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<br />~2~· <br /> <br />A léttel' froTf'¡ the P1mlÜn,y C..mllliasion W:H, r1!Ari nt !' l'A¡,nF '.h~ 1("'1nfl¡Jk Pr'(I- ì('ql\ "'/~ f~OP. <br />pert.1. ßrenn~n i'Jove<1, C~;·l.'w" 3eCOMeri t.hat tht aq.0~·l'Jey be It\ltl!OrHeri tc <br />..cure the ar:re8ft.ant anti r>?rK.·J"t, back to th~, CcuNdl ne)~t ¡;eek and let the <br />OoUI'tCil know ,that ,...he ~g!'Oei'l'ent con" :¡ims" Roll C"'1l, Ayeb (5)... NaY8 (0). <br /> <br />MI".. leftnetb Gills!!!>, Ch"1,rlT'.Rn of t.he Planning Commi331,on preeentør.t to the NEW ZONING ORT. <br />VUla e II proposeõ ortii.nanc6 ent1.tle..1 "An Or~lruU1ce am\~ni'inf ot't'4'ii.·H)n~ No., <br />149 f AS a.c ~nded, entitled "An or"'lno:('¡cE' for th':} pur?ü¡n~ Df prClftoting th$ <br />public health, Baf'at..Y, order t commerce, prÖþC1:rty find t!f.>fterøl "eUare by pro- <br />:~1"'ing tor tþa clsSAiticntion, re u'L~tiol1 and ~I:>tri{:tìon of the erect.i(Þß of <br />':trade. and inclu8tries and e,f bun(:i '~tJ used ftJr hunHm hi)bl taf.{on ant! tor <br />specified purp )seø~ re¡;ullJtJ,ï1g ,qmj <\3tenaining the min~,m'1Jl!l site cf ytlirrl IJreaa, <br />ertabli!'d\ine the breakdown of d~,8td.\~t8 fOi~ r.aió purpoae:!;þ and pen.. <br /> tor 'lt1.o1et1on thel'eof'l providing for and a(')(¡¡::r\:.s.rÎ~ 'in (\t£1c1&l Vl1\~ge <br />ot Roaev111e !l.oa1or. Jttapl and repiuling orðinl\ncøt1 No.15?, 1,3, lSh, 1$6. 19L... <br />gect1oa 1$, 22~, ~27 $ 2)1, 2:37,. 2$0, 253, 2c)L, ~rlð 261" It ,,11r'1 alt.9Ð p:rflsented <br />tit. fW'O}'OHt' zoning map to \»l: s;o npt,ci in cnnnec'ti.O\1 ·lit.h t,è'te loninl'" (,.,..Airuin08o <br />". P't8ßttinr Coolrn1.8A:I.On nð9 ItÐ~ "'j~;"'''¡H'81 pUI¡~ ic t~~'Î8r¡'w¡¡'~n~ ".!'I1i ~ tir\al pubH,:: <br />he&rine on hp.·il 2~, wbieh VSS '}!,!1 ~ puX"su/mL t,r> n~,~j,~ t(. q'l1,J'(~d 'by Or(l5'l18noe <br />1.49 tor pl"'Jpa::·ir:tg proposo!Ì I~cnt·{?, or..:ì· 'mC':;) :úvi ;r:;r: ¡·1"....r.Y'1'E. ~'five";, :J1-)~,el~1 <br />Seconded t 1ðt 1;,hJ~ orrI1nPrlc,¡ t>nd !;\¡,p :.'re'¥~ ni,,'dr;y t!'3 :-;{';,\L""'I1\~L (.\f the Pl.nm1n¡.,; <br />COBPIist!l.oYi on behalf of tliJ COOWt:)·.¡Bi·m be ,1C c~;')te(: anti "~h'd' '3 p'JbU,C: hearil1g <br />be beld t.he:tfwn t.)y! tile 12',i.~ r',ay :18", 1: <;9. e\', U'B no ~1Jt. -r rt,e;·t,ll1R of the CO\1n~ <br />cil and t.h:lt noH.c~ of t!'f) hf'arÜli' jet rJ::OI,)J'r¡t'~\;:("1 ',< :)r(~~.rJ~~1ce If.¡? I.:a po~teð <br />at. four public rl,£es by t.ìu~ Glw.:'1< ,!),nð 1n :,)¡~ ¡)l'~::> 'I,:e t.ha\·ato A notiCE! or tb8 <br />hearinv. 