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<br />.~lalJagan lkvod!l llo:~necl;r., :;ocorii.cQ, t.t;.at II.esolu:tion Ibo <br />COll<~Ol"n:Ln"'" '(.00 cons ~,:cuc.tion :)f tho northerly exbens:1.on <br />v (4)' .. <br />Lal~ noad bo adop'ood Roll Call$' Ayes - Nay,3 i.O}" <br /> <br />.L~!:~t , <br />oj;' X~')n:; <br /> <br />JJX;} LAIC:': Jl;)AD <br /> <br />E2.;"l.ol~t::ioD. ,lLo,;.> 1fZ!, <br /> <br />UHI!;rJ~""\..'3 the Comissioncl" of IIiglu:ayn has p't"Cparcu proliminar:r pl..ans fOl.: <br />the 5npro'ql?,mant of .'l part, cf' TranI\: Highu.::.y numbor 394 rOl'l.umbored as <br />T:runlc 1Iiehut.:l.y 35'\'J tlithin tho cOTr-oratclir:rl.-\:iS of 'the Vil1~4.C;o oJ.' Eoscrville <br />f.:r()JJl County Road !tOil to approx.iJ!lataly 1.550 fC:j(!~; nOI1.iherly 'f:.he.:<'E!oi'; and <br /> <br />~TI-IfJ1EAS sa:td prelim.'tnar:r- plans Ul"';.J on fi.1e in {-,he oi'fico <br />of HiC;lwUiYSI St" Paul. Hinnasota" beinC mar~d$ ltlooled, <br />- . 9~ .." [1.. ~r::';1 . . J!.t f In "r 3r"rJ l~' .:-> 1'(:11 <br />.Lrr'lYOU'f ,us 1 ~ t' J.-" \"'l.Cl.n:L.Y 0... J..3 11.c. ~l'::m.: L,,, h(> f., :; <br /> <br />of 'tho depa:r.'i:imeIl:t. <br />twd identi1:i.0d as <br />and <br /> <br />\nJf;;r.t~'lS copies of said";r pl~ 83'0 so mar.kad,ll laholed.;. and 5.del1tifiad <br /> also on fila in the oi'.i'ice of the GJark! an(,~ <br /> <br />1,'1-lEnE./".3 the, tam of ltsaid. prelimi.nary pli:lllS!1 as her:~i.llai'te,t' used :i.nth~, body or <br />this :rosolr,tLm shaJ.l be doomed and :i.ntondod '00 laBan, rof(JT' to.. and :'Lneor~o!"c.rt~; <br />the pX'i31irnina.r;'y- pl,'lnS as in t.he fore[;oi ~-g :J'ec:Lt8J.s p,~rtj.c"la:rly idontified ant). <br />doscr-.i.hed; and <br /> <br />lrrLE.'~:r!;AS scid p~:'alinin,.~r'Y p.lans indicate t,hG: C01'13 ;;x'J.etio:n Qf the pr:)posod <br />€~xt~:)nsj.on of Long J:.elm Road nOI'ttlOl"ly .fron1 too CHUW!' J in$ Clf Ramsey Gount,y <br />Hoad lie" for appro:x::i..matoly 775 feet; <br /> <br />HU-J ~ 'j.'lIElI, BE IT RESULVBD that said 7e1im::i.uary plar1.9 for the'\JOlr.cnt, of <br />l':runk Higlnv-ay numbor 35'1-1 ronumbertld II~ght'iC!r nun.ber .391, uithin the l:!.m:tt.s <br />oft-he Villaee of' l1.osoville be and Ml"eby are appl'ovedt;i <br /> <br />m iT J.nmrSR rlESOLVf~D that. the Vi11.ago of P..c,se'vil1c uill acquire the right, oj~ <br />nay necessro.-y for the COfllJ:; .~rllctior. of t he northerly €:.irt,cmdon ;.)1 Lone I~:Ure n.o~~d. <br />for a of a.J.1prm:..4.mately 775 feet northerly fI'Ont ,;,.11{, ~zent8l'" line of Ra.r:tsey <br />Courrt.y Road "Cn:, together ui th the .abu tunG ~n1er v 3 :dGh (j (< f aceess on the east.orly <br />side" to c ~~..orxled loue wIG) noad, northorly of the prop0;1ed I,;OUlloction bct'uGcn sai.d <br />Trtmlc and sf.;i.d extended ~ Lalm noa.d; and uil1 com;tJ'."Uct or ca.use to be <br />con::.trllct.ed on said riChii of l1a~r a :roa.c1:rm.y slm11ar in nidth and qu:rfaoing to t,rt..:'l.t <br />to be constr-v.ctGd bjr the stato on Cl",wlanc1 l'.'wuu.e nort.hol"'lJr oX (.Jounty l10ad "c"., <br /> <br />H.oilJ.eolce lIoved" Flanagan Secomed, that the a.r:1ench~t3nt of -tho Zonirl[; (,"x.dinance FfJIi.I <br />dealing vrith farl': anir.lBls 00 refer-red back '\:10 tl).o Villaco i\tt.oJ:'%1oy for study )j{[I'DlIr.::;. <br />a:f' tile poscibilit~l oX tying in the proposed amandmnt i-riiJh Sact:ton 11 of the <br />Ordinanco J and tho.t n0nsidoratiion be [;i ven 1;0 deleting &'ction 13 from the <br />O:cdinanc<3; and thCJ.t t..l-te problem 01.' the aba.'1dol11lJlGnt of rill'rJ. aniIi':ll..<; be consid- <br />orcd; <Dd that t.he Tillll~go Iltto:t"I)3yalso provide tho Council uith <l dofinit.ion <br />of farm aniLlcllS and (~OlOOst.iC :a.o11 Call, Ayes Ch) - lTays (oL <br />