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<br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regu.lar l-1eeting of the City Council - Jcll1ua....v-y lO, 1977. <br /> <br />'rhe City Council rret on the above date with the folla:Ning <br />IreTI'l:x:~rs present: l''l3.yor C€rros, Councilrren Anderson, CUr ley, <br />Grauel and Hess. <br /> <br />A-l Hess !vbved, Grauel Seconded, that the minutes of the regular <br />rreeting of December 27, 1976, be approved. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and D::mJs. Nays: None. <br /> <br />B-1 Curley ~.O'ved, Anderson Seconded, that Ca.."'l2.dian Financial <br />Corporation's request for special use permit for planned <br />u"1i t developrrent at 2800 North Snelling Avenue be continued <br />u'1til the reeting of February 14, 1977. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and CenDs. Nays: None. <br /> <br />B-2 Grauel M::>ved, Hess Seconded, that J's Restaurant request for <br />final plat "J's Addition" at 2374 County Road D be continued <br />until t.1)e rreeting of January 31, 1977. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Derros. Nays: None. <br /> <br />B-3 Anderson r-bved, Grauel Seconded, that P-esolution No. 6448 <br />approving Sam Cave's final plat "Cave's Terrace" at about <br />193 t1iJmesota Avenue be adopted. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Cur ley, Grauel, Hess and Derros. Nays: None. <br /> <br />B-4 Grauel fuved, Hess Seconded, that Sam Cave's request for <br />final plat "'s North Boundary Addition" cmd variance <br />to setback at 1970 County Road D be continued until t.~e <br />neeting of January 17, 1977. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, <br />Curley, Grauel, Hess and DP...rros. Nays: None. <br /> <br />C-l Curley !vbved, Anderson Seconded, t.hat the following Council <br />Standing Rules of Procedure for 1977 be adopted. Roll ('..all, <br />Jl.yes :, Cur ley, Grauel, Hess and Den'Os. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />Rule 1. <br /> <br />Regular r".eetinqs. ILogular meetings of the Council <br />SEall be held at the City Hall on the second, third <br />and last ~bndays of each rmnth at 7:30 p.r-l'. <br /> <br />Rule 2. <br /> <br />Special ~eeting and Work Sessions. Special lreetings <br />a1"ld work sessions must be called at the request of at <br />least. three (3) meI1lbers of the COl.U1cil. Only those <br />items specifically agreed upon in advance shall be <br />considered. l\t least 24 hours advance notice be <br />given to all rrerrbers of the Council prior to t..~e hoJd:big <br />of said special meetings and work sessions and .that such <br /> shall also be posted on the Cj, ty Hall BuJ letin <br />Board at least 24 hours in adva'lce of t11e sr:>ecic:l Ino'eting. <br /> <br />. ~1le 3. <br /> <br />Emergency ~~etings. I:.rr;ergency rreetings rnay be called at <br />any f~2 provICiIng all IrE'.r:bers c'f the Council sign ,..,ai vcrs <br />of n:)tice prior to the holding of such eI\)'Jr'gencyn'.(-;\? <br /> <br />7:30 P.H. <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />CANADIAN <br />FINANCIAL <br />CORPORATION <br /> <br />J' S RESTAURA.l\lT <br /> <br />RESOLU'rION <br />NO. 6448 <br /> <br />SAM CAVE <br /> <br />STANDING <br />RULES OF <br />PROCEDURE <br />