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<br />? <br /> <br />Carlson Morad; Keen$ Seconded that the: fol10'ri1ng officert:: :f'OY' t.he RomNil1e <br />Voltu1oo<<t" Fu'e Department be apP.NJved.. ;{oll Call,ll AY'68 (~) - Nays (0)" <br />Fire Chief L.9.Wl"Mce Squires <br />Asst.. Fire Olief HErrber.t luneh <br />2nd Asst~ Fire Chief .Adolph Olson <br />Secretary IUchard Carrier- <br />Treasurer Hil ton Bahneman, 81"" <br />}t"' Marshal Ed Waglei tner <br />ABst.. Fire HI'.1"'ahal Leo Jarolnbek <br /> <br />FlR.nagan Moved, Cl'lrlson Seco~'l1.ied that t.he IoU' bid from Jchnso:t'l B1"Os... <br />Decorat~ Co. tor paint.:i~ne :1.nterioJ:' of 'the Village Hall a'c ~245"oo <br />be accepted. Roll Call, Ayes (5) .. ~laya (0).. <br /> <br />Shields Moved~ Keene Secorrled that T:toeo Electrie Co.. be given 'tho eon- <br />tract tor installing the elactr1.o lights needed In the V:1.:Ur:,r,e Hnll <br />at $215000. Roll Call, Ayes (5) ~ Nayn (0)" <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Keene Seconded th,~t th(~ polic~} report 1.'1'1' !k:c0mbe:c nnd tht"J <br />annual police report be placod i.;r: .file)., Ro 11 Call ~ Ayc'!s '., S) ~ Na:ya (0) ~ <br /> <br />Shields 1I0V'ed, Flanagan Seoonde6. th:!lt 1'.11.'] resignation of' Carel Hog:rei't~j <br />effective January 15, 1960 be acc03ptad... Roll Call, Ajl3S (5) - i'Ja.;,rs (0).. <br /> <br />Carlson M09'ed, Keene Seeomed that the letter f".f'01ll Banister E;nglneoring <br />Co. explaining how the 823.5'000 p<~r 8C'1''e) chargs for the three ''7il1agea <br />which have requested connections 'o.t.l-J t.he Roeevll1e Baniw'Y B131Rer <br />system was arriTed at be placad on file. Roll Cw.l.. Ayee (5) ,w NayEl (0)" <br /> <br />Shields lb'.d, Flanagan Seconded t.hat the Ag..l"'eement with northern states <br />Power Co.. for three-phase el(>>otrie l!6:t"V'ice at 2090 Walnut Street ~~ Q <br />cost ot $1.$89000 be Macted.. Roll ~~l, Aye[f (.5') - Nays (0) ~ <br /> <br />Shieldstb'ed, Keene Seconded trilJ t, the letter ~'om the Planning CoulYllie;:aion <br />relative to special meetings that will 00 held January 19 and 28 be .~ <br />placed on rile... Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0),. <br /> <br />Shields lob1ed, Flanagan Seconded that the minutes of the Planning <br />ColYldss1on meetings be placed on file in the Village Hall in aceordanee <br />w1t.h the request or MJ:t. GUles. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Keene Seconded that the Couneil ooncu.r with ''t:.b! Engineer's <br />recOIInendat1.on to inatall an el6ctnc heater in the concrete l1tt station <br />on S.T.H. 1280 and apprwe change order Hl, Project 8.. ImprovGDll!tnt 2. <br />Roll Call, A.)"\t8 ($) - N&)'8 (0). . <br /> <br />Carlson Mewed, Shields Seconded, that the insurance policy covering <br />commercial proper.ty on the various liquor stores ani stock 1n the amount <br />ot $1,,800..00 be accepted from the \im.. Hite .Agency.. Roll Call, Ayes (.5') - <br />Nays (0).. <br /> <br />K.eene MOved!) Carlson Seconied that the f'ollotdng bills he J.>Irl.d,,,, Roll <br />Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />FIRE TJB:PAmJ'd:, <br /> <br />PAINTIHG '7IU,\,' <br />HJI.L1J <br /> <br />l~LEC. IlrCir1~:',tS <br />:m Vn,LA eII'. c; <br /> <br />POLICE II Ere::' <br /> <br />RESIGNATTJJ'l <br />CAROl. H(Y.iiir;, i' <br /> <br />SEHER H\'JO;{",l<~ <br />err AR GTI; F'01< <br />VILlAGES <br /> <br />NORTRmtrr [;i.:'i,:. <br />A GREEM1!j\IT <br /> <br />SPECIAL ~{E:P;T"P: <br /> <br />MOUl'ES OF <br />PLANNING emi};" <br /> <br />CHANGE ORDE1t <br /> <br />INSURANCE <br /> <br />BILlS TO BE~ <br />PAID <br />