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<br />·" J ,. <br /> <br />Sì1ielda ~v&5 l'aqUt1stød to checl:. :,x\d fie() 111\F;t o·;n~; age::; h.;;\v¿:: :tn rrr.LLnOld1ns <br />the way of ordiwmCt98 t.ç· eont,l"'ol th,,; e!'ec Lion c.!>:{iLllbo,::u.':':r,¡ :J.n 't.hel.!' <br />villages.. <br /> <br />Brennan Hoved~ Cärlson Seconded 1hat. thg foll()wing bHls be paid.. BIL!.S P,\Irì <br />RoU OaU, J\yés (~)-NaY8 (0). <br /> <br />æooa TJEPT. <br />tal... D.1a v~bu ting Co ~ <br />'_0118 It-ands. Inc_ <br />o,s... ~ & 00.., Inc. <br />l.fnn 'oIaøon Co II <br />KoKellQft .. Robbins, Inc. <br />Mid W..t Wine Co.., Ino. <br />Old PerU Co., Inc. <br />Ed Phillip8 & Sons, Co. <br />Nol"'thern Coin Machine Co.. <br />Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. <br />West Disinfecting Co. <br />Eds Cleaning Service <br /> <br />409..36 <br />$28..02 <br />l,068.1ì.t <br />692u26 <br />h"lO. 'S <br />119 J~l <br />290" 70 <br />2,129..26 <br />25,.00 <br />1-11030 <br />13~0'7 <br />12,(,,00 <br /> <br />CarlsOl1 Moved. ::ìhields SeMllrÎ(j(Ì tbnt the cont:r2.ct, and ~3peclf:i.c:lt:lon9 <br />for Project I/[¡, Sanitary' Se,'er lr.lp'r(Y,r om an':. ìjl~~, be &!':pl"'o'i"sd IJi.nd t.he <br />Nayor end Clark be aut..tol:<,i, í~':c~d to ;';').(;.1 ¿}J):t:e{.~ut.C' all fOt~.x- copieo and <br />return them to the proper' p!'!rtJea'ij'li,;)re!rl dnsign,u'tÆ¡d,. Roll CallI¡ <br />Ayes (S)...Nays (0)., <br /> <br />'!'bero was a 6u'ggest:tcm t.h;::t the r03d c¡,ep;.',J.~t11e:n~, mech8.n:ic CQuld keep t,he <br />polS. can ill condition anÖ do :111W1e !,,{3p.Ri~~f1o 'l'hit: dsput¡ÿ' clark is <br />.._ to see hœ much the repair cos't.s \tTere tot' the care in 19$8 and <br />the OouaaS.l wi1]. cona1der the feasibility of such ftchEln~e. <br /> <br />BNnDan Movsd, Cl'lrlson Seconded thnt the attorney be authorized to wo!'k <br />out an amenÙltent to the .t!(');I;,.)r ntility s(irviœ charge ordinance whereby <br />home owners could make ove1"p',\j1'm¢nts Nhich 'troulð appear as 0. credit 00 <br />their ace.aunt and not be:ru<~hori.'t;ød i\\S ~\ x'ni'u,nd. 1'..011 Callf .A18S (5),,,,, <br />Nays. (0). <br /> <br />The ð epuv clerk requosted "':'.hA Council con·t;4ot ftJr. Peter :ropOV1ch 88 <br />to certain bondl retuoed. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Shields S.~cofìdÐd that itAa final plat of Kroisø EaøtwOOd <br />Add'1:bi.on be retorred to the Plarming Commi88ion and engineer ani1 <br />plbllc bearing be be1.d by the Council on March ), 19$'9 at 2100 P.M. <br />RoU Cau, .., (S).N.,ø (0). <br /> <br />=:-:,.":V('1_=~:lr~)~conded that the{~;:j:,";ge:e.. a;t4;~~::) RQll <br /> <br />CONTRf\C~l' .';:'i!),j, f~ <br />~:) g'l} D: ft.} ..,) ~.; <br /> <br />I''O J.JI G}~: ,L~;·:,) <br />(HEP ¡,¡. H fV O'lle ) <br /> <br />Sfì:1:JER r~tTLI' "r <br />srnv ~ Cì!A\1GC <br /> <br />RE'l'IRf.11 BONn,> <br /> <br />KROISS EAR1Woon <br />ATm. FINAL <br />PLAT <br /> <br /> <br />-" <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />