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<br />,. r; ... <br />Brennan !4oved. C;;rlson Eioc:onðød wat: the ~:tJG'cment f':'on~ i"rank GIHCO'M'A ESM'f. FOR. <br />Cinootta for tJle dedication of Galti0!' Str<~9t; bs ncc~)ptf.Jct 'Öy Gi\l.tIE.R ST ~ <br />the V:illa.?;é tint'! toM"f!t\S title r:ertH1c"ta he f.U'.?d of record" <br />Roll Call, ~ye~ (S)-Nays (0). <br />The East thirt.y (a..3o) ,tee't of L{)l.;ht C3ß) <br />in Block one (1) 1n Rolling Gr(?on. REt!r.Sal County, <br />Minnesota, aoco¡..·ting to thepl:ít thereof fi1ad of <br />record 1n tho;¡ office of the ItEWistl"'tU" of Titles <br />within And !'or s~~.d Count'ð". <br />Tbe ut'te of Raid la:1d 1ft hereby llmit",d to axtenrH.n@; <br />Cal tier Street in a l1orttHH"ly' M:f'o~~Uon t.o t.he South <br />line of South MoQarl'ont ø Blvd. Ð.nd ii' :u::1.d vl:t.1.$.r.ø <br />should at anyt1rn. discontinue thß usa of said 1l.1nd <br />tor a't.r'eet purposes. the title therett':l ~nltharl rø- <br />vellt in the gran:tor'e herol!l.. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, 5hields Sec.oJ\ded that fir'ß. It} GI3 Stau l..~y he €.1I.plo,ycd SECRF:T~,RY 'i1>1f L\J!E'r. <br />at t8S0.00 as ~.cret.är:r t.o the CleJ:'k and tak~ (~oum:;iJ. m:i1mtm; and <br />OpeNte tM _1:tchbcarð~ Roll Call, Ay-ea (,)... Nays (0)" <br /> <br />Shi.e1.<i8:M.oved, CRrlson ~;eoondf:tò tha~J r~tn:ny \(O!';T¡eis:i:.t:!¡' mwl Garol 'WArm INC1r.~(~tï:S <br />LaÐa:rre be 'Ín<u'p.1itGed tc ~292.()O a month,~ ei'f~t'~.llit'~ :11> oJ' Höy 1, 19~)9.. <br />Ro~l Cdl, lye" (s).. N11jffi (oJ. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved. ltP,GM Seconded t.ha't. thf) C} ol'k bA inat,l'ì1.cted to have tMe !J:GJOR 1.ŒTNGE <br />1n1de of the liquor lounge painted" ?C(:o~·:i:in~ t.c 9peci:f1.o!~tlons oJ PHN'rE1) <br />M:r. :¡.aesen" liqu.or mannret'. Roll Gall,. !I]!íi'; (S)..,N1.}~rs (O). <br /> <br />Cql$orl }joved, Bren'ß~lt SecondPJd ,~¡..t, (,;aStw;cnt /11,169 :1)" ¡:'\fin~; ar;ò E..~T. /11169, 11"/'J <br />'aith Gol/'Tberg and aasœ\ant {/ 11"Or01' Rob~rt; EO' ~nd Jun~ D. l,ambert <br />be appl"OVed and tho ha;yor arid Clerk be aU~,I¡(lf'hari to Roll Call, <br />Ayoø (~},,, H8.Y!! (ú). <br /> <br />aeor~Ð Rail1nr W1I.1:S hesr"¡ r(.que~ting nddHionrÙ ).Fmò. be zoned fox' hi!! REILING PROP. <br />ahopr 1nr ~erlter. He '\le6 roqutJAted t<J pre:;E;nt, his Y'(i2\OrJirte reque"t <br />the ft8W eoninJ! o.r-tfinllnce i8 adopted. <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />Shieldø Moved, ClJrleor! Sðool1d~d t~nt :}5.00 b.ø r..tlid to t~orthp.!·n St~.t~s on ";\AMKS TURNED IN <br />'ower f'or tw.-ninß on the bur'!.1Qj;" .f'of' the dl hr\kÐ" Hc.ll C.~lj,~ AY/3l$ (~)... <br />M..,.s (O).. . <br /> <br />Shields }toyed, Curloon Seconded t..'1nt Rich~t.'tf BOT'Slfl& þe fo.rmployed 85 It SM'R INSPECrOIt <br />"'1" in.spector At ~.( () <peI' máM..h and t.o b' paid JRlles(1e vh10b act-- HIRlD ' <br />ua113 eeaP.'ed in work. R"11 0(\11. Ayef!. (5)", Na~r' {(;jt}... (0) <br /> <br />" Shield,. Moved. 9renrum Sec('Indod that th,fi be adjou1'tutd.. Roll pal'1, <br />.J'" (~)... 198.1& ( 0) ... ( A:i j0111'1le ð ... }J,! 20 :P "I( .. ) <br /> <br />£> <br />SQ-.L_. <br /> <br /> <br />A'M'I!;S'k·· <br /> <br />A <br /> <br />~ -~·-"'--e;r:!iJ:l~· <br /> <br />v<:Ui1~ <br /> <br />--....··---·-1·-=::·- <br />