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<br />... .3 - <br /> <br />BrentLnn !v1oved., Carlson ~1a~ont1f.fri t,ha't. .,hr! V'il.l.¿."e' G0\lCici.):;ew' ~ l~tt~r to Pt :\yrr{'ìH~D <br />the COtT¡/¡¡i~5i.()rlót' (1f Hi,(~h"'¡:¡V3 \lfjt~ 8 f;OPY to fIr í'\r~C~)brey, ~'i<"l1.!':..ct f;n;;inefll"¡¡ ¡FŒA <br />l"e~lE' t(1 R.cq!1ira t.!'f.; ,);ud t.h¡¡t the ~ t.ati' Le,;in).f1t.ur", }~éJF' in,qct.ed" 1tr1 <br />a.r~ of r~ ,,'l6 a~rf.'t~. more ur lM ,";r on tht\ co)"'neY' ,)f ~)nb11 irr and (~~)u.r¡t.y fí:oltd <br />C, Ron CøT!, íiY,,:;~ ("':' f~f.' .'r.'I (I". j <br /> <br />í; let~Ælr front the t-'layo!' 'fas l"e&d c(,rr.mandi ng Warr6n !kennMt for his efforts in PV r:~!1/¡t!")¡ <br />obtaln1nr; the lan1:i from tÈJ€J ::ì1'i'1t,(1 on So!Sllil\g anrl C<'\.1nty R()(>.d Color a play-ground .aR~~A <br />area an" al~~o cünplJ.n fmted the Pl.!r~d,nf' GOltJ;i iUlJion for their fine public spirit. <br />they baVE; shown in the n'lJlfterou8 hel'e~i.nfT,g U1Ðj" ht!ve held in t,he develøpetnent of <br />-, \9 DUltflter plnn for our ~rillaee. <br /> <br />C8rl~(,m Í'OQVfHJ) Shields Seconded t.hJ:lt, peti Ü(¡f) to :1,. l,,;ra6e St, C:('o'iX Street be R;;:CRtI f)f; ;";1'. <br />t"P..r."ed to the engi"oer~ Holl Ca11, Ay~a < 5).. ~,rayf'! (0)" CHOlX s'r, <br /> <br /> , t.t\er trom tbe n .5.. 5cn~ t¡¡¡ 'tiau re8d 3tat, as :.'Ç(loa an th#.t lessÐ ."Pue. POST O¡'''\~CE <br />~ on~. Falcon H&lghta 8ranoh, th$ Post O£fi~e Daparb~.nt w)ll aonøi~er relocnt1ng <br />that branch to a site 71\o1'e centrally located between Falcon Height.. anti Ros.... <br />'fi11e. If'bey have also ohenged the ~.dGnUf:iü."tion of (':úntrflct B:r~l1r.h 29. St. <br />Paul.. to t.he Hl;.set1111e Branch D <br /> <br />Br-et.\nan Moved!! Shields Seconded that the dét£i(~S fl.iX' ~¡') Ri~p;e, Ion.. &nð Prior' <br />Averma be ÐCC''cpta<l pr(.¡vided th~ (':n'~inee:r Hill appro""'~ .s:ame 811:1 that. deeds bð ! <br />on tile b(~tONt t1~ ht, at which t.itne they ",111 '00 f(irva.rd~d tiÛ the I.Itt01"11eY.\\ <br />Roll Cell.. J1V13ft (,).. Nays (oL \ <br />~" <br />, ~ <br /> <br />The en~inM'rs repol'-t orl i·:r. Holtnbergr 5 prope¡ot.Y¡';l1S I'eari and placed on fUe.. <br /> <br />Shields Moved. BrennM sc(wtHled ttllt the rec0mrrE:ndflt.ione of the enf'ioeer be <br />'-coopted and the Colden Ago Nm~si.rl~ Home char .1') be nstabl'ished at <br />,~l14"OO<, RulJ. CJ.U, Ayes (5)·- NeY3 (OL <br /> <br />Dï':¡11S r:R <br />MT. Rl :""E, I <br />ION^ t 1:: tOR) <br /> <br />... <br />HOLt1BlmCRCP, <br /> <br />cm. ¡)EN ",:; <br />flURSINC ¡! ')li <br /> <br />'!be metter ot pa,}"'uøt of d~lín(~I1.Iðr:'t sewer ch;,U"g~s Wtw discussed and booldc:eep"r MINQ" <br />vas adviseð to return ohecks 'jot in full ptJyment of th. account,~ Sß'1IF"R CHt\\GIS <br /> <br />Shields MovedI' Keene Seoonded that eaSetf1lJnt. No" 1052 tor Anthon,r ,} ~ and <br />&lis.beth Sc:hrn1dt in the .amount of ':'>'l.19S..00 be raiò and check :f'orvarcJed to <br />the attornÐ~' and the Mayor and Clerk be aut.h()r1:11e~ to 51.1,11' ttl6 ¿~Qrneat money <br />cantrsct" Roll Calllt Aye~ (S').., t!sys (0).. <br /> <br />A lettMr fl"orn the PolioG Civil Service Commission was rnléi recvJ'IVI\erv' an <br />wreaøe in ,;,ay' fot, the PoUCfft ChiAf ðn.e to the M«tel.1sit.y or spending liON <br />t1M on daily police work, det.racUl'1g tram his r.f}fI'11ar ßIP1plopønt", CftI'lson <br />Moved, Bren.'1.Øft Seconded tbøt the,teI' be t.ab1nd one week .ad that t11e <br />OouDcilmset \rlth tbð Poliee Chio£ to be bri.f4Þ'i on the dotieo of the Police <br />Chief'.. Roll 0811,. Ayes (,) ... Ueys (I).. <br /> <br />Shields MOVðð¡r Breltnan s.con~d tbet the loan l:hr.1.tB on ~11 vtUae:fI st.reets <br />be li.tted. Roll Call, Ayett (~)"' Na;re (0). <br /> <br />T"M mat")... ;;¡:f ~ndinf t'iremf.!fn to the 1<i1nnÐ~$Ott\ S·t.~t(': Fire ComrElot.ion U'CB <br />tabled eM week.. <br /> <br />A frO\\1 ,fudge Fr.anke vas re~~d requea'ti,nr, some fon" of ventilation <br />be sfloux~ed foZ' t.h~t Clerk of Court and Judg(tß otfiae. ThE-! Clerk' wi.:tl obtain <br />cst irr.nt£~8 and hav~ a vE'rtt.lli!ting fan in!';t,Al1ed, <br /> <br />ESMT. 1J1l' ',~ <br />SO'fI'll'ØJ' <br /> <br />PCILICE t'1 ,'F <br />SALARY <br /> <br />LO^D LTF1"::; <br /> <br />FIRE C'd"~\' f ;'1' or <br /> <br />V' N'l'It^'J'H ¡ FM <br />