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<br />.-"r <br /> <br /> <br />n~ ::~.(; ~Lol !lE: ,,~~ <br /> <br /> <br />i'.~lr'!b' ! jj. '. 'C'\) ~ <br /> <br /> <br />'I~'L ~~. ~j~D P'G COl~~nc:I. 1. j'YI(':~', (.in "i;b C J:,.;:>,'Y;'<l (:eJ"r) \.~~:~ "t:,{ t~--:c f'c !l:~'" !rie:"; t,e~'''G <br />'p"J.\:~Bet;':.,:' C~3dEtJ~hc.JJn, I,') ';;\:'J0i:;"H.? ~ nrld :::i"U"(Jld~] ( 'J;~_f~ <br />ttb3erlt,,),r l~nft,Df\a~_y'dc;n :)nd ]::':! S!,,'~'J.'[::.tC'r i,~:e:c~.:~ al~3o ':Y/\l3:.~t)~'1t.,..; <br /> <br />S}'\ielcls <br />17th <br /> <br />0:;. \ t.h.f::.' ':\CF.:l!J.,9.:r~ <br />,,\ "C:~.~ (h) ... <br /> <br />of <br /> <br />':r;'::;r~,\ .~:.:;. n~? <br /> <br />,c~ f:: :: () 1'1 C\:; (L t,l h :~': t <br /> <br />th I,:~ r:r.1.. ';":i~.~i"..(:,. :,) <br /> <br />: 1:'JII'W~, Ke'311P <br />l)e ar)'pY~a\lod <br /> <br />> I'"~ P ~\>.,~ ~;~';-:: ,n ':~/~~:'~ <br /> <br />":.0 J.l c;:;, "t J ~ <br /> <br />\', '.", <br />J " <br /> <br />'Tr. ~i1TJ'F;S <br /> <br />~'i'l~),n)a~>art i lc~,ted, :31"t5.o1d.:;; ,.~<l 'i."'<~n.t. t/'J,; ~"~"::i f.')f ";-,hc rOlt.~l~'\~-L.nP" :r <br />of' I';a:y" ?/.lth be: :'11iH'(")1r.-.,} c"U; p".'9"n!t,od, ff,!:'.l'" .1, Ayc';; (h).,.'. 'L,,:r;~ (O)~ <br />;c:FiieI(L" floV'ed, Ke("n~ $c(;ond(~d t.l~{~. tb0 i:JH,?!tei' 0:,' trL0, I1par;:Lf.!.l F'ft~t:\.n?: (If <br />,~1."tv 29th \J0 ll.'01JrO"l'ed au m'OS01\t0<i. E0J.,l raIl" )\~:'e.s (Ll) ':" ;rayp \. oJ " <br />,'cefJ. l\ir;{~:dam appeared bCf'tli',l '.ll? r'()'IJ:',cll. as.kJfg :101' tnn T))'. m>Doetc,rl fJ lJEV.1,:}Fr:~.\ <br />x'aport on the Dell"1oni e:~nr01'crt~l.. '~'hu ~ltt5. :Vin;:; ]nlJr ,::et(,1' TE!DO:" tec\. th2,t ;'H:) ;)r';R'["i <br />(:Nf.:)ryVd..n~ promised hEid D.,)tb,;;mJ t'lker cn:':" :) r' .~~n:l.c;J.d;, . '(}vud:, :((~(m2 <br />Seeo!I(L:~d t,h :;::~ the ~F7uildi (U? ,::'~r\~3t)~;;\'~t~)J" L-l '~~'i ;'~F:::,:~, n[J":::' ""'X" '. ~ J.:~J.;n':JJ!:,i.t>!'~~; <br />Hall C~ln.'l A~res (h) .Z! ;itlY'~ (();', <br /> <br />:3hielcls ) 'o118d, !(serw ~:':::y:d.iJd <br />)1a.t~)8 ,:mDrOVe(\~ I~oIL C,uJ.:, <br /> <br />Fi!~[~. <br /> <br />'~, <j ci '.,~_:2 i) C' _~.! "" l' X":1- r ~ ~; /, ,~, f: <br /> <br />t \J.:~(t i:,:nf~ <br /> <br />/,(;<.<':1. <br /> <br />."~.'" ::' ~ l <br /> <br />" (;.t <br /> <br />( () , <br /> <br />Shield;::: : 'o';'(?d~ ;.'lllm.J.g,.m S;OlC(~rFledr,hc.t:,n'.'; <br />unt.i1 ,}'unH 21st" }(oll CalL (hi <br /> <br />". :~''()11<\:..^) ~)~~,d,;] b(~ It~;,!ed C~f"," En." <br />,~. \ <br />\. ',..1".. <br /> <br />T~Orl::eI1f ShOl"t r)t::p()'~';~',ed t. t;'J~\ J/~j'~.~, h.~':..(lde'r C;T) '.L"":':)7,~'.;lr'Hfncn:t:! J: 1')):"(") ~jBe':'1' '? \;-t:J.S <br />O"'f'e~ ~. ~orl" ..d' :~t~!::'tl '~';l'j' il.~ ".", ",':(!,. 1"01"1"(') \\'''''''''1.'''' <::;'~('o'Hif.>cl t,lw..,.!hl..... <br />..I ......L '. ~..' II.,;) 'CIofJ '....,'.I'.....j ',,,',,., ~)..,........' I I..,),...".,iw'.."