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<br />f\;:;;:rj ;icr<:edp Fl.a!\'J.:"l~'1 Seconded.,) .th:"1tr.lJ( YOi::-rr:taond.:l.t.ior, oj" V:l.llt'1,c <br />/~dT,:.n.iG(,';:ato:r bo accd[,tJd and :Irsc.llof'r.:e'.ster nrr'",. be ~)aid :'::(';: :1"-'1'v"j :,;,-i.GO.',' <br />". ') "J ~. r '1 1) 11 C -, .,.... (') IT ( (" . '" (' 'T' ~1 ., <br />i::':..., ..le...". ....0,.,. ,9..L.l.~ "yee. \."",a:,r<J ..J}n i.:e.!f~O ,..ot, vctJ.P.GI'C <br /> <br />E~ iII2l <br />LEI ~3 ':~~~;:' <br /> <br />];,Cj.:02~t;:o ;tovcdy .l"lanagan ,:ocQuoodr< th'::lt. H0501ut5.on Ho" h5Z in t'(0(T\.l"d t.o <br />.. 1....'.... + ~ ~ .1._",,,'.., '..,,-/ bull"))' "i"'" ')~ "do T'tn-' 0"'11 !"'al~ I'.~;n.-' (.,'1.'. ,'1 .~ ',i.'J;".'.rf..'., <br />C oyrrJ...~l..,i:> I." i ";;';Ju.;,."i..J~ll.J ,.~ . Ll:'~..L"''' .; ,J '4. .j .,.~Ilo .\1'..' . V.";,i "'.J".....l . I ..., <br />(C) r'# <br /> <br />rc... <br />n 115'2 <br /> <br /> <br />l1anolution Ifo~ 1~:~2 <br />~_~~'!fl(:-,<.'J <br /> <br />rL: '~~.:.:CUT_;D thnt tl!D Vj.llage Counci 1. 0!iIpOHCr BUJ.:ld::I;;G In~,p'.;ctc::.' tel <br />lin'Ds LL"~it(j tho comrl,"S.r.::t.s Ol'J. t.he: 1);), locat,cc; at; 1G1') XL, T.~:~:L]':; <br /> t.\o '-building locai.j(;o. atl 2325 n" I..exil1C;tou wld t.butt,l-.\~J l::u:;.ld.inC Inspoctor <br />bJ I;~L 'o:rJred t.o eni'orce Para 'raph 203 "oha e,f Gh:?,ptiJ:r 202 ()f' Th\'l \/1.J..1&:0 GCcfB <br />\:ith l::'~)Spcct to Pllhlic !JUiOaDC>33 and st,s'l't IlJ.'OccG(:1.n~6 !JcDord<:lZ"lcc <br />Section 203oobo of Vlt' Ii-mlie Hu:isa:J:'l.cO Ord:tna.nco;.l <br /> <br />.0.l9i.oocL:rJ IIoved~ F'1iJ:t'i<lg.3l1. Secowod9 that; the ~;'ithdJ:'alJ8.l. o.ftho ~wi;ll.':;:ch:i..ld <br />Lez,)J:'.:.l1{!, located Ea.::t of Hamli"-(l A'V'JnlJ9 and :':;out.h of Goun1.~- Road C2\) a.s <br />. .1.1. "~""b" "~i ....f.' ir.'11 ',. 'Ii' I~ . . .', ''''......1 1)"<'1 C e'l <br />por ,.-.10 Ii,,,,'!; .,U. raque"".. ,) l....'t'" '.:l........l"l:."i1. ." .J!:'mC'p 'i,-. alJc..IJvQ{ t. '.J.1..... aJ.,.;, <br />., /1' 7" i^' <br />H~"'F.: 5 '. ..~ J ~ .d ays \ v J " <br /> <br />BD TI1":::GlU J':D <br /> <br />rSZC)l.rIIT~: <br /> <br />LRrcG Descriptions <br />~~~'fI.~-"'" <br /> <br />'~'h(:' .c..torl;:{ 55foct (If Lots J thrWr)l 0!jl the ;.,".l~;t!]:~l:r .?; i'eot. (;1' Lot 2. ~ ~~xcop~, <br /> <br />+r'.. .