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<br />Ex~r?ct of Minutes .')f Meet ing <br />of City Council <br />City of Ro~eville <br />Ramsey County, MinnesotC'l <br />May 9, 1977 <br /> <br />Fursuant to due call cnd notice thereof, a regular meeting <br />of the City council of the City of Roseville, Minnesota. was <br />held in the City Hall in said City on Mond~y, the 9th day of <br />May. 1977, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Mayor Demos and <br />Councilmen Anderson, Curley, Grauel, cnd Hess; and the following <br />were absent: None <br /> <br />Also present were: James~. Andre, City Manager: Robert <br />Bell. City Attorney: Charles Honchell, City Public Works <br />Director; and Peter S. popovich. City Bonn Consultant. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: At t'hi~ time we have? he?ring on project <br />ss-r...7-p-ST-76-21, MinnesotCl Realt-y company's Ow2lSS0 Subdivic;ion <br />Development. This improvement will r.e for sanit2lry sewer, <br />watermain, street ,,,,ith concrete curb end gutt8r and necessary <br />drainage. The feasibility reoort wa~ ordered for this pro- <br />po~al aft-er a petition had been presented bearing 35% of the <br />names ~f the owners of the assess?ble prop~rty. <br /> <br />MR. ANDRE~ I have the Certificate of ~ailing and the <br />affidavit of publication for this project on file. <br /> <br />MAYOR DEMOS: At this time J1d like to call the Public <br />;10rks Director to present c SUtllmory of the n?ture of the <br />improvement - the <",rea involved and the co~.;t est.imate. <br /> <br />MR. HONCHELL: This c>re? is part of the Minnesota Realty <br />Owasso plat that was platted in 1947 - c.pproximately 30 yeors <br />ago. Since t-hat time, very litt-le development has happened <br />on the internal part of the crea, rut the extern?l portion~ <br />along West Owasso and Victoria have both reen fairly fully <br />developed. There 2re ?ppr0xim~tely 63 Axternal lots ~nd 56 <br />internal lots located in this subdivision. There is 0150 ~n <br />11 acre city p?rk known aq Valley Parko To date, this h?s <br />not been developed at all due to the wet, low nature ond <br />r?ther wild setting that it1s in. <br />