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<br />""lj.,. <br /> <br />Shields }.t)vedg F'J "~gan Second-~ that Blase 4 ... MlcUan.d Hills - <br />th1versityof M1nnesota ... ft)sev1lle Drainage Project be &Wa1'ded to <br />the 1Dv joint bidders I Rehbein IandBcape Company o.nd Rehbein Excavating <br />in the amunt of' $890700009 in a.ccordaDoe with the recommendation of <br />the Q)nsulting Eog1neer and the Vlllage Eog1neer 0 :Fbll CaU, A1es (4) - <br />BalB (1) - JobGee wting Nay 0 . <br /> <br />FlA"esar:' M>ved, Shields Seconded that the Clerk be authorized to ad- <br />vertise for bids for ~e obanges to the Ughting aDd partitioning of <br />the large office in the Ylllage lrallo lbll Call" If3es (5) co NIq8 (0)0 <br /> <br />Shields Ibved,p F1lJnegpn Seconded, that Resolution Noo 460, a <br />Reso11.1tion eatabl1sh1ng an Insurance Q:Jmm1ttee for the Vlllage of <br />Ibseville be adDpt;edo lbll Call, A:3eS (4) · ~ (1), MaGee voting <br />Nay 0 <br />RESO:I.UlIOl'i DO 0 460 <br />r <br /> <br />A RISOLl1l'...'U)H ES'l'ABT:rmtjIID All DSURAHCE ~ FOR mE <br />VII.IAGE 07 H>SEVILt.~o <br /> <br />WBImEAS, the VUlt....~ of lbsev:Ule has a need of aont1nllRing aDd <br />expert advice on the requ1re1ltents of the Village tor insurance protect- <br />ion; and <br /> <br />WIIBREAS, the lIlllage of' lbaev111e has citizens aDd property <br />owners within the V11lage who are capible aDd qualified to gLve such <br />advice and who der1 va a substantial pnot of their personal income as <br />insuranoe asents; <br /> <br />NOW, ~RE, BE E! RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE OOUNCIL OF THE <br />VIJ...LAGE OF R>8EVILJ.Eg MINHFmTA, AS FOLIOWS 8 <br /> <br />fbat an insuranoe COlII!li ttee tor the Vlllage of RoMville 1s <br />hereby established according to the folJDving terms and stipulations <br /> <br />1) Purp)8eo !Lb anaJ.yze 'the Vllla.ge9s insurance <br />handle th6 placement of' the Vl1]~e9s insurance,p lland.l-e all claims <br />~nst insurance ca.rr1ers, and be responsible tor maintaining <br />adequate :tnsurance coverage on all Village operationso This aomnittee <br />will be held responsible tor a:D:3 d1:tt1culties experienced by the Village <br />because ot inadequate oove:rageo <br /> <br />2) ~t1ono 1'be insurance camm1ttee will coo.sist of <br />seven members 0 members will select one of their number who shall <br />act as chairman ot the committee and act as ~t-of'-Record for <br />VI.' ,.~ 1uUl'BDCeo ~ chairman shall be c~ged every ~I'\dv ye&ro <br />~ Village Attorney shaU be an ex officio member of said aomm1ttee <br />but shaJ.l not share in a:ay insurance comn1ssions as hereina:f"ter <br />speoitiedo <br /> <br />3) ~1ntment 0 ~e members of the aomm1 ttee shall be <br />appointed by Village Q)uncU tor a 'tem of thfte ;years exce-pt 1n <br />the case of' the or1g:lnal seven members D in which case the COuncil shall <br /> <br />PRASIi: 4 ... <br />MIl)IAND HILtS "" <br />tmIVERSrn OF <br />MmNESOTA eo <br />mBEViW <br />DRAINAGE IilOJECT <br /> <br />mKmEIJ:NO OF <br />VILIJtnE RPJ:"L <br /> <br />RS-S>ll1.l.'IO!lT <br />ON D;SURANCE <br />COMMI'l'l'EE <br />