(.J.....;1.1"".,.,.', \" 1"2 q ,f..,.."'.... ~., ,. '0'" ......1 of 10.1. "J --..,... .;, """(1 "(1'n;"'" ~1..~ ',r' .Pee,\. <br />'. l(: .. "'," ."'....:..' ::.7"~ .:....l~v Wl\-j.!.'J ....,9 ':1-'-.... ~"".A';k".t';~'":'Ul:i. vlL j~..I.. '~;..\j.,'.,\.\! ,:U.l. .1.' <br />.t1"'-I'~"'.t '1"" e'li "-f 1....1-." 7 tl~.""l'.l.~ l!) ',1 ',,... .'1.....,'.".; "c'u'" i......', '.I.'.,.Ci;,'.._;.1r<Pi 1.:o'.'LO'.''''.+,''' <br />.L""....v..L'J) ~.,1....1.... Q ~... ',;. ""-,^,,IUt..t 1 .,ld.'''1. l.J'U' ....... [) ;_~_....L. .I..J." .....~"..","'"',"'-\., ~2 l_)P>'" J..~..l, ,"" -~-.- .. -t,:;J.;vv <br />::Ior; 2 <br /> <br /> <br />no feot oj.' !.J)ts 1 th::rouCh ;,; itlCluoive " nl1- of L\J'(.8 9 J.Om aJ~ of <br />Gxcc;Jt f3, o:xcept tho llortherly 30 fect th(.}1"!:j of J all in HJ.oGk 2 [l Schmidt;. ( s <br />tL3icrrctJ !IOC) 2 <br /> <br />rot" J lJ <br />iLl; i.l'LllO <br /> <br />...,:(:3~t.:;lrly 60 feot c.:' Lou; 1 through 7.r; t.116 lJ!)X-~l'.:JJ.rly }} feet of the fJcsto:c1y <br />(.0 l'f;;,;t; 1.' Lot 8, the lIarthorly 30 feot of Lot 11\, :}11 oi Lat,;;; l,~ t rn"Ou[;h 10J <br />Blocl 2", Ib.il1:L'lJ Hoights lIoo ? <br /> <br />c.f Lot I.,nil tltO ITnrthcrly 22 <,> ::.' f(ict of tlK~ :Je:Jt..erly 5.:: fout. <br />t.!:.c 'nrth.er1y 20 i~cot (.f l.o)t 11.. and all of Lot 12;, all 11 IJlock <br />:k~l'i i:Ot~ 2 <br /> <br />Dl ~-,f)t 2,1i <br />I2.LJ.iM <br /> <br />anI.: <br /> <br />1:,''GJ:C iiuq,';d.ll'l::an Seconded.,. t.hat tho Itotlwdil.ld petition (:.0!C:-,.one proportr <br />lot,);Clt.3d "at:t:d~ Avenue nnt.:. South of County Road C2.~ a3 pOl' lice vorb,:11 <br />!'\}"ll,C.:,t. '). HrD> lJUliron Fa 01'1'00, b~ again referl'.:d to '[,11(1 F:L.'lmrlncr r..~'i'iI6CEILD <br />Gomuj~ii,)n for .:l Fublio Ho~.x~lng on 5JP 1961,,) P.oll Call,!! A;y"Cs r::C7,CUn:G <br />Oi} (8)0 <br /> <br />'-l.;;~ i.I-Lt. 1.2.0. f'oO'G of Lo:ts 1 tlU'Ou[.';h G, ir~(' ::i'I(:;. ail oi', 1??s ') ar,ld 10~ <br />a..l!)f ,ot 1J.." eXCSiIJt tno Northorly Ju ;(co't t.hCiTf1Cf ~ ancsno .Io,ol;,c)rly <br />',,) .r\Qt nf' Lot, [;" oxco;-,t the !'orthc:rly']G feet t)l".Jroo.;;', all. in Jl)(;I: ~:# <br />: -"', ~ ~,. n .'~ r! ",,-- -~ "', ". 'j"l ',."~ ,}-.~t'! !yo ," <br />. }',;,.iJr.l~t{.t G - [: ~..6l...'l;+\.I,i..._-__-1!(j ,....c;. Vl..-:' U ;,J G <br />