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<br />Regulflr of the ' Cbl.'lnei .Fr'1d~Y9 <br /> <br />23. <br /> <br />t); li~.~ <br /> <br />ll:be \fl11age Cbunc:Ll on t,b':1 above (tate w.tth ~he t' tlt~tnbeJ"S', <br />present ~ Ha,yot' C'edaroolma 'l"r'.;isi;;ees F.lanagan!i Reine\tK€ 9 McGee t:'U'Jc <br />Sbiel1s 0 Attorney Bell 800. VtlJage Cle:dt !1!l1rulund ~{ere also pr€!EH~'llt, c <br /> <br />Shield.s M:rved;J Reinecke Seconded,} that the Mi.Dut,es. of the C'bunc.:t1 <br />Meeti~ of JWle 9$1 19618 be accepted as oorr'ecte:do &lll CaLl!,' <br />Ayes (5) = Nays (0)0 <br /> <br />HINt ~rlJ'::'.3: <br /> <br />On Page 19 uncler Cbuncil atte:'1.o.ance) <t,he rt~O:Crrd of a,tt,and.f.r\Cf~ sL:e,u1d <br />reaO.f) ~tees ~~~!~."J!e.~;~.~~_c~~.J?!:!~!!t) <br /> <br />On Pa,,?;e 4.0 under Estimat.e Nao 9.? Project, !bo 38 t,be mot.Jon. shoulccf'€'au", <br />,tUh'=- am~t= of ~~9.355o 71 ~~~1i-~!1t,~~i?_!fI~.~~2~~~1. <br />~t1 & SoOO12 1n~o <br /> <br />Shie:Ws M:)'ved.v FllU'lagan Seconded8 tbatthe V111a~e Clerk be aLJ,t,ho:r'ized <br />to open bids 011 Phese 4. of th(~ Midland Hills '" Uin1versit,:y of Ninr\es()'ta. dO <br />1Csevtlle ])reJ.nage ProJect" ~,1.1 Ca:Lt9 AYes tt~) .", Nays (O \; ~lcGE:~e oot; <br />vot,lngo <br /> <br />f ':ASU'1 4 s <br />l:D'~VLAND In 11,j ~ <br />U or' 1-1 ~ . .L <br />DR.AJ't-IAGr,~ :P.;t:)J1X"~! <br /> <br />Shields M::>v'edJ1 Fl.enaaan Seconded~ that 'the blda be refe:rI'e>C. t.c" the <br />Vil.lal3e Ehglneer for t;abal.e:tinn and a l"e}'Orto Roll, Ca:lJ,~ !tyeE ~4) = <br />Nays {l) 1) McGee votlng Nay 0 <br /> <br />Shields l-bvedf) Reinecke Seool1doo", that ResolutionNoc 11-56 eat,!2liUahing <br />B, pub'tic hearj,ng on a mun1c1Pf:.l 'W'ater system be a.dopted" ]kiLl Ce.Ll" <br />Ayes 1(4) = Nays (lL McGee w1;lug Nay" <br /> <br />f'UlJl,IC HEAHmn <br />ON V /1.':,];)3 ~:;:Y;)IJ;;;l') <br />BE~X):,Lt1J\1,O.N' :'1f'1 <br />4::/6 <br /> <br />!~.!~P!X~9N [Yo .~~~ <br /> <br />RESOwrION,'PPFOT'w'U ENGti1EER..S PREIJKfNARY <br />RE.roRT AND 'Af.lOVID1NG FOR PUBL:\C BEARING ON <br />WATER IMPll)\lEMENT NO.> 1 <br /> <br />BE IT .RESOl.VED by the Council, of .the of' Rosevill€' as <br />follow g <br /> <br />10 The COuncil has hereb)fore direct,ad ~nlster r~nee:ring CCm:FLQ,ni(9 <br />consulting engLneersjI 310 Sne.Uing AvenlJeg st.e 1:Jau19 MJ.nneso:c,ei, t.O p:r'e= <br />pare a prellm1n.aJ.'y :reJOl't as t:,O the feasibil.ity Oi~ .9, pro:posed improveme.r,t <br /> of 'the <".J:,mstruct.iOH 01' vells a storage and. treatment, :f'8,cil..t'tiel~ <br />and Yater ma1r~ tor the ptU"pOEie ot' auppJ.ying a..Dl~. iltst.r$.buting water. withtn, <br />a subHtantlal area, of the V11J&:;ev and the estlnated. cost thereof,;; and, as <br />to whether SLt\:h improvement sn)uJd 'best be made as 'Pl'Op::>se<l o:{ in. couneC't,~ <br />ton wi;th some other im:provemerrte, 'a\e 'Prelim1na:ry rep:>l:,t and cost es'bimat,\~ <br />ha,ve been Gub!J'J.tted by the engi..:leers and conside:l"ed by the O:HJ'll.c11 and are <br />hereby approved and directed t.o be place..l, or, :l"il,e in the offI.ce of the <br />Clerk" The 1:rn:Pl'Ovement proJ?Oc;e:i to be made :In t.he general manner set ;t'orth <br />in the rep>rt is d.esigna.ted as \'later Ibprcfll'ement, Nor 1" <br /> <br />2., The Council shall meet at the auditorltml of the .Ale.!! Ramsey <br />Senior .!l1gh School on ~us~i:,J26* at, 8gqQ. o"clock P"M" farthepU:J:'pC>se <br />