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<br />"I ~,,' - t 1 ,1 l-t 'J tl 1 2'~ C i' t P c1 , -, t. ~ . "e", ~ 1" L t' 2' <br />J) , ! o...u. UJ '0.110 . or ler y ~o') eo 0;" ".,,1(,; 'd:::CiJ.l.'.i..Y )) Ino-'j (L 0 "SJ <br />" 115 .foct of Loi;.s 2 UU"Oueh 6$ and the northerly' 20 feet of <br />Lot lljl and all of' Lot, !.C, all in Block 3>> :3chmidt1is HaralinG Heights IJo(;. <br />2 <br /> <br />;'..'j";,'Jcm::m <br />r~;'j =(. ~';I i j'(} <br /> <br />':i.m lJo3tarly 6e .feet of Lots 1 through 7$ tho Horth19rly JB feet. of the <br />l'Iasterly 60- faot of Lot Og tlKl lJorthorly 30 faot of' I.ct ll" md all of Lots <br />12 through l8j mool. 2, SchmidtBs H.amline Heights 1100 2 <br /> <br />~i:'be UCGt,erly 55 feet of Lots 3 through 6, tl'>..o lJasterly S5 feet of. 1m, 2[, a xcopt <br />too lJortherly 22.9 feet thereof ~ all of lot. :Ug '3Xcapt,l:,Ilc tlorthorl y 20 .faat <br />thereof>> and all of Lo(,s 1 through 10, all in B10('.J{3 ,! Schm.i..dt1s Hmnl:i 1'9 Hi:lihts <br />Ho o~/ <br /> <br />,Reimcl:a Haved>> Flanagan Seconded~ that the Bailding Inspor:tcu. be dir:;otad HAIJ~O::U::~: <br />to sien acanplaint against llro Ray' Kroiss in regards t.othe property or A.Pi'illTIJEm'S <br />l\roiJa on June 9:t 1961. in the ewntthat IIr,,[roiss hew not. removadl;.ha <br />tHO driveways in iSGue at that tine 0 Roll Call,f':..:,res (tl )"", IiiWS (0) (> <br /> <br />HcGee UOWd, Reinaclm Secomed, that the BuildinG Inspect:.or 00 instructed <br />to inform the Glende~ Transfer Co" to in:noodiate1y remo'VS too refuse <br />.from the north end of tlXl propertjr and the Administ.rator iows'agate <br />conditions of the Spaaia1 Use Permit cranted "i>o Glendenning Trnnsfor Coo <br />at tIle tine of their building and that the t'Jat.ter be taJron up at the ~J'Ul".le <br />9, 1961 Roll CalIf! Ayes (4) - t1a,ys (O)c <br /> <br />Reinocl:c lIavod, lIeGes Seconded, that tho Building Inspector be authorized <br />to issue a b1ildine ?Qr&1it for a Tox.'Wo Service Station to be located at <br />the 'ncrrt1:East corner of Larpantaur a.nd HD.D1liJ.liJ 0 Roll Call, Ayes (4) .- Ha.ys <br />(0)0 <br /> <br />Il.einocIoo lIaved, 110000 Secorxled, thut tl"X) roco~lIilendution of tho Village <br />1\d:ministrator be accepted and t ha t lIr.. Bahnemiln 'Jr I) be alla10d t.o GO to <br />the State Fire Convention a. t Pipestone [;ft llinnesota tI on ~TUU3 II Sl 12 $ 1..1 <br />& 14, 1961, at a cost of OOOuOOI>' Roll Culla A;yes (4) - Uays (0)0 <br /> <br />F1.anagan llcro"ed, Reinecl:o Socord.ed, that the V:i.11ago Admin1si:;rator ani <br />the VillaGe il.t'l:.omey be authorized to draft a reoolution coverinG the <br />f91'IllD.t.ion of a VillaGo Imuranc6 Commiasionc. Roll Call$ Ayes (4) "". Hays <br />(Q)~ <br /> <br />ncin:),:~:e lioved, FJ.anacan Sacon:lod, tha.t 1-11'0 HI; Stevonson baauth.... <br />orized to drau up a group insurance plan. for the ompl0}"3es of the ViJ.ltlGEl <br />of Rosc.nd,llB on the ba.sia of a fee of C;300cOO", Loll Call", A:;'3s (4) - na~13 <br />(0)0 <br /> <br />b1.anar,an Hovedj Reimcl<a Seconded, that:, the b:Llla be paido Roll Call, iI.~!~S <br />(4) - !lays (o}o <br /> <br />GLt~lTDEmr.llm <br />SCr~lrmG <br /> <br />'r1:;XhCO SEH'iiTCE <br />ST/SIOtJ <br /> <br />FIr,:E mPiJtrIlSIJJ <br /> <br />IlGlJT~AlJCE <br />l'lSEJOCItLTICN <br /> <br />Gnou p rnsun:,!](:.;-; <br /> <br />CLl\.I1IS <br />