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<br />'\ ", <br />....J <br /> <br />Shlelds t1oved, F'lanae8.n Sec:ond0C\ t.o ;:"'(~f(n.' tlB ShOI'f:VJU,.' ['c:"clllti (/i rC;7ardj rv; <br />cex'ttdn changes in t.,1.C cO!1r:.d.,l"uct:Lon of the p:t'cposed ss'(,'er sys.;~nm C€ ref'0Y':ced <br />to the Villaee Engin:""2ri' B&n.hoi:..ex.' I:ngi.neerJ.!1':; Coo, fl'€.; ;ri'ir;caJ. :;gent ;.>.nd <br />V Ulage j. ttorneJ~" Roll Call, Ayen (h) - Hay" (0).. <br /> <br />;::;;.; (\("j i';r~ T}i~t; <br /> <br /> <br />T';'lr'\ <br /> <br />Flanar;an iroved, Keene Second~d. for t,h~1 continuation of servine of ltiYm. <br />~1anageTOOnt Consultant. Service as needed. i1011 Call, Ayes (4) ... 1'J:ws (0)" <br /> <br />r,TI~~""! f' ;'..-rI\rL.\(:i.~,..".. <br />~<.1C~r;t'.e (}) l\YS 'UT/;') <br />.:\"\:7:' lC)l:r~\r:L(:I.: <br /> <br />the ',"Iayor left tile !n\3cting at 4 :00 P..H. ;Fl'. Shields took G\'er- as <br />Acting ~~ ,yor. <br /> <br />Keene !~oved, "li'lans/;an Seconded autho:dzing temporary employment of :~r..;j" <br />L. Cole as r:ewer Const,o Insuector a'!:, ~f,394..oo per l1l()ntJl lJ.nd !II'.. !'.. Tai "1:.8[\0 <br />as Laborer at "':>2,,15 per hour. Roll r:all, ("yes ('3) - nays (0). <br /> <br />TEi.pon;\H:! <br />E.1'iP:':,(J:'EE; <br /> <br />Flana.gan HO'tTCd, Keeno Seconded l.:lt)thOl'i~~:tng 81\!ploY1wJ".t, of' r~a2'Y E. r:l;:!.'T{;;" <;~:'; <br />clerk in Hunic:lpal !.:tnuoY' Store 11U.. ~ol1. '::a:.i..l, ':'(08 (3) '" Hfi.:J'.S (O~" <br /> <br />'EJ't;.P;~:O'>~ :.~.::,';' l' ,'I <br /> <br />Keene '~O\ted, Flanagan Seconded 'Z.'o pls,(':(; l~:H.3 Dc:i.i~o Feno:C'.c' C:L f'J.1e,. <br />'Roll Cull, Ayes (3) .. 'l-Ta.ys (0)" <br /> <br />~I.:UI~\. CY~ HT.;, -Y.' . <br /> <br />Flanagnn '~oved.l' Keene Sacondod. th::t ';:'h'3 J.el~t('Jr.' tr'M K:b,ma~,..BH,.'t8TrrtD. <br />Cons'1:.ruction Co. regarding opmUl1t; a r:;:l'HY01 p1. t be referred tc' '(,hc.: <br />B'l..liJ.d:irll:~ Inspector. Roll Cell, A;y'BS (3) ... :\IaYB (0)" <br /> <br />nR!,V"CJ, )1.:' <br /> <br />Flanagan Movedll Keen:: Seconded to re%1" tJ1~ .Joseph !3t:'!rn re:i:of:L'1g r'equee-t, mER~; !?E:7(~)."r. <br />of the follO!dng proper'GY fl'l'')r.l :HI to D.3 be re.fetTed to the Phl1ning (;omm:1.ssj/Jn <br />for their July 6th meeting. 'IliA'l' mIlT OF' THE E-~ OF THE 'v! ':)F 'rnE SIJ} ~)Ji' SJI;C~ <br />8 T 29 H 23 DESCHIBED AS FOI,LO'fJS: EEGDr"Y1"m AT A }'OUi'I' .33 FgF.T },J. OF' 'J'BE S ,. <br />LrlE OF SEC. 8, MID 1ft) FEE'l' W OF TI-{g E tJ'n~ Oli' ':f'HE VT6 O? THE s,-l.k Or.' sun <br />SEe B, THE~rcE H ON A LINE 33 FE;E'l' 'J OF ~lt:A;:;URED A1' RIGHT A'raLES TO, .pm <br />PARALL.EL HITH SAID S LINE OT<' 8EC~ 8j> A '1ISTA1I1CE OF 251 FEET V()!7S cr;~. T,li'.$S <br />TO THE E LI\fE OF' THF. W 268.~~ FEE';:' OF THE E:ii" OF '~HE rit; of' SAID S1:v* On' SEC. 8 <br />THENCE "T AllnG SAID E LInE OF THE 1.'Il 26B S ~j'l':i!~T A nIsTA'lCE OF 310.66 PEET, T!l;;;NCE: <br />E. PARALLEJJ i'IITH SAID S LDlE Opt SEC. 8, AJISTA\rc:!'~ DJI' 1GO., F'EE'r RU()E or <br />LESS, 'LD A '->OI'IT 213..5 FEE'f <,: Of" 'l!.m E LPIB 0(1' 'rHB ~v~ OF SAID Siv1 OF' SEe.. e <br />THENCE s ~/lRALl.EJ, ~.rr'rH ;1AID r~ LITrE OF ~f~ A DISTANCE OF 220$66 FFET THENCE to; <br />PARA}~.LJt~L ~.JITH 31\ In S Lrm OF SEe ~ 8 A DISTA1\fCE OF 700> r....EE'f, THE'JOE S.. PXRAI,l,El, <br />~tJIT~ SAID E LI\ll<; OF w l OF swi A DISTA~TCE OF 90 FEET, TO PLACE OF HEGP~~ITHG: <br />Roll Call, Ayes C~) .. Ne.yo (O).. <br /> <br />Flanagan 1'OTOO, Keene Seeonded that Resolution ;1353 to apPol't:l.oment RESOLUTIC11 <br />of assessments Sanitary Sewer II'l'IprfJICl'-wmt Ho. '2 be ndo!lted... Roll C~J.l, 11.'1<113 <br />( 3) - 'lays (0).. <br /> <br />Keene r~<wedJ Flanage.rJ Soeond~d tMt Re:roluM.on 1'3,4 !'ela:~jng to apport:1onmo!'l't, REsow'r:ccm 35; <br />of aSBSssments Sal'1itpry Sewer Improvemcmt, ~-To.. ). be Rdo'{)t~!d.. ~oll \":a11, Ayc:.s <br /><'3) - Nay~ (0). <br /> <br />Fllm.agan r'loved, Y;eene f.econdcd. that the Itil1s be pa-'i.d. Roll Ce.ll, Ayes (.3) .. BrLl.S <br />Hays (Q).. <br />