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<br /><~., :; .~-' <br /> <br />Shields ~¡oV"ed, Brennan Seconœ d t.Ìlat ¡ie!J~Üu.t,icn No. 2l:;S b(' ad()ptE.,(t~ <br />adopting a luutual-aid agre6l1ent with t.he Village of St,,[.¡nthony F:i..r{l <br />Iepar1ment. Roll Call, AyefJ (5)...Nays (0). <br /> <br />ST.. /\¡,jTi',.()I,ry <br />}~'IRE: I):~?T,. <br /> <br />The engineers report on the plat of KrOi.89 Eastwood Addo \.¡as read.. KROISS :f\.;'::T';,/UfD <br />Mr. Kro1øs was present an.d he is to work outtha l'lind of s1;reet..c¡ to be t <br />constructed with the engineer and he is also to inclu,,'Ì~ the dedication on granting of <br />~~~ea8ements foI' drainagE! and <br />utili ties. The fonn of approval by the V HIa ge is also tv be correc wà. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Shields Seconded that the r~vised preliroirœ-l-f plat of. <br />Kroiss \iestwood Add. be accepted as recorr,menœd by trH.'I Pbn !'ling <br />Commission. Roll Call, Ayefl (,)...Nqs (0). <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />The engineer presented his report and recommendation of stI"'get name <br />changes. The council wHl study thi8 rep~X'te <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Keene Seoo!Ad( d tJ1at t.he Cló:ck writ.e t.o the Ft/:uming <br />Commission Cha1rmcm and r'(''ll~f>t that (my l,etters to t·e l"\:)/iid .'l'(ì the <br />Council meeting be delivered two days bofùr€! fl C(jun(~n Hajj. <br />Call, Ayes {5).Nays (0)& <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carloon Ssconded that Jo.!m Nattila be au thori,¡;ed to <br />check into the procedure at the liquor3to!'es~ Holl Galljl ¡'yes (,)- <br />Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Brennan Saccmùed that Squi'-øs a..Ylð Borden be .1uthorized <br />to prepare and tile the ba.:iJunent· floor in the village hllll according <br />to epec1fications for i7rALoO. .Roll Call¡¡ Ayes (5)..1>1aY8 (0)., <br /> <br />ìG10T~;::', ',y r,.;c:; <br />)\'T), <br /> <br />STF:.l::ET ;",.. /.~, ":' E'· <br />\ E;r'()(; j <br /> <br />£>11\:1,. ¡} <br /> <br />. <br />'1 D <br /> <br />:"HCCi <br /> <br />LIe \)F{ <br /> <br />,:' ,'~' <br /> <br />El\~', '),'IE'~Y'; <br /> <br />',¿.i. <br /> <br />V:J j L ,~~~, :,'.; > <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Shields Hoved, Carlson SeCQnd9d that the following license::1 be9pprOV(,~. I:CY·:"): <br />Roll Call, Ayes ($)-Na¡ys (0), "prriC;; <br /> <br />ELECTRICAL <br />!ß8 c Itree. Co 0 <br /> <br />GENERAL OJ N '1\ <br />"O'::-W:-'Hlëli4è1 <br />Gunnar ]:" ,1ohnson &. S..lfl!'l J.tiC~ <br /> <br />Brennan Kovedt. Keene Seconded th,~.t the ':o11ot>.Ving bills be paid. <br />Call. Aye.. (Si..Nqe (0) '" <br /> <br />LIQUOR <br />DIattllere '01s tr'ibutin¡ Co. <br />,......,IDe. <br />.01"1.. O~ &I Co., Inc" <br />Mcl.euon & Bobb me tIne.. <br />Mid We.t Wine Co., Inc. <br />01.d 'Pe0f'1a 00., Inc. <br />Ed Phillips Ie: Sone Co. <br />ltr...-s Food Market <br /> <br />Hall <br /> <br />452.03 <br />401.02 <br />1,4$$.61 <br />528074 <br />67.10 <br />323.14 <br />1,349.13 <br />3.00 <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlaon Seconded t.hat specifioat.ions presented by l,t. <br />Art Johnston tor wo new police oU's be rererrE'Jd to the village engine" ¡,.' <br />for checking and then bids be advertised for. Roll Call, Ayes (5).. <br />Nays (0). . <br /> <br />Oarlson Moved, Shields Seconded that Ordinance .No.. 211 be adopted <br />amending Ordinance No. 218 & 259 on S8W3r rates and charges. Roll <br />Call, A)'Ð8 (S)-Nays (0).. <br /> <br />;3IU,~-:: P f .c <br /> <br />POLICE C¡,; {, i <br /> <br />CHD. 271 <br />,,£illER. }:'\":;;'i <br />CHMW¡<;E <br />