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<br />POLtCE <br />- <br /> <br />Chambers Standard Service <br />Distributors Supply Co"" Inn" <br />Ray D~v1s & Sons <br />Elk Laundry Co" <br />Hanson's Plaza Drugs, IncQ <br />Latutf' Bros., Inc.. <br />Latutf' Bros., Inca <br />Motorola <br />N.\.J. Bell Telephone Co., <br />Sn9der'8 Drug Stores, Inc.. <br /> <br />GENERAL <br /> <br />F.. Morettin! Construct.ion Co., <br />Ed Weg1e1tner <br /> <br />'r j <br /> <br />T.) <br />:0)\ r1~ t. coni; <br /> <br />142,,27 <br />4'1.,05 <br />5,,60 <br />.3~89 <br />IHo90 <br />12e70 <br />{;,QO <br />17~6o <br />1?~65 <br />4..32 <br /> <br />350, I)') <br />3,,00 <br /> <br />Shields I'1oved, Keene Second~)d tha.:!; ~20,OOO JJ:tCj"(lOT Sinking 'I'r,3,~,surY' 131118 <br />be l'9-imested in short. t.9m Ho]1 G'll,. /,)r83 (!)) '. N,l:!,:J (0);, <br /> <br /> <br />Keene Mcwed, Carlson 2econdE'ld i),<lt t.te: UC;19Njl;JS lx) npp:ro\T(3d. ;{o11 C&11:" <br />Ayes (5) - ~&ys (0).. <br /> <br />OFF SAlE BEER <br />. <br /> <br />Mieh&el Schwartz <br /> <br />CIOAREnES <br />- <br /> <br />Michael Schwartz <br />Krause Texaco <br />Benjamin Prot1 tt <br />Mack Hotel <br />Lyle Jespersen <br /> <br />SOFT DRINKS <br /> <br />Michaol Schwartz <br />Benjamin Profitt <br />Mack Hotel <br />~man Fe. <br />Johnnie' 8 Texaco <br />Rogers Take-Out Food <br />Lyle C.. Jeeperaen <br /> <br />4 PUMPS <br />l <::p' <br /> <br />Benjamin Prof'i tt <br /> <br />.LI{.:'CY'J.Si.:.' <br />/~ jJ~:'ft(rJT::,::} <br /> <br />l.l~ <br /> <br />~.le c~ Jesperson <br /> <br />GE:NERAL OONTRACTOR <br /> <br />Suburuban Gnrag'O C(.l" <br />S & W Const., Co~ <br /> <br />HARM AIR REA TINO <br /> <br />Al~""""'" <br /> <br />ll'red V ogt <br />PI.UMBING <br /> <br />R0b81"t M. Doody <br />ELEC'lRlCAL <br /> <br />Melvin J.. Williams <br /> <br />FOODSTUFF <br />..4_ <br /> <br />Happy HO'USf) Shop <br />F..gakvist Balmriee <br /> <br />Shields MO'1'ed, Kftsne Soo:onded Resolution #32f be adopted ,:mtho:r1.7dng HE;:;OLUTIC\'-: <br />the Attorney to proceed with eondGmna.'l:J.on on the stephen & Torasa Bl!lhr i13;,':' <br />property easement and the Mayor and Clerk be suthori~ed to sign it <br />toget.her vith the petition" Roll Cw.l~ Ayes (5) "" N8ys (0),. <br /> <br />Shields Mt'Ned, Ke~ne Seoonded that Resolution #319 be a.dopted author1r.:\.ng RE:SOLUTlG)~ <br />the Attorney to proceed with condemnation on the Christia.n & Elizabeth 11'319 <br />Tschidn property easement and the M~or and Clark be authoriz@d to eign <br />it together 1dth tM pet1tton. RoD. (}~11~ A~ves (!)) ~,. Nays (0), <br />