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<br />r{e.:..r,eCKe I1oved;-- Shieldsecc'::;rJ.fd;. that Hesolution No" 435 be adcpted~ <br />10 Call~ ~ye$ (5)~ Nays (0) ~ <br /> <br />RE3jLU""-CICN NO!: <br /> <br />'-".s" ,',. .,., ~,..,t'J.. ,!"3': OF T'O'1.,..., VIL~"","',(.~,.l.., 0:' :::.,lJc',T"......l.fIL.t.':,..: <br />.rt.2. l;L u ;'- rCl\l .......~, .. ~r.u: .J.JJ: ..;:~ ~ ~<' _ . ~ _.::.. <br /> <br />Wh1;l;;f..AS, in tl~ .aatta:r' of the App1itcatton of the St8te of r1."inn€sota <br />i'OJ' judgement for delinquent real estate taxes in the County of Ramsey for <br />the. 'Jtear 1956 of the 'Ioselmm C..emetery on aCCOll..l"),t of assessments heretofore <br />levied by the Village of Roseville for wate:r- t;tnin inat",.llat.lon~ and, <br /> <br />WHEREAS.. the l''I1nneGota Supreme Court. he.e ~BOlved in favor of the ~r. <br /> <br />and, <br /> <br />WHE'REAS~ purauent to the s.upreme Court. deCision, an Order baa been sign.. <br /> <br />ed by one ()f the ,Judges of the Dist.ri.-::t Court of Ramsey County ordering the <br />'R~,:rlsey ({>l'nt;v 1\U.ditOl';l TreBI,t.'l'c." and .jJ.e:rk of the District Court, to strike <br />and d.elet..e from 3n,y ,7m2 3.11 . ,nerd:. ','Gcordc:: ti,,:,f" B!,q~eS8ments :.Lnso.f\~:r ;'If; <br />relate te ta:'t ;jr'.:>.a.n; :for whi6' ,::(,'tlection proc'8.3dinf$ have not yet comrilen,:sd:.; <br />am'. that, :''lDy rr:':)c',~ed iY'S wh.:i. )'",SI.'''-6 (;:;rrJllenced P1U'!!!1.l.2..nt to:,t;')'G':lto:r:r t.\utt1:.J1'" <br />It~/ relati"n,c;' to t)1B eoI.lecti~~:',r~ erf an.~1 of the ir18tal1.;nEn1.t.;,')~.~ ~:~'7 ;J},8missf~>::1~i B.l1C{;; <br /> <br />W}U:~HJ.J\ '~'! r~'.ril'J..iart1 P~~n(lsJ"J'9 CO"trlty t-ittornl.:s':~r, and Ger~ld, E.... ttut,1nan1. <br /> County 11 ttorne,y,.. .:11'C 'Hi.thh;],chng the f'iling'Jf t.t\Q Order of i.he <br />ouri U1.1tU a Resolution is ifdopted~ approving t.he fil:inl" (if B3:1,e.., <br /> <br />~l~-;'i'~~, T!n!~?!~~?1'~~)~t:, PE I'i~- PJ~sOt:tl~..Ii }1jF t.he ViII,age of .?O;:V2\":1J, t.l'lati S,U.1J~ <br />'reter d the )),:rid, COIJl"'t; of ;,:~rr1:Ie:r C>::H.nt~y~ Hi,llilesota!.. striking <lnd de> <br />.:..e':',ing ~the reC\)riS4~ an.~l (IJsmis tthe I;,y")c,eedings'r ttt~, fi.16d .'It:, ;:.(;Go:fuar1,:~e <br />wi'~h the Order t::: B,GC(,l11Pl'i,rjf, the purpo:Jes ('.h131'ei,} set rU:.> and thr;'t, <br />\~i~<lif.u'!l B.\ ',f'l1nt;F" t~;!:x'~nc~.;~ :-:.nrl "'{"aId ItU,t"tf18n!. f.r:Q:;le.tatyt. CCU)yt.,:::?' <br />At;,orney" hs. ret:iue,,'ted tr' r~,le 5.3me l..r:ii..h Uli Clt,rk CfJiSt1"'5.ct Court oJ <br />FLfiL'lse;y' Goturt.~~l"t t:he "'r?~Ht;/..~<y Gc,un.t,y. l~~l(Ltt(Yr:l Elni..~ the rt(:trt1~1~~~:T Coun l'r'eaE~j,~~f.~ <br /> <br />'t~i(.,';:"'A be <br /> <br /> <br />njOVf.3d ~i..ncl rrrustif_::~ Sti:l.C~ ,d!J 81:ic;o',nded. t.12at. (~,~,id Re~~e":~.'J."'.' <br />,....~d th;;;.t a therBcf ~t.e~r;;':'.tled 't<:1 \'Z5,11itH~'1 <br /> <br /> <br />i~ (n;;, <br /> <br />CO"~Ltlt~t ;~tt,oJln':~7'". ~rote UpCl1 t"iiot:l':Jn for" aoo'pt::ttrn of'J,,'j' <br /> <br />Ee$c::.,y',ic,n ad.opted tIlts ..~ ~'C de:!!, (), flpriL, 196]" <br /> <br />j .{'t:;. .~~GT :: <br /> <br />!1Il''-~l';)).'""''"'.:.''''''''''~'-~'''''''''''''''l,:;;nw'',,";I'''--'l\.fiy.'.;'r::'-'''''-'>''l"'''''~'Vol"........"..,..".............__,..,......",..~, "'.;.e\ <br /> <br />"'.'1_"1> ""~''''''"''''''-':''''''''''.:''':''':_'''.'''';''I.:l'L;j'::E;.'rkM-~~''-nt-.".."-I.::"",..."","...\o,:~~;~f.Ml'l" <br /> <br />,('1:1 ','lag tU ~ <br />J'( C <br /> <br /> <br />-1;.ha t I?e ':So lutJon i10" <br /> <br />be ad,ypLed." <br /> <br />Pl;~~;() LfJTIC)!'J 't;~O \ <br /> <br />/ (\.~ <br />\. '\.~ i <br /> <br />!"r:':.: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />that; '(,11(7(; dhy"mstern~ll 'l'i::Iepl':\i':.i''i(> Companji b';f <br />'\..,0 place btu'iad '(/',J.:;~)no:n~ cable in Lydia !\ V'F?DUl;1"1 west. of <br />':' '2'aj:r'l31;'[o{ !\'Yi';!2;W, ,'3.['; :r'~<,.>,;'~<:.,ed :in the::.X' application. of AprIl <br />