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<br />VILL(Ci!'; ()f FO~3;~\i] liLE <br /> <br />'Rcp,-ular meet:lng of the Vil1ll.r;:e C01Jn(~i).,j 'luesda;T, April S, 1960 <br /> <br />2:00 P.i::.. <br /> <br />The Villarre Council met on the above date with the following membcirs <br />present: r.'~ayor Cedarholm, Carlson, Shields, Flanap'an, and Keene. <br />Attorney toftsgaarden and gn~lneer Aoutter were also ~resent. <br /> <br />Keene "'oved, Shields ~econded that the Minutes of the re~lar l.::nmTRS <br />of Tuesday, r,'aroh 22nd be npT>l'()Vad a.s presented. Roll Call, 'yes (!O .. <br />Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Shields ifoved, Carlson Seconded that the minutes of' the special "lOeting '~INU'l'ES <br />held Fri~, !'faroh 2Sth be approved as presented with the excerytion of <br />Page 1, under the first motion it should read "Flanagan 'OIled., Cnrlson <br />Seconded, and on Pap,e 2, thi1'd paragrc,ph the motion should read <br />"F1.anaean i'1oved, C'rlaon Seconded". T-:olJ. Cnll, l.'yes (h) .' ~:ays (0). <br /> <br />::1". ?eter Paulos appeared before the Council reql.lostinR n buildinr: njlllING BWG. <br />permi t at ,'302$ J.t./heeler. There was a qtlestion HS to whether it c:J1'Tmliod l"mT'IT <br />with Ordtnance 1/215" Shields ;'o'lroo., Flanagan :~cconded t.hv,t the Paulos <br />property problem be referred to tho j\ttorne,i' to report back nGY-t <br />week. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - i!a;ls (0).. <br /> <br />i:r. Roland ~fi1seY', President of' the Chamber of ComMerce appeared before REJi'IECTOH <br />the Counoil statinB that the Chamber of Commel~e r~B reflectorizad SIm1S <br />signs to be installed in Roseville and have :)200,,00 to buy the posts <br />and requested that the workmen place the signs at the entrance to <br />streets to be designated by the Hayer and Hr 0 Chenoweth, Rar.tsey Count)' <br />En<<ineer. <br /> <br />r:r. J. 13. Hanson delivered a. rezoning petition on the following descrj.b- !'JA~1S)r.r. REZO~"F.C\ <br />tId nroJ)erty: TUE s,')um 177 Fr::ET OF THE F'J.ST 255 'F'EET Of TIm i'!!':ST <br />743-3/10 FEET OF THg SOUTH"1ES'l' }i' OF 'lHF. s~.'TmvEsTt OF SECTI0H 12, <br />'ro"I-rsnIP 29, PA"rGE 23, to rezon4J'j'rom R-l to B-1 in order to bu;ld <br />the Rosev:Ule Plaza Rest 1101'1'19. Shields l~OV'ed, Keene Sp.conded that <br />the Hanson Resonit1lt 'Pet1 t10n be refen'ed to the Plann1nr=; Commission <br />.for their April 19th treeting. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - .lays (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Fred Sohm~ 265' ~,finne8ota Avenue, appeared be.t~re' the Council <br />asld."8 that the lI:np;tneer check his sewer location before he has it <br />installed. Flanagan 'bted, Shields Seconded that the l"!8.tter be <br />reterred to ths llhgll'luJr for report bnck next week. Roll Call, Ayes <br />(~) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Garley Construction Company submitted a request for a build:tng permit <br />tal- an ll-un1tapartment building on land zoned L1nd.ted Business. <br />Sh1elds noved. Keene Seconded that the special p$X'ill1t requeltb',' the <br />Gerley Construction Coo be referred to the 'Planning Commission.. <br />Roll Call. il.yes (S) - Na7f,l (O)o " .I\~t <br /> <br />Shields 11cwed. Carlson Seoonded that ~8et Vi." ;..cidlt1on ;12 <br />preli~ plat be referred to the Plann1ne Commission. Roll Call, <br />Ayes (S) - ~s CO). <br /> <br />SOH!{ SEte <br />LOCATImr <br /> <br />G/lRLEYIlUILUIUG <br />p~vrr <br /> <br />HUJ1Sft V'.IEt-l <br />ADl>IttON Il~ <br /> <br />Shields ~foved, Carlson Seconded that. the public bearing on the \'!oodb%'ldgeJ~l00DBP..IDGE ADD. <br />Addition Final Plat be eat up for April 19th. Roll Call. Ay&s (,).. .'INAL PlAT <br />Nay'S (0). <br />