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<br />General Bills <br /> <br />Uorthern Power Coo <br />Konneth Bauer <br />l-IanaComant Int'oxma.tion lorV'. <br />The Roe e Tribune <br />Tietl/l Co. <br />~1.1.tiona1 Cash lle[;"ister <br />Arsenal Sand u Gl'aveJ. <br />llat"Chem. ~arah Corp., <br />Edmund S~ '~vemick <br />Oi ty of St." Paul <br />The RosoTribUDlt <br />Ed IjeGleit~r <br />Ed. Ueg1aitn$r <br />Halter's ,Pisposal Servo <br />Fa1rbanlm Horse Co. <br />Loftsga'J1"d.e%1 u Loftsgaarden <br />. ~ <br /> <br />~iQuor B1rl?l Fund <br />.~til1ars 19istribu'title Co., <br />FatDOUS ~. mc~ <br />GriggSg COoJ-r <br />'l.1cKessOD & nobbins <br />, J~kliie~ <br />,Old P.eo:l':\g, Inc. <br />~lfmik I?ealty <br /> <br />,~",., <br /> <br />7.00 <br />162000 <br />75.00 <br />67.60 <br />104050 <br />1504.00 <br />23.46 <br />ll4 .03 <br />250..00 <br />16.00 <br />41.15 <br />3.92 <br />12.00 <br />5, 00 <br />C) . <br />13.QfJ <br />203..'75 <br /> <br />Charles 00 Georgi <br />Uorth Subu:r.ban News <br />Am.. PhotocopY' Equip., Coo <br />Van Paper Co (I <br />Remington Rand <br />Uai;ional Cash <br />Schifslq ,'}. Sons <br />Hobi1 Oil COQ <br />llortm'eotiem Refining <br />Sinclairr~finingCoo <br />Larry {;raft <br />Ed UogJsi1iD9r <br />State of Uinnesota <br />Uunicip91 Equipo COI') <br />Lo.ftsgB.4iI'den C:. Lofts" <br /> <br />CL/lD.18 <br />52~50 <br />~060 <br />41,,90 <br />31056 <br />1040 <br />213.00 <br />120000 <br />96.16 <br />563042 <br />336060 <br />lo2h <br />6.56 <br />6004 <br />3996~70 <br />38~75 <br /> <br />125000 <br />5000 <br />324.,55 <br />113 .)85 <br />439063 <br />2108 ~1. <br /> <br />,A lottor;;rom. Paul \Ie Abbott l:etitiol:)ing for ro..'ld r.1DC and drainage; On Rose Place <br />, ' .anclDel1:l1ood Streets, dated 11gy 25~,.!l961j ua.s submitted. by the Vi.linGe Eneil'tser <br />, and 'placa1i on file ~ ' <br /> <br />1n.anagan Npved, 110009 3eeorr:Itd, that on the recot:mDndaticn of the Village <br />Admin:is trator.. Victoria t-rs:vet: be appointed Casl1ier-o-Clork Typistut a salary <br />of ~}260000 per month, e.f'.i'e~ve Jum 19v 19610 Roll Call, l1:yes (4) ... Uays. {O)o <br /> <br />Rsinocke Uowd., Flanagan Seconc:led, the Village At'oo::>ne,. be author~d <br />;6 fu'" up on andment to the Dog Ordinanoe _ to croveJ:"n cl1arges of thel'O,uzId <br />Master, as statod in'lha letter of W9 Sonesa, PO'@.1master, duted Hay- <br />18, 1961. Roll Call, Ayes (4) - l1ays (0) 0 <br /> <br />ReinoekB llowd. UcGeo Seoor:dad, that ~"'O Ordor 1100 4 for .Project lIoo 7, <br />of Sanitary- SeWer Impravmoont Noo 2 b<3 approwd and that the Hayer be- <br />authorized to s~ and the Clerk Atwst to tbiB Chango Order. Roll Call, <br />A~s (4) - N~ (0)0 <br /> <br /> Hovod, lIeGes SecoJ:ded, that Earmat Honer Contracts 1br Easemnts <br />1108. 1654,. 16,S, 1662, 1663, 1551, and 1702 be executed. as per the letters <br />of llr. Robert C~ Bell, Vi11a.gG Attomey, dated Hay 26, 1961. RoJ~ Call, Ayes <br />(4) - lIays (0). <br /> <br />888012 <br />446.8Q <br />.3Wio8j <br />1545 070 <br />10835 <br />567.40 <br />:, :t57.50 <br /> <br />Ed v s Cloaning Service <br />Don G11(';s ' <br />Lynn johnson Coo <br />Hid Hes,1i ~jine Coo <br />North$rt. States <br />Ed Ph:ilJ~ps <br /> <br />PlillL 1-10 <br />ABBOTT <br /> <br />vra::GIA <br />l1EYER <br /> <br />lX.G <br />ORDIUllllCE <br /> <br />CIllUl~ GlIDE <br />llO. 4 <br />PROJECT 1:00 <br />1 <br /> <br />EASEl.1EHT':: <br />