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<br />~.' 2 <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Soconded ·t.hat the p;3t5:t.ion o~· C. Ga1"'le;;r t.o 'rezone (MRLE'Y HEZmn' n <br />the S 230' of the W 137' of the N 6 l..~.cros of the NE~ ()f the HE-3; of the <br />tiEl of Sec.. 16, 'l' 29, R 23 fI"Om Farm to Class c: be referred back t.o the <br />Planning Commission due to the su' of new plans on the corner lots. <br />Planning Commission on March 4ttl and back to t.he Council for meeting of <br />Maroh lOth. Roll .call, Ayes t5)-Nays (0). <br /> <br />Brennsn Moved, Carlson Seconded that the rezoning raquest. of Bruce Motor BRUCE: LO,'CR cc:. <br />Co. from Farm to Industrial \m the follo\!1ing described propert)r be REZeN:TO <br />granted. Roll Callj¡ Ayes (5l....NCW·s (0". <br /> <br />That part of the W 500· of the E 2075c of the SEi of Sec. 4, <br />T 29, a 23, :lying N of County Road C, except the N 14h61 thereof. <br /> <br />Breman Moved, Carlson Seconded tha.t the :request to rezone t.ho f'ollow1ri,g GLUEK plZONHm <br />descr1.bed property' !'rem Farm to Business fer e. shopping center be tablf:C'S SHOP!:':: r; r.Ær";':~ <br />\mtil ~lr. Mueller presents r1I~W plana and thi'm thü Coundl will refer h, <br />at tha.t time to the Plann:Lng Commi5s:i.on" Roll Call, Ayes (5)...Nays (0). <br /> <br />The E ]J.¡.1...61 of the i.r.! 65L6 r: cd' 1:21(.-) r¡W;~ì of tbe swi exc{i;pt ~'1e <br />N 25 rods thereof, ir. 3ç{:> Jþ 'í' 29~. Ii 23, sub,j. to Jjwy~ 51a <br /> <br />Carlson t4.0ved, Shields Seconded that th\-> prell.minary plat of l'¡ewers Adc; 1-IEAERS iT <br />be accepted wi th the recOOUì\endiJld l'egtrict~om¡ of the Planning Commiasiüi1., <br />1., That 30' he dedicated nlong the .N line of the plat~ 2" That the <br />names of the adjoining propeX'~y o"m~rstbe wri'tten on the plat, as proviÒ;d <br />in the v~llage ordinance on plf:l.tting land" Roll C8l1~ Aye9 (S)-Nsys (0), <br /> <br />Brermm Moved, Carlson SecOM(K\l 'c.hat the petition for local improvement; PKI'I TIC?· ;',:,:;: <br />(sanitary sewer) be accepted for the following dGsc~ibed property and SEWRt: <br />the Clerk notify and instruct the p9titioners that the village has <br />already' started the preliminary ¡wrk to includÐ most of the village in <br />Sanitar;r Sewer Improvønent No" :3 and sbce this property is included irl <br />the plans the petition will be held for discussion at the pv.bl1c heari.n~;~ <br />Roll Call, Ayes (S)_Nays (0). <br /> <br />Commencing at the NW comer. of Sec. ~ ! T 29, R 23, thence Sly alo!\? <br />the W line ot said Sec. n distance or 3~60' thence Ely and parall131 <br /> the S line ot said sec. a. distance 0.1' 4360'; thence N and paI"12111eJ <br />with the W line ot said Sec. 8 dist.anÅ“ of 3S70' tv .. point on tOO <br />N line ot said Sec..II '!:.hence Wly along the N line 01' said Sec. app1:'oxi- <br />ma tely 4380' to 'the point of beginning. <br /> <br />Carlson MO'V'8d, Shields Seconded that the letter hoI:n Ray Goneau, Police <br />Chief to W" J <> Du.ncan, Civil Defense Director, pertaining t.o custody 01' <br />revol'l "ers be placed on file.. .Roll Call, Ayes (,)..Nays (oL <br /> <br />Ca;r18on Jl¡,oved, Shields Seconded 'Iohat the building inspector and the two <br />plumbing 1n8pectors and an~ 'ono connected with village affairs be <br />authoriZed to attend the U" of M~ con tinuation cc.'urøes offered, ....-1 tb <br />8xþsnees paid. Roll Call, Ayes ($)...tJaye (0). <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Car1.son Seconded that the let-ter trOll the V1118ge ~1neel" PASCAL <br />(1ncludinp, four eS8ements) rø¡:r,arding Pascal hao be referred to the village <br />attorney for legal checking" Roll Ce.l:t, Ayes ($)....Nsya (O)~ <br /> <br />POLICg LE'I"n';e, <br /> <br />u. of g <br />CO£JR:31¡~: : <br /> <br />IF,· <br />, ,'; ;,.J '~J <br />