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<br />\ <br />'" H',' <br /> <br />Flanagan lliovedj Carlson :Jeconded that tho bills b(~ pi:cl.d". J"t;')11 Cnl1;f <br />Ayes (5) .. Na;p (0) It <br /> <br />,,/ <br /> <br />NW Bell Tele~hone Co. <br />NW Bell TelJ':lhone Co. <br />Banister :3'.J.gineering Co. <br />W.'] Bell relephone Co. <br />Rey D,'v:i.s & fk>ns <br />}f;. C. llahnel'l\ann <br />St. ....aul l300k t Stationery Co It <br />Th'.mo-Fax Sules Corp.. <br />']"':loele Printing Co. <br />ihoele Printing Co. <br />The '!lose Tribune <br />Rama1.ey .Printing Co" <br />Nic Durkowsld. <br />'Ibe Rose Tribune . <br />~lorthern states Power COG <br />Ernest :<1uegel <br />George l:J.. Y.eene <br />The Rose 'rri buno <br />The Pose Tribune <br />Chris Petersen <br />Kenneth Bauer <br />Hart"Y' Carlson <br />30ard of Water Commi86ion~z <br />~ortbern States Power Co., <br />Arden Lumber l'art <br />St. Paul Book & Stat. Coo <br />Lee Johnson <br />~Jortbem States Power Co.) <br />Kath Bros. Fuel Oil Co.. <br />Chaso H. Soutter, Jr_ <br />Northern states Power Co.. <br />11innl Fire Ext,inguishers Co" <br />Charles O. CJeorgi Coo <br />IiltU. Canada Lumber Co. <br />NW Bell Teleptlone Co. <br />Northern States Pawer Co. <br />Northern States Power COo <br />Paper Calmenson &: Co.. <br />Otto N. Each Equipment Supply <br />B. .,. Goodl"ich <br />Frank's Heating . Sheet Hotel <br />Ford Deep Rock 011 co. <br />Center .Parte &: Se:rrice <br />AutottlOttf. Serri.ce Co. <br />~. Standard Serrlce <br /> 00. <br />St. Paul Stanp Works <br />Ford Deep Rook Oil Co.' <br />Rose PlU1llb1 ng <br />Motorola <br />16.idway I/'Ol"d Co.. <br />Em8l'g8llC1 Vehiole Svpp1y Coo <br />l4W Bell Telephone <br />m'l Bell Telephone <br />Elk Laund17 Co. <br />James H. Norring <br /> <br />38.65 <br />4.12 <br />1,996.32 <br />1[\1..30 <br />21.10 <br />167.00 <br />413.24 <br />29,,145 <br />19.00 <br />200,,00 <br />66030 <br />47.50 <br />IO<\OOO <br />43.02 <br />264..22 <br />25.13 <br />22 e:'1 2 <br />;;0 (I 00 <br />42.73 <br />2;..93 <br />llhooo <br />fi.Lo <br />15..00 <br />6L00 <br />9093 <br />11.oh,o <br />8~85 <br />173.33 <br />38.61 <br />8070 <br />JS9...39 <br />21..$0 <br />58.00 <br />22.28 <br />21~13 <br />61.40 <br />264.22 <br />,3.90 <br />11.00 <br />5.00 <br />31.85 <br />!Ob.oS <br />90.50 <br />14.19 <br />74.90 <br />68.50 <br />7.,0 <br />372007 <br />6.10 <br />17..60 <br />72.11R <br />h,69 0 71 <br />33.16 <br />16.90 <br />3..30 <br />7S0 <br /> <br />66..12 <br />0.25 <br />65,.50 <br />90..00 <br />3..05 <br />3.. '19 <br />2it 019 <br />44S5 <br />..4, <br /> <br />l1innesota m,ninr< G:. }1fg. <br />Chas. Il. Sout,tcr, J1"... <br />H. A. Rogers Co" <br />St. :)aul Book t ~,ta.t... Co" <br />st. Paul Book t Stat. Go ~ <br />st. PllUl %ok t: ~ta.tlt Co" <br />Northern statos P~l(lr ro~ <br />Keith D.. Johnson <br />;:e1vin Houle <br />~:t. Paul :Jispatch-Pioneer Press <br />8..00 <br />32.70 <br />19..2, <br />300..00 <br />h1.,50 <br /> <br />Cornelius '300rsm.n. <br />:~pls. Star &. '}'1"i bun:) <br />l1idwest Pl?"nnini~ C: R()soarch <br />~iorthern St.."\tes PCMG!' Goo <br /> <br />f.!.~ <br /> <br />American 1.1.))(\,'; Supply C,)" 101....72 <br />]a.yer Bldg. Hllii"ltens~nca Go... 42..00 <br />Dallis Broc; Q 72.52 <br />Binder Baf'era~ Co" flS3 <br />R. 3lrnsbor{]: &. Sons, Inc.. 27,,41 <br />Dlclc'l3 Distributing Co.; 388S5 <br />Distillers nia't,.. Co /j 1 ~ 343 ~ OJ <br />Ed'D Cleaning Service 12,.00 <br />Falcon Exterminating Sorvicc 6000 <br />Famous Drands, Inc. 978052 <br />Don :11108 5 "C)o <br />Gold Medal Bevcrape COG 212015 <br />Griggs, Cooper & Co., Inco 5,7,6.$7 <br />Hohenstein':3 Delivery ~)er9'" 730022 <br />Home Juice Company 19040 <br />Jansen Diet. Co", 8lhSl <br />Kath Broso 11'-..1e1 Oil Co.. 31031 <br />LaRose r.orporo.t.ion 4~OoOO <br />Lux Distributing CoOo 43S.42 <br />!lynn Johnson Co., Inc. 824.36 <br />McKesson & RObbins, Inco 741.42 <br />HoLean llistributing Co. 3,619.66 <br />Mid ':Test l-line COo 233.70 <br />Jack Miel88n 200$5 <br />Minnesota llJilk Coo 13.39 <br />MontwO...Matic Coo 2S.00 <br />New York Tea Coo 24000' <br />Northern States Power Coo S98.99 <br />'iort1'l.1lest Cigar Corporation 122_86 <br />Northern Coin J,{achine Co" 2$.00 <br />Old Peoria Coo 759.b4 <br />Ed Phillips & Sons roo 1,37S.~ <br />Reg'" I.akeland Products 800;0 <br />Slav1lc Realty 156.99 <br />Sub't11"ban Electronics 20.85 <br />'''/alter's Disposal Serrice 18000 <br /> <br />". <br />