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<br />CITY OF rOSEVILLF <br /> <br />Re0ul ar meeti no of the Citv Council - ,1anuarv 10, lOlF <br /> <br />The City Council met on the above date with the followinn <br />memhers"rresent: ~avor Demos. Councilmen Anderson. Curley, <br />GrClLlel, nnd Hrss. <br /> <br />11-1 Hess r'ovccl, Anrlerson Secnnded, that the minutes 0f the rneetinf! <br />of ,Januarv 12, 11'1U, he ar!'1roved. Poll Call, Aves' rmder- <br />son, Curlev, Grauel, IIPSS, and DeMOS. ~!a\js: Plane. <br /> <br />P-1 Curle" f'oved, f\ndcrson S"condecL that Ppsolution rln. f13S <br />i'll1rrovi r,n Count'! nl ans for Countv Poad C, Proiect 110. SAP- <br />f2-f23-15 (Citv No. P-75-13) sho~inQ rronosed alignment, <br />Drofiles, arades and sections for the reconstruction of <br />County-State Ilid Hinh\l/av 23 ",ithin the limits of the Citv <br />of Ro~eville as a State' Aid project be adopted. Poll Call, <br />f,\/ps: f\nderson.. Curlev, Grnuel., Hess, and nernos. t!avs. <br /> <br />r'~one . <br /> <br />Curley ["oved, I\nderson Seconded, that Resolution Ilo. r33r <br />orderino the construction of irnrrovement P-7:>13 he actorted. <br />Roll Call, fives: I\nc1erson, Curley, Crauel. Hess, and Demos. <br />Nails: 1Jon('. <br /> <br />F..2 !Iess r~oved, Grauel Seconded, GanCon, Inc. n~r;uest for <br />division of lot and rezoninn from R-f to P-l at 2S~ rrand- <br />vie\'! be ilrnroved. Poll Call, {"'yes: Anderson, Curll?v, <br />Grauel, Hess ilnd Demos. 'lavs' none. <br /> <br />8-J ~rau~l r,lovprl, l,trss Seconded ~ that BanCon, Inc. reQuest for <br />n.rcliminarv "lat "Hillsborouqh rlo. 11" at 2293 Pice Street be <br />anrroved and a public hearinq on the final nlat and rezoninn <br />from P-f and B-1 to R-l and B-2 at 2293 Rice Street be es- <br />tablished for the meetinn of Februarv 0, 1976. roll Call, <br />fives: ,l1.ndersol1, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. NailS: None. <br /> <br />c-~ Anderson Paved, Curlev Seconded, that Michel's Construction <br />ConmanlJ re(west for final nlat armroval IIt'ichel1s Lake Park" <br />at 2500 :1orth Hemline be continued to the meetinn of Februarv <br />9, IfJ7f. Roll Call, Ayes: ft.nderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess, <br />and Demos. Navs: 'lone. <br /> <br />8-S Grauel r'oved, Hess Seconded, that Bureau Investment Corpora- <br />tion renuest for division of lot and special use permit at <br />1885 Trunk Hiqh\\fav 36 be continued to the meetinrl of ,'anuar'l <br />2f,197(' Poll Cnll, P,yes: ft,nderson, CurleI,', Grauel, Hess, <br />and Demos. Nays: None. <br /> <br />C-l Hess Moved, ~rauel Seconded, that Tom Curley be arnointed <br />Actino Mavor for the 1976 official \lear. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson. Curley, ~rauel, Hess and Demos. Navs: None. <br /> <br />Hess f'oved, Grauel Seconded, that A.l Griluel he nDDOi nted <br />Liaison Member to the Plannina Commission for the 197G <br />official '1ear. Roll Call, Aves: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, <br />!less, and Demos. Na\ls' None. <br /> <br />7:30 n.m. <br /> <br />nUIl/TES <br /> <br />REsnLUTIOtI <br />fir. (335 <br /> <br />RESOLUTIOn <br />~!r. f33f <br /> <br />LiM!CON, Hie. <br />:?!::5 r;RNWVIEt-! <br /> <br />GM1CON, PiC. <br />?293 Pi ce St. <br /> <br />r'ICHEL I S U,KE P!\RK <br /> <br />BUREAU INVESTMENT <br />CORP0P.ATIGrl <br /> <br />ACTING ~,lf\YOR <br /> <br />LIAISON Tn PLANNING <br />connSSrm1 <br />