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<br />I.t ... <br /> <br />5irl-1 t'", ~ved, H\"f:nr\qn C:-""~(If\flt)'" "',hat, thlf m,*t~f'J:" (,¡')b.,fiX,ir',g f';l' 1f¡~. LYJ", lye q>';;¡~'J':Jft ¡I(~ <br />8r~t&».. 'O~ ~hê- 'Hl1'~ ~ ¡{"l.l ~; l't,f'("r!'(;l'Ì to.t the ~if'j,nfler aOr\ I'eFoL't ba~k iJ11,LAt~: <br />veek. Roll ~~11, ~s (5) - W~g (0). <br /> <br />!he 'U18l(. Olerk was requeßt,a~ to m'8et with 1tLr.. MiaROrit Liquor Þ-1anater VACUUM cr,1'~-'W It <br />1M ð1fsOUts the need of 8 V~C'\1um cleRner ~md )k. Þ-1iesan 6boul'~ tNanit a <br />letter to the CotU1Cil if he ff.I!.Üa one is ne(ir\(!)d, <br /> <br />Sh1eldB Move~t ¡{eone Seconderl t.hat nesolutton 263 be ~'Iopte<!, ::IftIenfiing <br />'Re801utf.on 2'J1, atiding the '~Ot'"fJ1,ng NO rnHW'E to the aprre9ment between <br />the P'ale<m,lfe1ghts n:1() Ro '(Ø'Villg ¡¡'ire 'OepC1t'tlnen t., P.oll C~11, Ayes (,)- <br />'-,s (~). ' <br /> <br />Brennan KOYGd., Shiélds Seoonðeð t.hat the mRinto!"18t\ce bidø tot' tbe <br />10\1IIII& be tøJ.e d OM week. Roll Cell. A:retJ (5)~· Nays (f} ì .. <br /> <br />fbe ...quat for a t.ruek tor i.ho :IIsalntenant.:G anti ~1' dorart""ent be <br />oonUmHMt t.o Kø,y 19th. and Shhlds wIll work with t.Íla Fo'nrineer and <br />d!.acu8s +...he _pa ()f' the Roed roþaM'ment.. <br /> <br />Sbiolcts Moveti, J', c;eCónde~ t,hat Ið0al BrM~ hc r,rfJ.nted a builñÙ1fJ <br />'-'$11; to bull~ an ädrlitlon t;() tr~1r bU1J.,-Enp;" Roll Oa11£ Ayes (5)... <br />"'1' (0). <br /> <br />rAt.. maIM <br />FIRE m. 1tF5Ol,,". <br /> <br />MAItrr. BI~ ~ <br />LotlIOl. <br /> <br />'1'RU CK FOR : AI ~ . <br />& $ ~IJf~a œFT. <br /> <br />lYE,\!' BRaSS <br />lI. 00. pf'~;".. <br /> <br />BrøIUI8t\ Moved.. C~:rlson 9&t:(}r\l:.I.~i1 ~,h,nt tn·;. follcnrl.!~g U.¢!~ngos bæ appro1J'\';d, tICt"l~:W.8 APf"R(.Jt.. <br />t01.1 Call, Ayes ($),.. NaY-I; (0)" <br /> <br />'OOC í{Et['lJ t1. <br />Rifitl, Hni <br />2271 w~ Hwy~ # 36 <br /> <br />S';,'H'l nw 2{};)1. !!t, f¡ASCNTlY <br />t':TIrr'tmn;T:-"C'ð:;--'- <br />9'128 OrchÐrd ~priJ1~s Rd.. <br />r,"pl(~B" 20 <br /> <br />QENER A L CON'T'. <br />JtèlfOttifì "'CõñÁt.. <br />2'111 N, F'Bil"vie~1 l\Vð~ <br /> <br />P[}.í~í :,ING <br />'",~."'¡~''!II'' I'" .,.' <br />II .J."f\J. s.... (, :of, 1" ~a,,' t.( <br />791 f~ayJH'nd <br /> <br />Z'.l~ém~ A,,, Papelkppt <br />l1.t, ::. J.3ke :3t... Mpls. 8 <br /> <br />!i'r'1J\')~h 1'. fri.e:rna;r <br />18711 f'ellwood <br /> <br />~teb.frrl I. .:OOJ'& <br />2S11 StIa Ave. 9.. ~ \1plcs <br /> <br />"" SALE BERt <br />~~m' ffe1~.cate.Mft <br />1147 ,.!.. L~..,.nwv <br />following bills be paid.. Roll BILLS P~ro. <br />$693.S1 <br />4b4 .89 <br />S,. 220.$0 <br />)00.00 <br />37B..61 <br />9),,1, <br />¡ .1:)0" 17 <br />. 69S.,)' <br /> <br />Brennan ~;r ved, Carleon 5ecoud$d tlUlt th... <br />c.ll.. A,. (S1... H418 (0).. <br />Ð1atille:t"s Distributing COIbPW <br />'awl Br.mda <br />Gr'lr¡Yf) & Cooper &: Canpany1 Inc" <br />McLaughlin Bever:. r~e ComplU11 <br />Þ\oKesaon &~ (cobbins <br />M'S.d--West Wine COC¡PSß;Sf <br />Ol~ Peoria Compél~'1' 100" <br />Ed Phillips & Sons Co~ <br /> <br />Bre:lìiH3.'1 1-:ol,/'ø.1r r; ,d."-Jo" ~:,Ð(;O~L .1 U;<¡'f. t':¡C I ';~'ìU,'y eafianer.t., for C:é\t'l J.. V^N0 HH'Y. E.~i;'i:":. <br />and I1r.b:Ü S. \~'pner'JJ.e 1,~ ~~O: {)l' w~;' o,t' L;j'f. J.5, RcÐ6crø.at Ililt.3r5 and Rich~%'t'Ì <br />C¿ ~md Î'1orlel1€ P. \' ~m7 ¡ ~ú~ ',.' :):¡' ,if \ý~ (,;' L( t, ;,4~, ROl!'!ocreßt VUJ..ÐEI be <br />acccptdd I!mô n":i:~(; of \:'<:'(:0..-'/, :~:i1) G;~n. i'Yë!:; (r.)" Nays (0), <br />