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<br />"'9'" <br /> <br />aPlX>int two members for one ~ te:t"IDS iI t.'WO w:-...mbera for twro yea!' 'te1'm.~!J <br />and three members tor three yea:r terms" 111e Council shall thereafter <br />apt:01nt two members eaoh. far the first and second yee:r aDd three new <br />members tor the third ~ar" <br /> <br />4) 9uaJJ..f'ication tor l-Bnbership: ~ following requirements <br />for membership must be met before aJlI.Ointment by the Council ~ <br /> <br />a) AppJ.1cant must be engaged in the business 'Of selling <br />insurance on a full time basis and must sign El.ll. affi... <br />davit in a tom. approved by the V:U.1.age Cle-rk' <br />sta'teS that he del'ives 001t of his income in insurance <br />conm:lss10ns from fire, casualty or bond insur&.r.loe <br />llOlioies 0 <br /> <br />b) Applicant must be a resident owning real estate <br />in the \'1l1age of Ibsevil1e or an agent for an <br />insurance ott:l.ce 1t1 the Vlllage of. IOse\1.lle and <br />owning real estate in the Village ot Ibsevilleo <br /> <br />5) ~at1ono J.1embers at the aozrm1.ttee eMU tool a.1~ oom,., <br />m1ss1ons 1'eCeiwd tram insurance policies received by the Vi.1.lage and <br />d1 vide said OCIIIID1ssions evenly between the seven manbers and. each <br />mecber must sign a contract approved by the V1' '~ge Attorney ~Illd the <br />Village Clerk agreeing to the division of iW3uraltCe commissions as <br />herein spec1t1edo <br /> <br />Sh1e1d.s Jobved, :Reinecke Seconded that the X"Ules of procedure for <br />administrating ~"fng <bnmisaion oases, as outlined in a letter by <br />the \'1llage Mmin1strator dated June 911 1961>> be edopteQ.o full Call" <br />P;yes (5) ... ~ (0)0 <br /> <br />Flanagan l-bvedg f.bGee Seconded that the requeat by the <br />Ramsey.Q1gLneering Cbmpany for a building permit be gIant,ad.o <br />lOll Callg ~s (5) .. ~ (0)0 (Iocaticm~ lB53 1>10 County IbM G) <br /> <br />1J.k:Gee M>ved!l li'lN'agan Seconded that the requeat of Munic11l&1 ':fudge <br />Jerome Eo Franke to purchase a aew set of Minnesota Statutes <br />Annotated be granted" 1011 Ca..Ua Ayes (5) .. J~ (0)" <br /> <br />Fl-ge~ )bwda McGee Seconded. that Easement 111402, #1.5888 and #1589 <br />be execl1ted by the ~r and. the Clerk and that 0. check in the amount <br />of $95000 be issued. ~le to ltiward 30 Fo Petsch and. Helen L., Petsch <br />in ~t for FlUement #14029 that a check in the am.>wrt of ~J355"OO <br />be issued ~le to Richard C" Eichenauer a.od Virginia. Me E1cheImI16r <br />in ~t tor &ssement #1588, and. that a. check be issu.ed in the <br />&m>lDlt of $395000 ~le to Richard Co Eiobenauer and <br />Virginia Mo Eichenauer in pa)'ment for Easement #1;890 lOll aal.l>> <br />lf3es (;) ... ~ (0)0 <br /> <br />RESOIUi'.IOlf <br />Oll :m&'J1WJcr~ <br />cn.t.UT.rF.;E <br /> <br />PlAIU1:ING <br />COl<1MISSION <br />PF:OCEIDlJRES <br /> <br />F:fj-!mrr <br />E;"NGnJEE~RING <br />C'Ol.jFt~JIr( <br /> <br />nmCHASE OF' <br />l-JEW S&l~ OF <br />MINNESOO'~ <br />S'l!ATlW!S <br />.MOO'31ATEi) <br /> <br />EASE14EhI\'.I~ <br />NOS ~ lll-02 <br />1.588 <br />'I ~~t~ <br />,..,;p~ <br />