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<br />..6.. <br /> <br />150 feet; thence ee.ster~r a distance ot 414,,85 feet" thence northerly <br />a dia'tance of 98400 feet>> thence eas'terly a distance of 39208 teet; <br />t.hence northerly a distance of 330 teet; thence easterly a distance of <br />261c9 teet to a JOint on the centerl1ne ot Victoria. street a distance <br />of 165 feet 80lltberly of' 1 ts intersecti,on w1 th PaJ.'ker Avenue; thence <br />turther easterly a distance ot one quarter mile to a. !Oint on the 'West <br />.Une of the East 1/4 of Section 14a 'r 29ll R 23; thence southerly along <br />l.\a1d vest line a distance of approximately 860 teet to the SW comer 01' <br />t.'.Je HoffmaDs Ckrden Tracts Plat~ thence easterly along the south Une of <br />at'oresaid lbf'tmans Garden 'I'racts a distance of one quarter mile to the <br />centerline of' Dale streetz thence southerly the centerl1ne of <br />Dale street 34101 feetll said !=Oint ly1ng a distance of 444026 teet north- <br />er~{ of the soutl1Emst COlonel. of the IE 1/4 of aforesaid Section 14~ <br />thence eas'terly and parallel witb the south line of the NW 1/4 of Section <br />13, ~t' 29$ R 23 a distance of 65108 feet.; thence northerly 141 teetll thence <br />east6\rly along the 8O\Jo'th line 01' mock 3 of Brennan"a IBkev1ew a distance <br />of 65009 f'eetJ thenoe nor'-herly along the east line of' the West ba.1f of <br />the Nli J./1J of Section 13 a distance of m02 teet.; thence westerly along <br />the south line of lot 10 Block 5 McCanon ijs Jddition a distance of 166Q 78 <br />feet to t,11e southwest comer of' aforesaid lot lOJ thence norther~ along <br />the west line of aforesaid Block 5 a distanoe of 852 feet; thence easterly <br />s, distance of 23809 feet$ thence northerly a distance of 200 teetJ thence <br />eE~erly a distance of 260 teet, thence southerly a distance ot 200 feet to <br />the no:r.tb line of B.1.oc:k 1 McCarron U B .Add1 tion; thence easterly along the <br />north line of Block 1 lOOOarron 9 s Ja4d1 t10n 9740 5 feet t..o the centerline of <br />Western. Avenue at a point; 400 teet south of its intersection wi. th <br />Cbunt.y Ibad "B'l J thenoe northerly a distanoe of 400 feet along the center... <br />line of Western Avenue to the intersection of Count;,j' Fbad "B" and <br />'Western Avenue>> said p)iot being the t.O~nt of beginning of this descriptiono <br /> <br />RESOWl'ION NO, <br />459 (contGd) <br /> <br />.w persons desiring to be heard wi threterence to the improvement and <br />t,he area pl'@:PQsed to be assessed therefor ~ appear em be heard by the <br />VU.lage Council at the and place stated aboV'eo <br /> <br />Dated JU,ly 7>> 1961 <br /> <br />BY ORDER OF '!'BE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br /> <br />Rtchard Wo 1\lrnlund <br />ViUase Clerk <br />VU.lage ot Ibsev111e>> M:1nnesota <br /> <br />40 '.Ibe general ne:(;, estimated cost, and. area proposed to be assessed <br />fa:r pro];lOsed Water Improvement lb 0 lA are detemined to be as stated in the <br />tQre~ing DOt1ce as fulJ.y as though the same were separatel:y set forth and <br />resolved bereino <br /> <br />({h1elds lOVed, Reinecke Secondedy that the Yllla8e C],erk be author1zed <br />to issue a check. to Mro Warren Brennan in the amount of $2520000 tor <br />rJa~nt ot back saJ.e.ry during his term of office as Trustee <br />:t:com January 18 1957 to December 319 19590 lOll CeJJ.h ~ (4) .. <br />Nays (l)tJ McGee voting Nay 0 <br /> <br />'WAR'REN B'RElINAN <br />