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<br />"''-. <br />..'~ <br /> <br />Sh5.elds ~1oved, Keenra Seconded tha~:. the Lunr.f0lad Hezoning puhlic hG!:tl":Lng <br />be held on June 28th. Roll Call, f,yes (4) - ~lays (0). <br /> <br />Shields rifo'lred, Flanaean Seconded that the Padmann Jlezoning public hearing <br />be held on June 28th. Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields ;'ifoved, Flanagan Seconded that the recommendation of the Plunn.:i.n~ <br />Col1ll'llission be followed and the rearrangement of' Sunset ~iew Plat be <br />denied. ~oll Call, Ayes (4) - ~~ys (0)0 <br /> <br />Flanagan iToved, Shields feconded to place the n.annin~ C01'lI!l1iss:i.on :tet~er <br />regardin~ the W.:.. Vim-l Addition on file. Poll Call, : yes (4) - H.vfl \, 0) p <br /> <br />Flanagan !,foved, Shields ceconded that tile Hanson nez.oning public hearing <br />be held on July 5th. Roll Call, Ayes (4) - :!a.ys (0).. <br /> <br />Shields 7JOIred, Keene Seconded that the TeC<.HrMendatlon of the) Planning <br />Comission be i~ollm.J'ed and the request for H dr.t veway from Gel" Hd" B to <br />the front door of' the Golden Age Nursing Hone be dt.11i9d. Roll Cal1J <br />Ayes (4) - ~ays (0). <br /> <br />Shields Voved,p T(eene Seconded. that t.he l"ire Station r1atte~.'':.:3 laysc\ over <br />for blo weeks. 'Roll Call, Ayes (L\) - Nays (G/. <br /> <br />A le'tter was read from the Ramsey County Public TJibra't"Y in which they asked <br />the Village of' Roseville to deed the s1 ta upon 'Wtdch i9 located their <br />present headquarters, and should the Village do +..hie" the LibrJ.ry'30m--d <br />will wI tour years be~ construction of at libruy headq-nartel"S, <br />Shields !1011'ed, Keene Seconded authorizing the Village Attorney to al"aft <br />the neC90sary resolution required far adoption plUB the necessary agrc!ements <br />ot conveyance arid the terms thereoto Roll Call, ~.yeE/ (4) ..., Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields M09'ed, Keene Seconded that Ordinance #298 be Il.dopted granting <br />permission and authority to the Village of' St.. Anthorr;:r to connect to the <br />public sanitary sewer system of the Village of Rost;.'Ville.. He,ll (;,.1]., <br />Ayes (4) - ~ays (0). <br /> <br />l.UND 1JLIl n <br />PEZmTr-G <br /> <br />RA D~rANN <br />rEZONING <br /> <br />SUNSET Yn~'; <br />PT}. T PFJtPR" <br /> <br />!r.r. T!HJ! <br />P.)T)I'I'In~T <br /> <br />Hl~!ISO;\; <br />REZO'T'"O <br /> <br />GOlJJEr I. GE <br />]U1' 51 ~IC W'h?~ <br /> <br />T,'I~E Stl:)~~TT-.~'r <br /> <br />I.Ill~J\RY <br /> <br />onDl~A ~,rCE ;f298 <br /> <br />Flanagan :Ioved, Shields Seconded that copies of Ordinance ~To() 10725 of the STI;~.;r~n CorFT'iEC.~ <br />6ity of St. Paul together with a copy of the letter from Banister BnR:meer- "ION <br />ing Co. deal1n~ lri. th the matteJ.. of submission of be sent to the <br />Clerk and J-Tayor ot each of the f'ollmdn.{;'; three villap:ea: Shorf'Jr:tew, <br />St. Anthony, and Arden Hills. Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields gored, Keene Seconded t.'1at .t.he let.Cel- from noberts Construction Coo ROBF.:R.TS CONS'l'. <br />requesting approval for construction of a .[offl. tar be referred to "the CO. <br />~neer. "P.oll CaU, A:res (4) ... Nays (oL, <br /> <br />Flan~an !'Toved, Shields Seconded. that the letter from LaRose COTpo concern- <br />ing the Village paying a port.ion of' t.he cost of inst8.J~ing lights at the <br />Ulxlngton Plaza Shoppinr~ Center ba ret"eI'1.'sd to the Attorney. FoIl Call" <br />~yeB (h) - flJays (0). <br /> <br />Shields Moved, F1anagrm ~eeClnded that the request tOl. B minintU1"El golf <br />course by' Allen I. N11vv. for Phillips Amusement Co. be laYAd tN.or " <br />the easement or deed from Nilva if! recoived in re8;nrdr" to the 30 feet <br />for road PlD.'"pose&!J on Dionne St. Roll Call, Ayes (4) "" Nays (O). <br /> <br />Shields !.YOIred, Flanagan Second€ld .ths t Shoreview Ordir..El.llce #27 acoepting <br />the prOlTisions, terms and condi'1:.:l.ona of Rosevillc Ordinance fi!294 be <br />placed on f:l.J.e.. Ro1.l Call. Ayes (i.~) c, ~,!,?y;~.: ((})" <br /> <br />LA ROSE CORP 0 <br /> <br />lfINIATun.E GOLF <br />COURSl~ <br /> <br />SHOR'EVIEw <br />OitD. 1,/27 <br />