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<br />MRS. MICHAEL FORTNEY, 999 Grandview: Asked if <br />the cost per residential buildable lot could be increased <br />from the quoted $250.00. Was informed this rate would <br />probably remain as it was unless construction costs were <br />considerably more than anticipated. Further, if construction <br />costs were considerably higher than expected, there was a <br />possibility that the project might be cancelled. <br /> <br />MR. JAMES WINTERS, 1070 West County Road B-2: Asked <br />Mr. Short to indicated the problem areas on the map of the <br />improvement. After Mr. Short's explanation, Mr. Winters <br />said, lilt would appear what welre t~ying to do is drain the <br />pond that has been a natural ponding area for many years." <br /> <br />SHERYL STROM, 937 Grandview: Since taxes will have to pay <br />for the portion of the improvement not financed by assessments, <br />asked when the taxes would be increased. Thinks the improvement <br />is not necessary. <br /> <br />MR. VINCENT DETERS, 955 Lovell: Asked several questions. <br /> <br />MR. HUGH STUART, representing the ROSEVILLE ASSEMBLY OF <br />GOD CHURCH: In favor of the improvement. <br /> <br />REV. EMANUAL LUNDBLAD, ROSE OF SHARON NURSING HOME (Spoke <br />before): In favor of the improvement. <br /> <br />Improvement ST-72-l6 <br /> <br />MR.. ROBERT NELSON, 2589 Fisk: Discussed the bad condition <br />of Ditch No. 19 and said, "As you can see, any additional water <br />from any of these stOrm sewer projects coming now or in the <br />near future into the area east of Victoria will only increase <br />the flooding problem of homes in the area. II Also pointed out <br />that the ball diamonds were under water in the northwest corner <br />of the park last summer. Proposed that the storm sewer project <br />be amended as follows: Ill) Improve County Ditch 19 before any <br />storm water crosses Victoria; 2) Dredge County Ditch 19 to a <br />minimum width of 8 feet and a minimum depth of 3 feet from the <br />discharge of this proposed 20 inch pipe to Lake Owasso - that's <br />all the way: 3) Relocate Ditch 19 to conform to one of the canoe <br />trails on the Central Park master plan; 4) Replace the culvert <br />under the railroad track north of C with a bridge having an <br />