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<br />-3- <br /> <br />Rule 12. Suspension of Rules. No rule oft.l1e council shall be <br />suspendE..'<.l \vithout the conCillTence of at least four (4) <br />members of the Council. <br /> <br />Rule 13. Order of Business. Thefollo.ving shall be the order of <br />business of e1e council: <br />A. Approval of Minutes <br />B. Hearings <br />c. Organizational Business <br />D. Cotrrnunications & Petitions <br />E. Reports and Reccmrendations <br />F. Ordinar..ces & Resolutions <br />G. Items Tabled <br />H. Ob'1er Business <br />I. Adjournment <br /> <br />Rule. 14. Paid Consultcmts ar.d Advisors at City ~.1eetings. Wh~ <br />not covered by contract, the serVices of all consultants, <br />advisors, technicians, conmissioris ,. etc., shall be. <br />approved by at least three (3) councilmen in advance of <br />the meeting at a regular Council neeting. <br /> <br />Rule 15. Seating of Councilrren. The seating of the Council at <br />the Council table will be rotated m::mthly. <br /> <br />C-2 Gt:.auel ~bved, Anderson Seconded, that the Roseville Sun be <br />designated as the official newspaper for the City of Roseville <br />for the year 1977. . Poll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel <br />and Demos. Nays~ Hess. <br /> <br />3 CUrley l'-bved, Anderson Seconded, t.hat the following banks <br />and savings ar..d loan associations be designated for <br />depositories of city funds: Roseville State Bank, North <br />Star State Bank, Mid Arrerica National Bank, '!Win City <br />Federal Savings and loan, Minnesota Federal Savings and <br />Loan, First Federal Savings and loan, and Midwest Federal <br />Savings and loan. Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, <br />Hess and DemJs. Nays: None. <br /> <br />C-4 Hess r-bved, Anderson Seconded, that C'Duncilrnan Albert Grauel <br />be ap:tX>inted Acting r--Jayor for the year 1977. Roll Call, Ayes: <br />Anderson, CUrley, Grauel, Hess and Derros. Nays: l\Tone. <br /> <br />Hess !vbved, Anderson Seconded, that Councilman Albert Grauel <br />L-e ap:tX>inted liaison m.?..rnber to the Planning Commission. Roll <br />Call, "Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and Derros. Nays: <br />None. <br /> <br />Hess Poved, Anderson Seconded, that Councilman Curley be <br />appointe<.1 liaison rrerrber to the Parks and Recreation Committee. <br />Roll Call, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, Grauel, Hess and D2rr0s. <br />N('!ys : None. <br /> <br />P '";'3 j>i.T:ed, Ande.rscn S(~C()nd'0(1, that Councilnu.n I.ic~ss and <br />CJiLlCil:r12l1 Curley be apco1ntcd del('~9ates to t.he Ramsey County <br />I..o""]1.12 fm: the year 1977. Rclll ('..all, Ayes: Anderson, Curley, <br />C..J)81, ! :';3S and lJp...nos. Nays : None. <br /> <br />RQSEVIu.E <br />SUN <br /> <br />OFFICIAL <br />DEPOSITORIES <br /> <br />AC'TING <br />MAYOR <br /> <br />LIAISON <br />MEMBER TO <br />PLANNING <br />O:X'~cISSION <br /> <br />l?ARKS & <br />RJ::CREl\TION <br />C01'lr-lI'ITEE <br /> <br />R'\;':SSY COUNTY <br />LEAGl)1~ <br />