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<br />"'5'" <br /> <br />a distance of 65706 feet to a 1,)Oint on the west. line of ;me NE ~/4. of RESOI1.1nON NO 0 <br />the NE 1/4 of aforesa.1d Section 16; thence northerly along aforesaid 459 (cont ad) <br />west line of' af'oresaid ~~ a distance of 516 feet; thence easterly and <br />];81'8llel With the centerline of County lbad ~n 325 feet; thence south... <br />erly a distance of 13,,8 teet; thence easterly and parallel with the <br />centerline of County lOad liB" a distance of 46906 feet,; thence southerly <br />242 feet; thence easterly 216 teet.; thence southerly aDd parallel with the <br />east line of' af'oresaid Section 16 32605 feet; thence westerly 324,,4 f'eet,9 <br />thence soat;her~ 30208 feet; thence easterly 32404 teet.; thence southerJ.y <br />~57 teet to a 'POint on the centerline of Sk1lJJnan Avenue.; thence easterly <br />along the centerline of ~ J 1~n Avenue 333 feet to the eaB't line of <br />atorese.:id Section 16; thence southerly along the east line of af'oresaid <br />Section ~6 1,41508 feet to the southeast corner of the NE 1./4 of afore... <br />said Section 16; thence easter~ along the south line of the NW 1/4 ot <br />Section 15, '1' 29, R 23 a distance of one...half' mile to the center of atore... <br />said Section 15; thence contiol.ltng eastward a distance of 109 teet; thencP, <br />northerly 16702 teet; thence easter~ 1,20907 teet to a. 1,)Oint on the west <br />line of the BE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of af'oresa1d Section 15~ thence northerly <br />16306 feet; thence easterly and parallel with the south line of' the m: 1/4 <br />of said Section J.5 a distance of 1,,062 teet; thence solltherly and parallel <br />with the east line of said Section 15 a distance of a.pproximately 328 feet <br />to a p:dnt on the centerline of lbselawn Avenl1e which cente:rline is also <br />the south line of aforesaid NE: 1/4,; thence easterly along the south line ot <br />aforesaid BE 1/4 a distance of approx1mat~ 256 teet to a point on the east <br />line of aforesaid Section 159 said point also being the SE corner of' the <br />1m 1/4 Of Section J.5 aDd said point also being the center ot the intersection <br />of Iex:tngton Avenue and lOselawn Avenue; thence southerly along the center- <br />line of' I.exington Avenue a distance of 132 feet; thence easterly and parallel <br />with the north line ot 'the SW 1/4 of Section 148 T 29" R 23 a distance ot <br />360 feet; thence southerly and parallel with the west line of s.f'oresaid <br />Section 14 a distance ot 528 feet; thence easterly a distance of 22006 tee;;; <br />thence southerly aDd. pa.rallel with the vest line of aforesaid Section 14 a, <br />distance of 663 feet to 8 point on the north line of' Block 19 MEmorial <br />Idd1tiOQ R>" 11 thence easterly along the north line of aforesaid Block 1 a <br />d:1s'tance of 29006 feet to the NE comer of tot 2, Block 1a Memorial J\dd.ition <br />lbo 1.; thence southerq long the east line of aforesaid lot 2 a, distance of. <br />217 feet to the centerline of lbma Avenue~ 'thence easterl.yalon.g the ceo.t,e),.Une <br />of lbms. Avenue a distance of 11307 feet to. its intersection with Aglen strcet,g <br />thence sol.ltherly along the centerline ot Aglen street a distance of 133 f'etr'l;~ <br />thence easterly along the extended soath line of lots 111 2,\1 and 39 Block 2il <br />lbberts J.ddition Plat 1, a dis'tance of 326..1 feet to 'the centerline of <br />Cbatnortb streetJ thence northerly along the centerllne of Cbatswrth street <br />approximately 105 feet to its intersection with the extended south line of' <br />lot 14, Arthur Eo 'l'bom Plat; thence easterly along the south l1ne ot atoreco <br />said lot 14 a distance of 248 feet to the southeast corner of aforesaid <br />lot 14; thence northerly along the rear lot line of lots 14 through 22>> <br />Arthur Eo ih1m Plat, and further northerly along the rear lot line ot Iota 6 <br />through 9, Jordan9s Qmoden Iotsa tor a total distance of 1>>37408 teet to the <br />lIE comer of lot 98 JordanRs Ga1den Iots8 thence westerly along the north <br />line of aforesaid lot 9 a distance of 106"u teet; thence northerly a d.1ste.nce <br />of 148 teet to the centerline ot lbselawn Avenu.e; thence westerly along the <br />centerline of lbselavn Avenl1e a distance of ;34oU feet; thence northerJ.y a <br />distance or 11801 teet.ii thence easterly and parallel with the centerline of <br />Ibse1aVll Avenue a distance of ].34069 feet,; thence northerl.y II distance of <br />