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<br />Dr~ !lanr:y B~ Blulnberg <br />Distributors Supply' Co" <br />St.. Paul Starlp Hofks <br />Elk Laundry CO(J <br />Roy H.. ?'lovotny <br />l.?oc,orola <br />Ocha Insurance ^rency <br />Jack G. "allace <br />'l'hoele Printl.n?, Co" <br />Chas. 11. Soutter, Jr" <br />H. ". ROr',ers Co" <br />John ~Tuveen i> Co. <br />Loftsgaarden [': Lortagaardan <br />Loftsgaarden & r~ftsgaarden <br />Loftsgaarden t J.oftsgaa.rden <br /> <br />(}) <br />1? '.' ()'j <br />30.,00 <br />)~()60 <br />2,,1)0 <br />/' 7 2(, <br />t> '3_1,' <br /> <br />5,,00 <br />75 ~~ (J() <br />h2t'OO <br />20 "f,;; <br />1..75 <br />50,9t1S..B9 <br />6..00 <br />3.00 <br />17",20 <br /> <br />1~:~21 ) OJ~ <br /> <br />Beer VhoJ.esale:r6, 1no.. <br />Distillers ')ist6 Go~. <br />Famous Brands, Inc.. <br />Griggs, Coo"Jcr t Co Q <br />Larose Corp.. <br />Lynn .Johnson Co" <br />;f:!.d ~'Jest, IJin8 COn <br />ffcKeason t: Pobbins, Tnc. <br />Old ?eoria Coo <br />Ed Philli ps ft. 00ns Co., <br /> <br />!3II,T/"j (C()~IT,,) <br /> <br />7B..l) <br />366.. 4lJ <br />269..13 <br />393..Jh <br />L50" 00 <br />531.05 <br />59.05 <br />139,,51 <br />16: 51 <br />R97014 <br /> <br />Shields i.'OV'ec1, Flanagan Seconded that the l;.(;en:~o~) bE.1 approv'ed., Roll Call, LICE?rS':~E) <br />.Ayes (5) ... ~TaY8 (0)" <br /> <br />PLTJ.q:rr~TO <br /> <br />~leuer Plumbing <br />Standard Plumbing & .A:pnliance Co. <br />Dunkel Bros. Plurabing Co. <br /> <br />WELL '"JlU LLING <br />, <br /> <br />r1arshall G.. Eliason <br /> <br />St7,n:;1t <br />~_:o.._..._ <br /> <br />S1:~.~~' d!~,,:,,(i PIU1Tlb:int:: &. Anr)liane(~ <br />;~miml 13r:Jf:;. <br /> <br />CRA'iPJQ & EXCA71,TJ'i'G <br /> <br />.'_'-".1. II 114-" ~-""'..._ <br /> <br />Ang\:ll CC'Irlst. Co.." Inc., <br /> <br />Carlson !~oved, Keene Seconded that ~10.'lOOO 'I'reasury Bills due for Pro- HOUrr':~3 <br />tection be reinvested .for 90 daYEJ. Roll (;all, f,yea (5) - ~ays (0). <br /> <br />Flanagan HOY'ed, Keene Seconded to soll ;:jLO,ooo Se..rcr ;)ebt Reti~l'ement.. Roll rONIES <br />Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0)4 <br /> <br />Flanagan ", Keene Seconded t.o reirnrcet ::?60,ooo Set-ler Debt f?etirc-3ment.. <br />Roll Call, Ayes (5) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Shields t"C/lfed, Carlson Soconded t.o adopt Ordinance 11291 accepting the <br />provisions.. terms, a.rd cond1tiol'lS of Ordinance No. 11709 of the City of <br />St. Paul. Roll C:.ll, ".yes (5) .,., Na~rg (0).. <br /> <br />l~,,\'fD':: <br /> <br />ORDINA~rCE #?91 <br /> <br />Shields Hewed, Keene Seconded that the resolution for condemat.i.on of Smith RESOLUTION <br />property for construction, maintenance and operation of stJ'fler ma1 ns be <br />adopted. Roll Callt Ayes (5) - Nays (0).. <br /> <br />Carlson MOlTed, l{eene Seconded that Easements fll216, 77, 78, 79, AO~ 81, 82, F.PSEMI<~NTS <br />A4, a.nd 85 be placed in the V'.1laR'o files as they have bean filed wi th <br />the Registrar of Titles, and that .a check be issued in the amount of ~1h80ooo <br />'be E. fL. v.1illlllUs Prooortiea, Ine,. find Hargaret strong.. Roll Call, Ayes (5) _ <br />Na.ys (0), <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Keene Seconded tha.t a. check 1)0 iasued to E. lI. Willnros <br />Propertieft, Inc. in the amO'U11t of $50,,00 for Easement #1300~ Roll Call, <br />Ayes (,) ~ Nays (O)~ <br /> <br />The attorney deUvered Easements #1160 a.nd #1113 to be placed on file.. <br /> <br />EASEt1ENT <br /> <br />EASEMENT <br />