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<br />""'\ <br />~," '1 <br /> <br />It letter i'TaB read. "Co ilr. Lindg:uxn by the 'tT:'..ll,l'lp?~"hr:~i.nnG'.~" on <br />t'lr.. Lindgren's drainage p)'oblel1'l~ <br /> <br />The Eneineer reported that a storm. drai.n for the area of I~)V011 and <br />Victoria. lmuld cost approximately ~r,S;!ooo.. The l~nRineer will cOl1.1, <br />j.1r.. Anklin, a Ramsey County [,ngi neer to look it over and report back <br />in two weeks. <br /> <br />Shields Hoved, Keene Seconded tllat -the complaint of t.hH road by Thor <br />G. llank of 2185 Draper be referred to the l~ngineer.. Roll Call, <br />Ayes (5) - '!ays (0). <br /> <br />Keene Hoved, Flanagan Seconded that the Donald I!:. noach dra:tnage <br />problem a't Draper and Fairv1e'W' be referred to the Engineer.. nolI Call, <br />Ayes (5) - Nays(O)o <br /> <br />Shields "oved, Carlson ~jeconded tlH!.T.. the ;'~d T30ssard Add., 113 prel:1.mirmry <br />plat be 2pf)}:tWCdo ' Roll Call, l'<:les (~;;) - ?lay;-; (0)" <br /> <br />Shields ~-!O'1ed, Keane Seconded "~hat the lett~~ from the IntL G'P'.:'~ Img" <br />be layed over for two w8eka.. :;'011 Call, Ayes (5) - Ha;r::1( 0)" <br /> <br />LI~inGRj';N,)n!~ J <br />?PO HJ.E.~ <br /> <br />f3,JYLE !JTIlI.I 'Jil.m~ <br />PR03tE'~ <br /> <br />RD. n CT1PLi\I"'~1' <br /> <br />ROACH rmAl!TlI.Gt~ <br />Pf/ODLEH <br /> <br />ED BOSSARD ADO <br />113 PRELIHIU!J[Y <br />PLAT <br /> <br />INTL" om. <br />r ETTER <br /> <br />,..,........." <br />I.!JI'II,_l <br /> <br />Keene ~;roved, Carlson Seconded t.h.:::.t the petition to repair Hilton St" :rILTCm E'''1'. <br />be referred to the Engineer.. Roll Call, A~res (5) .. N~rs (0)" PETITIO"T <br /> <br />Carlson HOI1'od, Keene Seconded t.hat Council concur In th t."1e l'ira L'hief't s FIRE m;p1'" <br />request f'or five firemen to attt9nd the ilin.'1cso'ta state Fire School. <br />Roll CallJ Ayes (5) - naYf] (0).. <br /> <br />Flanagan H09'sd, Carlson Secondf3d that. Santford Speedy be hired a/j no Sr:l'lTr,R INSPECTOJ <br />temporary sewer :i.nspector at $400000 per month and Bruce Hilger hired as <br />Ii temporary saver j.nspector at $384000 per month, and' also that Cornelius <br />Boorsma. be raised to the goine rate" Roll Call, Ayes (,) - Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />CQ-lsCJ1 Hovod, Keene Seconded. that the letter :from the '-Ja"f:,er Pollution <br />Control COMmission granting permission for construction for seweraee <br />facilities be placed on file. Roll Cnll..Ayes (5) - ~!a.vs (0).. <br /> <br />Carlson I ~oved, Keene Seconded to place the Police Report on rile. <br />Roll Call, ,\yes (5) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />T'!ATgq POLtUTIO' <br />CO~ITR01 COM~~IS: <br /> <br />POLICE REroRT <br /> <br />Flanagan ~09'ed, Keene Secondod that l-fr. Shields take up the matter ot <br />application for emplo,yment in the Liquor store ~11th Hr. ~r,ie8en. <br />Roll Call, A..ves (5) .. ~lays (0). <br /> <br />Keene r'109"ed, C1'rleon Seconded th..nt the PERA letters dated Yarcb 23 and PERA LETTERS <br />24th be referred' to the r__01" far report back in two weeks.. Roll Oall, <br />Ayes (5) .... -Jays (0). <br /> <br />LIQUOR <br />EHPLOtMENT <br /> <br />Sh1,elds t-toved, Keene Seconded that the Judge be given authorization to TRAikc com'!' <br />attend. the Annual Traffio r.ourt Conferenoe and a check be 1esued in CONm.mlCE <br />the amount of $7S0 for the application.. Roll 001, ,,~s (S) ... Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields HOf'ed, O~ rlson Seconded to . reil1V"6st $20,000 in Liquor Bldlo <br />Roll Call, Ayes <'5) - Nays (0)" <br /> <br />MONIES <br />