00 p\thU~hcd ;mr.í\1!'1o the :!'&',~. Roll '~o.l1~ "'res (~).. Nr.ya ('1)0 <br /> <br />tJ:¡;.,t <br />ßtoenn'Ul ¥.cvedl' Shields f.)comiaà".<1 'ttÜtvr b."1 ~elìt Ü: tiw P,:.omt1ng Corl!O.1ss1on frm <br />the Counc:11 CO\1(~t\11::rt..~~g thGIJ! l.,n 't"le .fwe '·or'l~ tb<J)T' h~1V~~ f't':^,1'19 OI:! tì:o zoning <br />or~i,nœH~".. Roll Gall,. A~'!'s (S'·· Ní'Y,;'; (iJ). <br /> <br />BN:n.n.n MovedI' G~r:F.H,1") S~cfJ~1è(,oi th",t I} !',pro 'n(; 'be ~~:r~nt(;:;d i',O t';ortJ'nile-~t,ern &11 BURH:D <br />... 1. C '" C 0, '.'11·'~f.· <br />III ephone 01l1p' :f-ay to ~~l.:'IC¡;: 8 lmt'·i~·j ,~~:tt>le a,::;:Oè1f; ¡',(.:G7 1':r~m ;.')troet tor the new 'n .&:AJ <br />Bf'8rment b,~nJang on: t.tli! ìJI~y"l' aTð. Cl~!'J"\( I)t, al..\tt;L:ri~,d to t-ign Guhjelo't to <br />t.he approval of' thr~ (, lft,in eJ'.. H"Ü'i, ·',:&U" ,\:U:3 (5)... Ms..ils (0). <br /> <br />8rœnarl t>iO"6tJ. Crn'lfNn S,¡conöed th~t tl\t'! pl:'I~. m·Ð~'f:111.ud by Squires f.wd Borõen SQUIHES ',' <br />COft$t.ructioil Cior,)i(¡lJl" ;,e J'e!",Y'l'"ed t.\I Lh"'; Plam: il\!-; COi!\IÜssion ?nd Eng5.r,.eet:'.. Plenning Botf <br />C0IUI18s1.on meet..I.tlg on ~lJ ;; an1 Ccun-:.L'. (J~~ 1'~"1 :>6, PLÞ' <br />Green ft.ú8dow (iLl"'" of Lc'(';, 1.8" A.K. Hurn\4lls :ìar1an Lçi",s)., <br /> <br />Corløon Moved, :ihlalð! ~tconded tha.t the lit.ree¡:,(mt to p~y t,ho Vill:)!"'€, a pro- <br />portionate aha,,",. of' wet" not1.Ct t,uhlia.qt.ione ft;r t.he y'Cat' uf 19!í9 be approved <br />and tho }II a:,or- Md Clerk .)8·l'.&$d too r.'.gn, R()l1 C,q.1.1 ) Aye. (S),,,, }fa:r& (1'). <br /> <br />8h1elôø no'Md, Carlson :eèCìDded th~.t. th, CO\\f\ty COIUI iSf:lic»err. lotter apprOVUtf. <br />tile ."pU.cation of \he ¡ 111a"8 for pt~!'\d.e1œ to eros" certAin Netta 11\ oonnec... <br />t10ft wit/a Projeot. 5 of. Sever" 2, 9".1bject t.o ar:pro1'øl :'Jf U~ C¢unt.y Hnrineer" <br />be reteJ'rød to t.he enf,ir~:r for \"e;'nrt~ Roll Cl'li.~ --yes (~)... MElva (0). <br /> <br />m;FC <br />NO'1"!CE <br /> <br />PROJ. ( <br />SIr' J~R <br /> <br />A l.t.ter from the Reerelt.1.on B()8r(~ W~f l.'·oað f.rt.~tirw Mr l..\.uðfors hUij Ito"ed i..v.. APP'f. <br />in, * vacançy on the bctrd.. 'l'bs1 r~~om.1!ended oitt:er ;'.1iHi<)Ø! ¡\. Curtts or Ron J. ~f,'C." <br />F1a'1Aþ,tm be appointeri 'h1#ttll!1 v&~af!cy ~ Tlut CO\U'lCil :flipped " coin to decide 'Which <br />onll to appoint'f Curt1.s ·ton" ßhte!de Moved, r,t~ene Seconded that W1l1iM A. Curt1e <br />'be appcintAld 't.o th!'f ReWI:)'ltior.: &!H,,1 Roll Cr:ll, I\yes (5)"· H~ys (0)" <br />