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<br />...4- <br /> <br />thence northerly 150 teetJ thence westerly 75 teet,; thence northe:rly RESOLU.rION NOo <br />13809' to a })Oint on the centerline of a>se P.lace,; 'thence westerl,y 459 (contUd) <br />along the center1:1ne of' lbse Pla.ce 98 teet to a point u8 feet distant <br />from the centerline of Bamline Avenue,; thence northerly and JlB1"8l.1.el <br />with the centerline ot Bamllne Avenue 24; feet to a IlOint on the <br />Northern PacU1c Ba:Ll~ OOmpany9s r1gh1;-of~; thence easterly along <br />the centerline of' aforesaid Northern Pacific Rail~ Company 8 s right.. <br />ot-way a distance of' appi.' 1,200 feet" thence northerly a. <br />distance of approYi1l1Ptely 170 feet to the soU'tlnrest corner of the East <br />1/4 of Section 3, II 29>> 11 23; 'thence northerly one (1) mile to a )?Oint <br />on the north line of' atoresa:l.d Section 3J thence westerly approximately <br />38922 teet to the northwest corner at aforesaid Section 3; thence <br />southerly along the west line of' aforesaid Section 3 a distance of a.ppl'Ox'" <br />imately 1/4 mile to the southwest corner ot the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 ot . <br />aforesaid Section 3, said })Oint also being the intersection of ToR" 51 <br />as it now exists and ~a Avenue, thence westerly along the centerline <br />of IiYdia Avenue a distance of 500 feet,; thence southerly and paraJ.le1 With <br />the east line of Section 48 T 298 R 23, a distance of 1,309 feet to a. <br />point on the south Una of the liE 1/4 ot atoresa:l.d Section 4J thence <br />westerly along atoresa:l.d south line of aforesaid NW 1/4 of Section 4 a <br />d1stance at 75 teet; thence southerly and pa.rallel With the east line of <br />aforesaid Section 4 a distance of 1,32508 feet; thence westerly and <br />pa.rallel With the south line ot atoresaid Section 4 a distance of 2905602 <br />feet to the centerline ot Fai.rview Avenue, thence southerly the <br />cen1;erline of' Fa1rv1ew Avenue a distance ot 62508 feet; thence westerly a <br />distance of 233 feet,; thence southerly aZId parallel with the centerline of <br />Pa:lrview Avenue a distance of 540 teet to a IlOint on the centerline ot the <br />l'brthern Pacific Ra:f.l~ Companyos rigbt-of-wB\Y, said point lying 233 <br />teet distant hom the centerline of Fa:l.rv1ew Avenue; thence wester~ along <br />the centerline ot the No~ Pacific Railway Companyus rigbt=of."way a <br />distance of approximately 1,080 feet to a point on the east line at the <br />West 1/4 of aforesaid Section 4'; thence solJtberly along the east of <br />the West 1/4 of aforesaid Section 4 and along the East line ot the West <br />1/4 of Sec:t1on 9, T 298 R 238 a distanae of approximately 3984.5 feet to & <br />point on the centerUne of ToIL 1/36 as it now exists; thence easterly <br />along the centerline of aforesaid ToR.. #36 a distance of aPPl'Oxima.tely <br />1.9130 feet to a point 4r.Lng 183 feet distant from the centerline of <br />Fairv1ew at its intersection With aforesaid ToHo 1/36; thence souther~ a <br />distance of 150 feet to the northwest corner of lot 3 Block 1 Midway Acres; <br />thence southwesterly a distance ot 33406 teet along the northwest line of <br />aforesaid lot 3 Block 1 Mtd'waiY /v::res to a point on the centerJl,j,ne of <br />GlI1ek laDe Ho!'th~ thence southerly along the centerline of Gluek lane North <br />aDd Gluek laDe South a distance at appl'OXimately 738 teet to a point J.3ing <br />a't the intersection. of Oluek lane South and the extension of the wester1;r <br />line of lot 4 Block 3 Mt~ Acres; thence southeasterly along the vest lot <br />line of af'oresaid lot 4. Block 3 M1dvay Acres a di&tance of 319D9 feet to 'the <br />southwest corner ot aforesaid !at 4 Block 3 Mi~ Acres,; thence southerly <br />43 feet to the centerline of Q)unty lbad "B" J sa.1d !X)int lying 298 feet <br />westerq of' the intersection of Cbunty lbad liB" and Fatrviev .Wenue.; thence <br />southerly and paralle1 with the centez1ine ot Fairview Avenue a distance of <br />233 teet} thence easterly and. paraJ.J.el with the centerline of COunty B:>ad "B" <br />a distance of approx:Lmt~ 955 feet to a point on the west line of the <br />NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of' the HE 1/4 of Section 16, T 299 R 23.; thence southerly <br />along the west line of' said ill a distance ot approx1mat~ 423 feet to the <br />southwest corner of said ,Hi thence easterly along the south J.ine of said ~H <br />