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<br />of holding a. pubUc hea:ring Ctl1t;.UE p:rt)p;:.'sed il:tp:rov€'~o.t, :JadeX' r]n.dDt~.I'suant <br />tOl,he pI'Ovisions of J.t1nneeota 8t,at~ut;es 09 Che.,:pter 429 f; andt,be '~J>el'k is <br />hertlby authorized and dit"ected. to cause not:tce of the t:ixlt:9 'Place 81Jd pLU"= <br />pose of that meeting to be publlshe.dmce i.n the official news:paperc9 ':!'he <br />lbSE~ Tribune>.) which pub11ca,t.lons shal~ be a, week apart9 and the Hecond ptll:>: <br />llcl:\1oion 8~ be not. less th..llIl. three days before the date of 'the hearing" <br /> <br />nBua BEAHI!~iJ <br />Q,N ~i 4~'"!SR ;3Yrrf:i~i., <br />RF1SCJJrI()[\ <br />4 c,,,.:> ': (~ON~l' .!\ ) <br /> <br />30 The notice shall be ;1,rJ, su.bstantiw,y the fol,low1ng f'omg <br /> <br />~lO'1'ICE OF BEARIIiG <br />ON WM'.ER Jlw1PRO~ NO" 1 <br />OF THE VILLAGE OF ROSEVItJEa MmNESO'l'A <br /> <br />NOTICE IS HERE:BY GIVEN t"hat the Council 011' the Village of Ibaevi:lle" <br />Minn.esota will meet at the a,00l:toriUl:l of the Alexa:ader 'Ra.tnsey Benior High <br />Sclx>ol on the 2nd day ot Au8usts 1961 a.t 8g00 oOclock Pol-io" Cent1"lU De,ylight <br />Saving 'l'imea to hold a publlc hea:r-ing pursuant to :M1rmesot.a statutesB <br />Chapter 429>> as amend.ed8 on e. prop:>sed water improvement. ~) <) 1 <br />of the construction of welle. find. storage and treatment factI! ties for the <br />SUP'ftly of water and 'Water me) n.s vi thin the area described be:lowa subs't.ant1~illy <br />in accordance with a prelim.intu'y engineering re)p:rt which ::.8 now OlO file ancl <br />open to public inspect,ion in t:.1:w office of the Village c.l.e:r-k8 <br /> <br />The cost of the improve:rl.eOL is. :present,ly estimated at approximately <br />$2 B 8008 000.., The area proJX)seC. to be assessed for the impro'\fem.E>nt includ,es <br />the properties situated vitbJn j~he following described. boundaX'y~: <br /> <br />Commencing at a, PJint a:t'!.he interseC't1on of Cbunty Road IlBt~ and 'Western <br />.Avenue8 said t:Oint also beIng the Soi.ltmrest, corner of the Sout.he.I' <br />quarter of Section 129 T 29,9 R 23.11 thence northerly along the centerline <br />of Western Avenue a distance of approximatel;'," 762 feet to the io:t.;,ax"= <br />section of Western Avenue and 'r"HQ #36 as it now esist;s$ thence 1lesterl)' <br />along the centerllne of' aforesaid T" Ho #36 a distance of e:ppro:x:lmately <br />2695 feet to the intersectIon of. T,.Iio #36 and Dale Street" thence westerly <br />along the centerline of afo:r:esaid Tc Ho #36 88 it now exists a. cLtstance <br />of approxi1:lately 5.9260 feet, tc..1 the intersection of I.exingt:orl Avenue and <br />aforesaid ToRo IJ36'$ thence westerly along the center~ine of aforesaid <br />T" Ho 1136 as it now exists n. distance of 1831502 feet; thence D,()rt.herly <br />and parallel with the east line of SecU.on lOa T' 298 R 238 & dist..anee <br />of 96401 feet" 'lbence westerly a d1st,Bnce of 456 feett, thence northerly <br />a distance of 200 feet to the cen.terllne of County Ibad "p...,,2" as it now <br />exists f} said p:llnt lying a. distance of 200 feet easterly of the inter= <br />section of aforesaid Cblmty 1\)ad "B""2" and Dell'WOOd Avenue>> thence <br />northerly and parall.el with Hmnline Avenue a distance of 1).] 3.12 06 feet.9 <br />thence westerly a distance o.f 32104 feeta thence northf~:rly' and paral..1.e.l <br />vith Hamline Avenue a d:tstan.ce of 250 feet to the centerl;ine of Oakc:rest <br />Avenue).) thence westerly a c1iataw::e of 177,,6 feet to a :point, on the center= <br />line of Oakcrest Avenuea said, 1X>1nt lying a distance of 14908 :feet, <br />easterl~' of the centerline of lfuI:1.1ine Avenue~ t;hence uol"t,herly and paral.l.e:1 <br />vlth the centerline of Hamline Avenue 210 feet; thence east.erly 215 fee't,r <br />thence northerly and pa,:t'allel with lim1llne Avenue 200 feet.!) thence <br />wester~' 13408 f'eeta thence nort;,her~ 1.50 feet,a t,bence westerly 75 feet~ <br />thence northerly 13809il to a :point on the centerline of Ibae Place~ <br />thence westerly along the centerline of lbse Pla.ce 98 feet toO a p>int <br />UB feet distant tI'OJ:l the centerline of leml,ine Avenuea thence northerly <br />and parallel 'With the center1.1 ne of Haml1ne Avenue 245 teet to a }pint <br />on the :ri'>:I"the:rn Pacific Rai.lwa:,y CJomranyOs rtght<=of'<=>wayi) thence easterly <br />