..., ....J< . ,." J:I .........~ :;,,;::J v.... ,," ',,. ..,'".' J <br /> <br />hi.d b(~ aWIl1"'df;1d to the Ie ":rJ ,::ri , h).elder, Or:C'c)1 E. SON: nt:lS.5o, O!~'( "l!.~ (,n <br />:::npmv{~mt"nt. 3.. Pro.ject 7 ~ FoD. (;1.1::. \ flyefc.i (h) '." NajTS (0).. <br /> <br />;'!r.. Su'r.ui'.tl Shap:iro., Pr(:ltddent, o:{' iicl)';,nopin T1.....nspol"w.tion Co.. Ilpuea:ced befox'c <br />the Council requeoting I!l special u~:e pa~~ t to;:' buildIng 011 Clet'ela~:J.d <br />of County Tload C. Shields HO\Ted} Keon13 E~~~onded th!~.t the recNe~t f'2'om <br />Hennepin 'I'ransPQ!'tnt:ton Co" fo." L Bpec:1.mJ. UBi) permit be rr:lferreci to the <br />Plamling Commissi.on fo:;- their .ill],Y 6th lTieetj/ll.::-. Roll Call$l AyaH (I.t) - Nays <br /> <br />A"mr.11.~::;r:;. . <br />E'RIGKS~!.: <br /> <br />. , <br />.;.".; . <br /> <br />mDS U1 ':.,~' ((): <br />;:rei I",LF.:a <br /> <br />I!,~P ~ J PR:) ~ <br />;,I,'.AHDI"n (1':. <br />3ID <br /> <br />HET~ij<~pnr <br />TP.A~,TSP. CO" <br /> <br />(0) , <br /> <br />Hr. Ea:r1 Rymer appeared before .r,ha Council .t7~vt.h u request for of' RYHEH RBZON!JlfCi <br />the follOwing described propet't"tJ: 22S6 I.eJd.ngton Ave.. TIlo", lef~al1y described <br />ns that part of Lots Band 9 Auditor's Suhdiv:l.sion No" 46 rlescribEld as follo'W's: <br />Beginning at the south \test corner of ~-lHid 1:>t R: thence north E<lOnp.' the 'west, <br />line of lot R tor a d:tstance of 15 feet. :nora or lsss to the South 15'16 of <br />SU-lte Trunk Hlenwl.:~Y ,36~ thence eaaterl;{ on a line parallel with the South <br />line o.r said Lot 8 a dlst.ance of 207..98 feet; thence south for r~ d1.stanoe of <br />97u73 feet to a point that 207~8 feet Bast of the West line or said Lot 9; <br />~~.bG:trigf..ea~66 teet .Sc),llth of the point of. baginning; thence Nort:b alon~ the <br />West line 01' said Lot 9 II distanos of 62,,66 .teat .to point of begiml1ng: <br />from R...l to 13-1.. Flarmgu.n ~""oved, Keene Seeorld,ad t,o ~rer the Rymer Rattening <br />reques.t to the Planr.:tng COMmission for their June 21st meeting. T.1011 G8~11, <br />",\yes (h) ... I\Tays (0) ~ <br /> <br />l.~r ~ F'runz !Joke a.ppef.t1"(~(}berO".t"e the Cound.l l"(;;{' t,h:l.t. h~~ be p-ermi ttecl <br />to cOnt1;truct a fence 6" }rl.gher than the \')rd:i.llHnce <:alla foro He .~;<3t.1 '!:,old <br />hf.~ mus'i:,follo,"f t,he limi.t" <br /> <br />F'E?'!CE~ <br /> <br />A letter 'HG.3 rea.a. fx'oTll the Planning COlill'tlitH.>l.O'n on pllrklnr, in an R.~l PARKI'II1(} IN <br />Shj.eld~ l'.roved:;'l> Koone Seconded that, the Plann:lng Commission be instructed "'p,,,,l mS'XPIC'!' <br />wtth 1'11'. n9Jll~':"'eln to app<3aI" nt the Jun.<:t 28t.h Counej.l ti1aet:i.~ wit.h regards <br />to tho mr:.Nldment to 'Ghe :l:ol1:1nll. ordinance. Roll Call, A)':.JEl OJ) - "'rayS (0) <> <br />