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<br />-2- <br /> <br />Hess ~loved, Grauel Seconded, that Cam A.nderson he a'1Doi nted <br />Liaison t1emher to the Darks and Recreation Committee for the <br />197f official \lear. Roll CalL {1,ves: {1.nderson, Curlev, <br />Grauel. !lpss and Demos. Nays: rlone. <br /> <br />Hess Moved, Grauel Seconded, that Pooer Hess he appointed <br />Deleoate to the Ramsev Countv Leaoue of Local hovernments <br />for the 197F official year. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Curlev. Grauel. Hess and Demos. Navs: None. <br /> <br />Hes s r1oved, Grauel Seconderl, that ,June Demos be annoi nted <br />Deleqate to the Association of Metronolitan Municinalities <br />for the 197f official year. Roll Call. Ayes: Anderson. <br />Curley. Grauel. Hess and Demos. Navs: None. <br /> <br />Hess ~Aoved, Grauel Seconded, that Dr. \v. \;1. A.meronaen be <br />appointed Health nfficE'r for the lQ7f official vear. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: A.nderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. <br />Navs : ~Ione. <br /> <br /> r1oved, Grauel Seconded, that ,1im Andre be armointed <br />Civil Defense Director for the 1976 official vear. Roll <br />Call, Aves: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Demos. <br />t!avs: Ilone. <br /> <br />Hess rloved, <br />Chairman of <br />Ilea r . Po 11 <br />i'lnd Demos. <br /> <br />Curl ev Seconded, tha t Vern ,Johnson be apDoi ntee! <br />the nlannino Commission for the lq7f official <br />Call, fives' Anderson, Curley, Grauel, !less <br />Navs: None. <br /> <br />C-2 Anderson Moved. Grauel Seconded, that the Mavor's anpoint- <br />ment of Kenneth ,Johnson to the Police Civil Service Com- <br />mission for a three vear ter~ exririnq December 31, 19.78l <br />be confirrrlecl. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, <br />!less and f"lemos. neWS' none. <br /> <br />Curl ey ~~oved, rraue 1 Seconred, that the Ci tv r1ananer contact <br />those individuals plioihle for rearpointment to !dvisorv <br />Committees to determine if they are interosted in reannoint- <br />ment and further t~at the reanrointments he considered at <br />Janui1rv 2f. 197(, meetin0. Poll Call, Aves' Anderson, Cur- <br />le',", Gl^,luel. Hess end Oems. /'a'/s: ilone. <br /> <br />P\I1c1Cl"SOn ['oved, Curl e.'l Secondec, that Fehruary IJ, lS7f, ~)(~ <br />estahlisi1p(] as tl;e deadline for receivin'l i1rrlications for <br />vacancies on the Plcnninn COl11t'lission, Human Rinhts Conmission, <br />and Darks and recreation Committee and also establishino <br />Frbruar'l 23. 1 97r, as the date for rna vi no these anr>oi ntments. <br />Poll Call. fwes: Anderson. Curley, Grauel, liess a~d Cemos. <br />flavs: I!one. <br /> <br />LIl\IsnN Tn PARKS <br />AND RECREA.TI0rl <br />connTTEE <br /> <br />DELEGATE TO Rfi~SEY <br />COUNTY LEAGUE OF <br />LOCAL GOVERNMENTS <br /> <br />DELEGATE: ASSN. OF <br />:"ETROPOL ITAN <br />:'1LJN I CI P 1'1 ITI ES <br /> <br />HEALTH OFFICER <br /> <br />CIVIL DEFENSE <br />DIRECTnR <br /> <br />PLANNHIr. COr'r1ISSInN <br />CHA I RrVVl <br /> <br />POLICE CIVIL SERVICE <br />cn~1t'ISSIm! <br /> <br />PDVISDPY cniTITTEF <br />REArpnIf'lTr1U!TS <br /> <br />ADVI SOPY co"r'ITTEE <br />V f\ CI\N C I ES <br /> <br />C-J Curlev r~oved, Iless Seconded, the Resolution :10. (337 desiq.. REsnLUTHHl'ln. <br />natinrl r'r. f\ndre as a director of the Suburban Rate ,A,uthoritv 6337 <br />and :'r. north oS .'\1ternate director of the Suburban Pate <br />Authoritv for the ye(1r Ion i1nd until their successors are <br />