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<br />north of Woodbridge. When this rezoning was being considered we <br />discussed this with the developers and told them this was the <br />time to move and connect that link and also provide water ser- <br />vices to that site and they recognized it would be good to be <br />done at the same time. We asked if they would prefer to build <br />the street from Minnesota to Woodbridge and we would move in <br />and construct (inaudible) or have it done by special assessment - <br />we chose not to have it done with their own contractor so the <br />city staff has recommended that this is when we should put in <br />that piece of eight inch watermain to complete our looping and <br />reinforce tt for safety purposes. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Mr. Popovich, will you present your summary? <br /> <br />MR. POPOVICH: The published cost is $16,656.90. The pro- <br />posed assessment is estimated at $25.24 per foot which would <br />bring in a total of $5,485.40, and the balance of $ll,121~50 <br />would go on general taxes. The assessments would be spread over <br />20 years with the 8% carrying charge. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Are there any communications? <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE: ~'Ve ha ve none. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: Does anyone'wish to speak for or against? <br /> <br />MR. HANS HAGEN: I represent Ban Con. We recognize the <br />need, I guess more for fire protection, to loop the system. ~t~ <br />properties all do have water service and they all have been <br />assessed (inaudible) originally for water i.rervice so this would <br />be a subsequent assessment. We're interested in cooperating <br />with the city in picking up our fair share just as when we spent <br />approximately $15,000 on storm sewer to service Hillsboro 4 we <br />didn't come back to the city and ask to have that put on general <br />ad valorem taxes and we could have done that for about $2,500 <br />and we would have paid that on direct assessment and the balance <br />would be put to public taxes. However, the public was not <br />benefiting. It was our property that was benefiting so we didn't <br />request it. In the same sort of circwustance, I'm not sure how <br />we benefit directly. Maybe some of the apartment buildings we <br />have sold do. We have agreed that we would pick up some of the <br />cost of water across the comercial property betweem Minnesota <br />and Woodbridge although, in fact, that would not be your typical <br /> <br />2 <br />