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<br />MR. WILLIAM CONLAS, 793 county Road C: Opposed to the <br />1mprovement. <br /> <br />MR. ED SALVERDA, 646 West county Road C: Raised a question <br />if mains were lowered whe'ther there would be any assessment. He <br />was told that there would not be any assessment if thq were <br />previously assessed In response to a que8~ion of where he <br />s'tood on the project, he said "11m with the people and if they're <br />for it, I'm for it". <br /> <br />MR. HUBERTY, 2555 No. Victoria: Had a question .r.aguding <br />What was going to be done with North V1ctoria. Mr. SDyker, <br />a8s1stant9Ramsey County engineer, answered his questi_s by <br />referring to a wall map and indJ.eated that the curvature would <br />be reduced.. In response to Mr. Huber-ty' s qQest10n regard1nq <br />stop and go lights, he answered that they were cOrl.a1dering them <br />at Hamline, Lexington, Dale, Rice and Lakewood.. <br /> <br />MR. JAMES BODSGARD, 720 West County Roact C (SpOke before): <br />Raised a question regarding a through street. Mr. Snyker re- <br />sponded. Mr. Goldberg then asked whether there would be signals <br />at the railroad crossing and Mr. Snyker replied that there ~d <br />be but the road had to be improved to do it. <br /> <br />MR. ED SALVERDA, 646 West County Road C(Spoke before): <br />Asked whether the village has approved the project. The .Mayoc <br />indicated that was the purpose of the hearing and Councilman <br />Curley indicated ~t since the county had already put in a <br />bridge, a road was needed to hook up into the bridge. <br /> <br />MR. HUBERTY, 2555 NO. Victoria: Asked if there would be <br />allowances for canals under the road to the park. The answer <br />given was that there would be a cattle pass culvert czoeated. <br /> <br />There being no further discusston, the Mayor closed the <br />hearing_ Councilman Grauel moved, seconded by CouncJ.lman <br />Anderson that the matter be continued to the March 20, 1972 <br />meeting of the Council. All in favor. <br />