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<br />i <br />... <br /> <br />'rho '5uildine: Im:t.H.:ztcn' rCr..xL::'(;.{:di:, llc:;m,pi::cted t.he proper'ty. at <br />2325 Dale St. and found that ':;m:'iu7al rigs are being stored on this <br />property from the 0' Neill il.lnuse!Tlent. Co.. Shields !'loved,J Carlson <br />Seconded that the Building In:3poctor ",Tit.e to Hr. 0' Neill inform:i.lig' <br />him that he is in V'lolation of the O:rq;inance.. Roll Call, Ayes (5) - <br />Nays (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Peter Popcwich subnutted .a petition for local improvement from <br />Independent School Dlstrict He., 621 t~ build a 60 foot road fOl" t,ne <br />Johanna. Jr. High School. ShiGlds >'[O\red., Flanagan feconded that t.he <br />pet! tion for a road for Johanna Jr.. Eig:1 School be referrHd to 'l:.he <br />Engineer. Roll Call,_ Ayes (S).... IIay:'3 (:))~ <br /> <br />!ho. Short reported the tabulation of bids on Improvement 3, Project5 <br />Sand 6, San 1 tary Jewer.. F.. !foret~tint Const. Coo Here low hi.dders <br />with a combined bid for Projects;; and 6 of ~"n15,935~,25"j Shields <br />Hoved, Carlson Seconded t.hat t'hE, b::l.d for Improv(.:!ment 3, Projects .'5 <br />and 6 be awarded to F',. l'ioratti,n:1. a.:.1 H single contrClct" Ftoll Call, <br />Ayes (5) ~ ~ays (0). <br /> <br />Shield.s :'loved, Keene Second(~ct .f'or. the adoption i)f l1er;ollltiOl1 #334 <br />and #33S accepting bid for:' T:r.; "ove\1lent 3" frojects ~~ a:'ld 6.. HoD. <br />Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />The Attorney made a report on the connect:ton of the three villages ta <br />the R086'1'ille Sewer Sys'!jems st.l1tin[~ thHt the City of St.. Paul has not <br />takan any action as yet.. <br /> <br />Shields r.fCJlfed, Flanagan Secondudthat we purchaso the $50,000 from <br />in bonds f'rom John ~een &. Co.. Roll Call, Ayes (>) ... NaY'S (0). <br /> <br />Shields HOlrSd, Keene Seconded that we purchase the $10,000 in bonds <br />from Allison-ltlilliBll1s Conroany'o Roll Call, It yes (5) - Nays (0)... <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlson Seconded that we soll $1,000,000 in Bonds on <br />14q 4, 1960, at 7:30 P.H,. in the Vl~lage Trall. Roll Call, Ayes (5) _ <br />Nays (0).. . <br /> <br />Shields Hewed" Keene Seoonded fo!' the adoptloll of R980lution 11336 <br />relating to apportionment of assessmentu us to Sanitary Sewer Imp" #1" <br />RoU Call, Ayes (5) ... Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields 11oved~ Keene Seconded for the adopt..ton of Resolution #331 <br />relating to apportioment of asoossments QS to Sanitary Sewer IIIlp. 10 <br />Roll Call, Ayes (S) .. Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Sh1eld8 Hoved. Keene Seconded fen- the adoption of Resolution 11338 <br />relating to appor'ttonment or an80ssmenta .as to Sanitary- Sewer I\IIP. 20 <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) ow Nays (0)" <br /> <br />r~r. Gibbons, 2860 N" Sheldon appeared before the Council tLoldng that <br />some action be taken to ~et rid of t.he pigz onA. Jo Schmidt's fam.. <br />Shields Moved.. Keene Seconded that the Attorney start legal proceedings <br />on the All J. Schmidt matter., Roll Call, Ayes (5) _ Nqs (0)0 <br /> <br />Banister Engineering Coo gaYe an interim report on the Sherren St.. <br />nrainage ProblEllllo .A 1;" outlet was reoomsnded at an appro:x:l.mate <br />coot of' '10,,00 per foot. t.~ro Carlson will ,risit the property owners <br />to see if they are in f8.V'C1r of such an installationo <br /> <br />t1J\ 'f':23I~>r <br />()') {'PUG qr <br /> <br />LOCA L P 1'1?Cin:;~:. <br />Ei':"Ir Tf'lTI'I()!J <br /> <br />f,' 'A'RDI'TG or.. <br />'3TJJ <br /> <br />ImSOI,U'lT'l! <br />MID #335 <br /> <br />REPORT 0'.) <br />VILI..^.OE <br />mll!"ffiCTIO':I.)S <br /> <br />HONIES <br /> <br />M0NIF,S <br /> <br />SERIES a BO!'JDt; <br /> <br />RESOLUTION hl336 <br /> <br />Rfo'.sOLtlTION #331 <br /> <br />RESOLTiTIo~r 1/338 <br /> <br />'l'ONY SCh11rn'l' <br />F'AmI <br /> <br />SHERRE'l ST.. <br />DRAINAGE <br />