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<br />General Bill continued <br />The ROBe 1J'r1mme .... <br />Curtis 1000 Inc. <br />Sinclair Refining Co.. <br />Northwestern Bell Tel.. Co. <br />T.. L.. Anderson. <br />Rose Plumbing <br />Borchert-Inge!''3011, Inc", <br />st., Pa-loll Builderl; Material <br />T", A~ Sehirs~ & Sons. Ince <br />Carrier Ere is.. <br />To Aco Scr.if'sll\Y & S\,ns$ Inc.. <br />Hamsey County Treasurer <br />Offset Plate Carne:'!:-a Sertrice <br />Carrier Bros. <br />Northwest.ern P-ell Tel., Co. <br />Northwestern Bell 'reI.. Co.. <br />Fox' 8 PurE'> Oil SeNice <br />Mau%~ce L. Rothschild <br />Motorola <br />University ot Jl.finnesot,a <br />Latuff Bros.., Ine" <br />Me ~l'retter <br />Henry B.. Blumberg;'1 Me D.. <br />N,orthem Automot:bre Co'l <br />Motorola <br />Dunn Uelding Supply Co <l j rne.. <br />Capitol Electronics, Ine.. <br />st. Paul Stamp vJorka <br />st.. PcLul stamp WOrkJ;i <br />RRmsey County Treasurer <br />IoToseph lIe Donovan <br />Gerald Franke <br />American National Bank <br />'Tillage of Roseville <br />Sewer Debt Retirement Fund21fP9S5..91 <br /> <br />~quor BUlll <br />. er \fuo!esal.ers,. Inc~ <br />Griggs, Cooper' & Go.. Jl 1nc.. <br />Ed Phillips & Sons Co '" <br /> <br />57,,75 <br />368,,29 <br />.362 ~60 <br />23..88 <br />76..35 <br />115..75 <br />132..12 <br />7ff95 <br />20.00 <br />8..74 <br />140..00 <br />105..83 <br />),,15 <br />33.,74 <br />6027 <br />38fl65 <br />2,"'0 <br />56..70 <br />115..50 <br />135" 00 <br />85",87 <br />3..00 <br />20,,00 <br />3$00 <br />6oG50 <br />31136 <br />13.,35 <br />7064 <br />25..00 <br />2,,75 <br />3,,00 <br />9~OO <br />94.449&95 <br /> <br />116022 <br />348..01 <br />56..57 <br /> <br />Northwestern Bell Tel.. Co. <br />l'lorthwestern ~11 Tel. Co. <br />Nick Burkowsk:1. <br />Dchs Insurance AgencY' <br />Countryside Restaurs.nt <br />Lucile A" Carlson <br />Jerome Ell FranJ....-e <br />Marvin Law- Book Co. <br />'rhe Rose Tribun.e <br />Frank P..og <br />Carrier Bros.. <br />Gager's Handicraft <br />Drews Stores <br />Northern states Power Co. <br />Northwest,ern maugas Coo <br />American Institute of <br />Park Executives <br />Chits" H.. Soutt<7r"} Jr.. <br />Northem States Pc'wer Co. <br />Roseville \lat.e:c Cc". Inc.. <br />Camer Bro Be <br />City ot st.. Paul <br />MicrlRl'es t ti."1g Co.. <br />~ rsenal Sand & Gra'~l Co.. <br />Jay P" 0 · Connor <br />Clarence Fe Lee & <br />,Dorothy' E. Lee <br />Ramsey County Treaflurer <br />Lottagaarden & Icftsgaardef! <br />Lottsgaarden & Loftt\gaarden <br />Loftsgaarden & Loftsgaarden <br />Loft.sgaarden & Icttsgaarden <br />Northwestern Bell Tel. Co" <br />Village of Rosev:ille <br />Sewer Operating Fund <br /> <br />17.05 <br />17.65 <br />15..00 <br />5000 <br />26..55 <br />9..00 <br />11000 <br />15 ~ 00 <br />Ja$O <br />140,,00 <br />16..76 <br />20 .34 <br />51)14 <br />62..15 <br />6050 <br /> <br />1",00 <br />ll..52 <br />J.50 <br />15~..40 <br />12,,0, <br />23 i)54e09 <br />1/219000 <br />l~ ,182 CI 00 <br />14.00 <br /> <br />1.790000 <br />916..40 <br />6..00 <br />135..00 <br />4.00 <br />83075 <br />..20 <br /> <br />152..57 <br /> <br />LIQmR BILLS <br /> <br />Shields :t<loved, Reinecke Seconded" that the Kalin' Plat. KALIN <br />lOI~ated on Western Avenue, between O'toJasso Boulevard and CountY' Road C2" <br />be l:-eferred to the Planning Conrnission. Roll Callt Ayes (5) J Nays (0). <br /> <br />Shields l".lOved" Reinecke Seconded" that the Village Co,'Ilc:i..l accept the MR.. DA.N SHIRLEY <br />resignation of Mr" Dan Shirley from the Police Civil Service Conmiasion.. <br />F~ll Call. Ayes (5), Nays (0). <br /> <br />:;h'teld~J', ri'e~.\1ecke"Sec(nded~ tha~ Mr" Georg~ Rebeck>> 1171 Eldridge>> I>1H" GEXi!iG.E: <br />be anpcn.fl.t,ed t<: tne P(\l~c€ Cbt11 SSl''VJ..ce Comrni I31.1.on to :replB,ce Hr" OM HE Hii;CK <br />::hi:rJ,['or hls u:1.8xpired term ontbe Police Civil :;eI"rice GOlmnissionr, <br />") l' (' ~". A ...,.,) ~.. . {o' <br />, ..0 .1. .....a..:,..l ,'j ye;g I., >>."ay~ '} <br /> <br /> <br />F(ll1(lie(~k,,: ::'eeon:h:;d:~ that the?i.l1B,ge I::nf'J..n"3E'r's r-epo:rt. of nRHrmGE <br />"/...:::: t,o thE; 's'treet (:ondi'\,ion on hr~\stern^venm~ :'.'Q};.. <br />t_~c or<:~'~t9., RQ1:~ Cr,,:tl;; (-\~retl~ (S'):1 <br /> <br />\ <br />