'tons :from <br />t.he Police: force bn acc6pt.,,;.}d.. nolI C1\H, ;ì.~re5 ())~K!JY~ (0)" <br /> <br />KeMeth Larson - effi;~G'::i,1le ?ebl'\.Hft'Y 10, l'ì";9 <br />t·, .. ' <br />Robert CJ.a93en - ('d'f\jl:r5'lf;?ùbl"tHUY 12 x 19~;9 <br />Roe6r Davidson - ei't,.~\; L1 Vi') F,3bruary ?, 1959 <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Shields S'E;)()¡)(Ì'8S 'td.ds '0,;\ s.dvert,ffj"d for ~ar:d for the <br />Village, prices on both pL:.k ~1p ,.¡- delivered. Diû9 tQ ba (,paned on <br />P'iarch 10) 1.9$9, 8:00 P .;';. ];'oI1 C.:Ùl~ AY'es (S)...NaJI'D (0). <br /> <br />I t was stated that I!f. bill J:1ight ba passed whereh,. house trailsrs would <br />be assessed 10%.. <br /> <br />.$P/T£ <br />'fI!'B:~T' PENCE <br /> <br />KI;OIS~ ; ¡;;'3~<'~JC)On <br />ADD. ,Pl.!'·}' <br /> <br />CD S'l"ODI ,; \-lOEK <br />VILJ,'\¡: HJ\I.L <br /> <br />CU~)ii~J :';:,. <br /> <br />1\ <br />¡ !~. ..." <br /> <br />r.:(QtU <br /> <br />!;Jr¡~<c <br /> <br />F01,ICE <br /> <br />':{,:r>~c '. <br /> <br />H2:SI, <br /> <br />i.ùr.:"IC'~\~S <br /> <br />L~:;'r K:": '''.' <br />3.4N <br /> <br />PRO,} EC' <br />mi..'Tt¡/EH <br /> <br />/I; <br />í/¿!. <br />/2 <br /> <br />RBT. IF',':EI.·L <br />ASSES:' ¡ mH'! <br /> <br />IMPROVI <br />BASg¡· :,~N'r <br /> <br />~ptOYT:r~ TO <br />PARI( It nEAR <br /> <br />HOUSE '}'HAILlt:ft <br />. TAX <br />