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<br />f: ~. <br /> <br />Shields :"foo-ed, Keene Second.3d t~hat tho eernefJ4,:. money t:<rrL:c..r;c;:, <:r;,:"1'1;1}~?:'1.' <br />#1202 in the amount of $u95.,(l() Joseph B. & Eleanor A, Tl;:)l:j/,'\n::l~' appxO'ii)(1 <br />and the Mayor am Clark be authorized to execute sarne" J{4:.,;11 Call, A:res ('3) '.. <br />Nqs CO},. <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlson Seconded that the earnest money contra.ct on Easemsnt EA.:iEI'iEN'f <br />#1228 JOseph B~ and Eleanor Eo Thomas in the amount 0'1' $h95.,OO 1Xi 8.ppr<Ji{'3d <br />and the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to e:xt)('.:'Ute same, Roll C811,_ Ayr:.!s (5) <br />Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Csrlson l-!ored, Shields Seconded that the e,BM'1est mone;r corrtr,~l(fC on l~~a qemerrt EJt:~~;~Iq}:~~N11 >~ <br />#1229 Ado1f'son and Peterson in the amount of $100",00 ce apPJ:'OII'ed &'1d t,he <br />Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute Sa.m~h Roll C'll) Ayus (5) >, <br />r~ays (0). <br /> <br />Carl""on U""'ed ~""'-"'an Secondcc'[ ~hot tr''''' <>t""n"'''''' TIlo''''.',..,.r 170....\L.,.,~,""t 0.1' F'.e'''''''l1''''.'''' li'I~.'~:->l\fJ;'l\'lr( <br />IiOI' j,rlvY' , 1..~~ V U",< "'d~ '4:"...:...:'.1./_ ~t.JIV ',.I.\..'t..f} ."...,,1. ,j" '......J,;;, A,;,:;,.I,t;.;'I!;). ~,~....t.lL '0,..,/,..1. I,I..}. ,.. <br />#1351 Harvey R. and 10farie Lee Peters tn the MlOUllt of .:~10,,\OO bf.:lapr.rro70c <br />and t'-- V..._ and Clerk be t'''l'<''r,,.,.,,,..Iz'''d to ,......o(.u...e S"T!''"'' D(,'t'i ('t\11 !l"\>"m"" ( t:;) .0 <br />l11i3 .l-~V.l.' ....If....,...~l~.}.... c ro;:;i^, , t.J ~'..)',. .1';... ~,,_.,..l- _J,.",....~,.., "'_'., ~t;} "pO'.' <br />Nays (0) ~ <br /> <br />Carlson Moved.. Shields Seconded 'e,hat t.he e,9:Ml9sl:, fc.oney cont:;;'dC:'l:.. o.n E~:LS(~memt Lk:;f!;j.Jfi;;'E' .. <br />#1350 AU Robert smd Shirle~t Lee in the tI.1110tmt of $69,00 be ;:;pproved, ,~md <br />t.he Mayor and Clerk be authorized to e'>>Jcute same.. Roll Call;, AJ''f~lj (5)~, <br />Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Flanagan Moved, C"'rlson Seconded that the e.urneWG money eont,.!':~ct, on t;W3Gl:'len'(, E}~;:!;>D,~;'ri' <br />1n."~2 Al! Robert And Sh1rlej<" Lea in t.he amount of ~60()OO be SiI,pprcivii-)d'i'r.nd <br />the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execut0 88m" Rc~ll Cell;:. Ayr85 (~~) <br />Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Flanagan Seconded that the tlIllrnBst money cont):',M~t on E;:lgl!llTl~i'lt EASE}lI![<.:N'r <br />#1230 Adoltson and Peterson in the amount of' $100.,00 be appreved and 'c'he <br />Mayor and Clerk be authorizEld '1:.0 execute MJI1e6 Roll Call" A":l~f! (5) ~, Nays (OL <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Seconded that the 3a:l"OOst meney C(;nt:l"{<{~t Oft E'ISml'lQ'fri:. E.\~;EHENT <br />#l29OA John F. And Rita Andert in the amcu;lt ot $1';0",00 be QUl>l".al"l':.?d nlJd 'tho <br />Ma;,yor and Clerk be authorized to execute 8ame~ Ro~n Call:; P~~'tl (5) " N~:rfJ (0), <br /> <br /> <br />Sb1eldfJ Moved, Keene Seconded that tt..e eaT'nest mons;; contl'!.c'c. on E ,- 8E11~nt. KASI1.[S~:n: <br />#1228 Joe ThOllUUJ Property in the amount ot $900..00 bl'!) apprO'lGd ,snd ~Jho <br />Mrqor and Clerk be authorized to execute same.. Roll Call, Ayes (5) ~. NaYf:1 (0),. <br /> <br />ShU1ds MOVed, Flanagan Seeonded that Ordinance #287 be ndopt.t;'tt o.r.~mcl:n.g <br />Seotions 6.1-6 (b) and 6..2...3 or Ord:1.nance Uo~ 27S the Zoning Ordinance. <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - *1'8 (0). <br /> <br />B1iOIN.AJICE ,112n ',' <br /> <br /> <br />Roll GhJ.l <br /> <br />AD,70lJRNMEN'f <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />~WJ~ <br />