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<br />Village of Roseville <br /> <br />ftegular r.1eeting of the Village Council, September 10, 1962, <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members <br />present: Mayor ~1cGee, Trustees Flanagan, Goodrich and Kustermann, <br /> <br />Flanagan Moved, Goodrich Seconded, that the minutes of the meeting <br />of August 27, 1962, be accepted as corrected. Roll Call, Ayes (4) - <br />Nays (0), <br /> <br />On page 1, under Public Hearing Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 4, <br />it should read: <br /> <br />The Mayor announced the meeting was opened for consideration of a <br />proposed sanitary sewer improvement in the Village, <br /> <br />The Clerk produced an affidavit showing publication of the notice <br />appearing on the improvement two weeks in the official newspaper <br />of the Village, the last publication being the 23rd day of August <br />1962, which affidavit was examined and ordered placed on file, The <br />Clerk also produced certificate of mailing notices to all property <br />owners of property lying within the proposed improvement area, <br /> <br />Goodrich Moved, Kustermann Seconded, that this certificate of mail- <br />ing notices be placed on file, Roll Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0), <br /> <br />rhe Mayor gave a short resume of the background of the proposed <br />sanitary sewer improvement. In substance he stated that the <br />improvement had originated from a request by residents in the area <br />for provision of sanitary sewer facilities. These requests had come <br />in in three or four separate petitions and the Council had decided <br />that the most feasible approach would be to combine all into one <br />sanitary sewer improvement, He then gave a brief history of sanitary <br />sewer improvements in the Village since 1956, <br /> <br />The proposed sanitary sewer improvement was explained to the individuals <br />present by the Village's Consulting Engineers, the Banister Engineering <br />Company, The substance of the presentation was as follows: <br /> <br />Mr, Short described the areas to be included in the sewer improvement <br />and explained the basic elements of the sewer construction, In <br />regard to construction, Mr. Short explained that the segment of the <br />sewer to be laid along Josephine Road would require a lift station, <br />proposedly located at the south side of Josephine Road and the <br />northerly extension of Fernwood Avenue extended, He explained that <br />the area lies lower than that of the general gravity flow of the sewer <br />into St, Paul and that sewage would have to be raised by pumping with <br />a sewage lift station up to an existing sewer lying a~ on the <br />extension of Fernwood Avenue, and about three or four hundred feet south <br />of Josephine Road, An eight inch sewer would be laid on Josephine <br />Road with a lift station which would pump through a six inch forced <br /> <br />8:00 P,~L <br /> <br />MINUTES <br />