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<br />~3r.~ <br /> <br />2" The Oouncil shall meeta as originalJ;{ ached,uled,) a.t 't~he <br />Alex.g,nder Ramsey Hlgh School on August 28 1961 at 8g00 0 :lcJ..oC:\t Po}'1o <br />for the purpose of a :public hea.r:tng on the p:rop::med 1m:grove.., <br />ment Ut1der and pu.reuant to the provisions of Minnesota. S1oetUt';:lf3,,< <br />Chapter 429B and the Clerk is hereby authorized and dire{:ted. .l;t:l cause <br />no ice of the timee place and. purpose of that meetir\g to be published <br />twice in the offioial newspaperJ The lbse Tribuneo 'Whioh piblica:tions <br />ahal:l. be a. week a.part and the second publication sheJ~ be not less than <br />three days before the date of the hea.:ringo <br /> <br />REsoumON .NO" <br />459 (eontOcl) <br /> <br />:30 The re'\f1sed notice uhall be subS'\tantiall:3' t,he :follow:i.llg fOlrm~ <br /> <br />NOO:'ICE OF HEARING <br />ON W~ :l."MP!'()VEME:NT NOo 1A <br />OF THE v:rLf..i\GE: C;F BJSEVILLE>> MINNE~;oo~A <br /> <br />NOTICE IS HEREBY GIiEN 'i;hat the Cbunc11 of the Village of RDsevil.lev <br />Minnesota. Will meet at Alexander Ramsey School on the. 2rui (lay of <br />Augustjl 1961 at 8~oo onclock PoHo,!' Central Daylight Ss;v:tng Tl1l11~b to hold. <br />a plibllc hearing pursuant to l> statuteo.9 Chap-tel" 429)) as <br />amen4ed, on a pro:posed va'i;ex' improvanent No" lA consisting of 't,he oonstruct,"' <br />ion of wells aDd storage !inrl tr€'atment facilities fClrthe supply of ",ate.!: 8;,10 <br />'wate:t'.tt1ains within the area IhlSCribed below,y substant:i.8,1.1~{ in ,:),,;:-,ooI"d.a,nce 'wit;::i <br />a prelin:d.nary engineering re:port. which is now on fi.le enil ope'!l to public <br />inspec'tion in the office of 'l:.he Village Clerke <br /> <br />~e cost of the iJTLpl"t)~..nt. 1.0 presently estimated at ;~pp:r\) <br />$2<>852;.0000 The area p:r'OyOSOO .to he assessed. for the 1m:prove.n.~nt it:\( <br />the properties situated w:l.thln "(,he fo.llow1ng descri'bed boundary;; <br /> <br />Commencing at a p:>int at. ',;he :l.nt.ersection of County ICad. "B~\ a;:,d Wes'cern <br />Avenue,? said p:>il1t also being the Sol.tthwest corner (if the Scl.:;~cb.t? quarter <br />of Section 1.28 T 29 s R 23.~ thence northerly along the cel1tei..'li:1,e of: t>leste:rn <br />.Avenue a distance of ap:p1'()ximately 762 feet to the i.ntsl4secti':>2 of W~stel:'t:l. <br />li.'Vl?.Due and ToR" #36 as :i.t 111)W e.."'d,stS,i\ thence wester:ty a.long tha centerline <br />of af'()resa.:!d T"Ho #36 a, d:1.stance of' approximately 2695 f~~eJG t:>th~ later..., <br />$ection of !l!~{i<, #36 and DaJ,e St:;:'eet.;; thence westerly eJ.o:lft.ha ~ente:fline <br />of' ato:resaic... :roH" #36 ;M~ :!.t n(~W exists a dist.ance of a:WJ.xX"lma:tel~.. 5,.260 <br />:feet to the intersecticn of ::Sx:tngton Avenue and a.foresaif ToRo #363 thence <br />westerly aJDng the centerline of aforesai.d Toll" #36 as ii:, n()W~~ld.stE; e, d.if~ar.ce <br />of 1",315<>2 t'eet~ thence nm?~herl..y and pal'allel witb "the eI;,st. Una 01' <br />3ect:ton lOa T 29:~ R 2:3$ e, ~liat;&lCe of 961~o 7 f'eet" Then(:(~lv~S!;~l"~Y a distSUOE: <br />of 456 teet.!! tbence nort',h;?::d:;,r a distance of 200 feet- t.o ,.he ceClter:li,ne of <br /><l>unty Road ":a...2" as it :O.n'W f;.'odstse said IX>int lyIng a d:tstence of 200 f6€t <br />easterl.y of the 1ntersect:Lon of aforesaid Co\.ll1ty fueA liB,"?" au1 De1.1wo-:l <br />Avenue>> t.;h~mce northerly and :parallel with !im1l1n.e Avenue a. di3i;.auce of <br />ls 3l2, 6 f'e~Jl thence lrest'~Js a distance ot 32704 fc~t>> nori..herly <br />and -ps.:rsllel With Hamllne AVe1)uI? s. distance of 2~O ;f'eet "A,'" the ~enterllne of~ <br />Oakcrest Avenue;; thence w!Jsterl;}r a o.1stance oflTl96 f'E,et '\':,0 a point on the <br />centerline of Oakcrest Avenu"-;a said point; ~'ing a of 1.4.908 feet, Hlst.Gl"'.Jl.y <br />of the centerJ.1ne of Iif.unJ.lrte Avenue; thence northerly arI(i p;trallel. ",1'1 'tb.the <br />centerline of Hamllne,!J,.~ 210 r;':et>> thence easterly 2'15 :I;'eet,@ thence <br />northerly and pa,raJJ.eJ. 1dt;h Hmnll,ne Avenue 200 feet; thellc~e we.sterJ.y 13l{c,Cl feet;; <br />