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<br />Ragulflr mt~et:trlg of t;;H,~ <br /> <br /> <br />'}-l~J C' <br /> <br />'''I: J", <br />!.L ~' <br /> <br />~ ,~.! G?'~D <br /> <br />The Village Council met on t.he l:tb(\>.re dvte torlth the fol1mdnp.; FlHmboI'fi <br />present: Mf(I('Ol" Cl9darholm, 'j'ean8} GtlJ'lf.'3on~ '~':l,D.llHr,.gn" nrld ;,::hJ,C31 dEl <br />At 'ool"ney l.of"lisgaM'den and E~nr,in$et' Sou tt'(')1' ~'r"'tro aleo preS0ln'(:, '. <br /> <br />r~ ,~C,() P <br /> <br />Keene Moved, v3h1elda Seeond,:'ld th:.n:. th~, liyi.:rmt~::l of T1N:H3d.gJ'~ 3::\.l:Jw'i:"Y 5J NIN1JTES <br />1960 be approved 803 presentl~d) Re.] 1 Gf\'U~ :,~r€.tl (.5) ... N"W~1 (.)). <br /> <br />A lettel" was read. from the Cor:~tid,::;~;:tOl":: ;:'jJlr.",.:hre to the: Hl.Ui'llbal.g BtrMEERG <br />Rezoning. Shields Moved, K~ane Soc,:ondcd,tl'Lp:i:i the HIUl\'!borg rUy~on:i.rlg" l:nZONING <br />public hearing be contlnued the F'r-)bI''LHlry 9th mea'i;;l.lJt;. noll CE,11, <br />Ayes (S) - Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Keene Se'OOndad tl.1nt t/:~").0i' prelim:tnaI"Y pla.t ht'j '\.'l00DBlIDGl~ <br />referred to the C'..t'l1rrmisston :ror tJ1(~ji' F(~bru.Br~r :3J:'d, Hmr..nUN'I\RY' <br />:~8 a (5)P: ~~~h( o):a.t be given 1")r~Jlr'l';~;Engin(jer,, non C:nl1~, <br /> <br />Shields Iicwed, Keene Secono.":d ;1' t!1~~~ '..lestelrn Hills plnt. publ.:lc '\.{ESTE;ml HlL~: <br />hearing be continued untlli;.h,~ ",a::t1.m:'.:r 19th tllBeting so thJtt t.,h~J COl"l"oot FI7"lAL PL'\!' <br />signatures can put on the plate, F:cTJ. GtJJ.l, A:rofoJ (5) ,.. it.!!.S's (0)" <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlson Seconded t, 'at th~! It:r!;w.r ,tram Rober.ts Constrl1ct..ioYJ WESTI!::RN Ell,,,, <br />Co. requesting sanitary' sewer :for WesUl:a:'T1 Hilla be refoo."'l'ad to the SAN. SEh'1J? <br />V1.llsge Engineel"and &n1.3t~~i:' Englnee71ng C(l" 11011 CaD,!, Pyes (5) ,~, <br />Nays (O)" <br /> <br />Shields ~~od, Keene thtl L the lettf:11' f.rom 'the Planning Commiss:1.on AC'I'On CONS'I'i1 <br />relative to the Acton Coostructio', trailer camp proposal be placed on TRAILER CAV? <br />tile" Roll Call, Ayes (5) ... N'8YS (0) '-' <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Keene Seconded thn l~ tho designation or 'banks h~) layed over <br />unt11 an opinion is reoeind frcJ1n the AttClrn&Y GenerlAJ." Roll Call, <br />Ayes (,) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Flanagan Moved, Carlson SeeondGd t.h.e.t the Bernard &ck request, tar :N\"" <br />zoning be referred to the FlaM:!; g Commission for their February 3rd <br />meeting. Roll Call.. Ayes (5) ~ 'fays (0). <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Keene Seconded tj I :i. t the Andereon...Eriekson AdM tion #2 <br />preliminary plat be approved" ;':>:1.1 C&11" Ayes (5) - Naya (0) ~ <br /> <br />"'",", <br />"",,,) <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlson SeoOncleLI that resolution #322 relative to <br />apportionment of asaessmeI1'C.s 11', to Sanitary Sewer Improvement No.1 be <br />adopted. Roll Call, Ayes (S) << Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Shiolds Moved, Keone Seeondec that resolution 1/323 relative to apportion- <br />ment of I1seessments as to SAn \.t,6.lj' Sewer Impr.ovement No" 2 be I1dopted.. <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - ~ays (01. <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />DESIGNATION 'ii <br />BANKS <br /> <br />BERnARD BEC~';' <br />REZOfUNG <br /> <br />ANDt.'RSON" <br />ERICKSON AD! <br />r~o. 2 <br /> <br />RESOLUTImr <br />#322 <br /> <br />Rl':SOW'f! 0 n <br />#J' '2'J <br />, '.,.1' <br />