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<br />I'd like t':> go through th8 pr?po'Jal --ter ry steo. <br />A~ I 9~Y, it did not d8vel~p very r2pidly on the insicte <br />meinly rec2use of the low r~11ing ~err2in and the de~ire <br />by various partie~ in the p23t thRt this might be 2cquired <br />for park property. In fact, this are? waR part of the R~mQey <br />County Open Spece propoqel to ~e 2cquired and kept open. <br />However, 2fter getting initi2l estimetes of the cost of <br />2c~uiring this property, discus8ing it sever?l tiroe~ ?t <br />numerou!"; meetings ?t their B")crd, it WeS ebenr:1onecl in 1976 <br />in November for p~rk pUrp0ses. <br /> <br />Appr")ximately one ~onth later the city received e petition <br />reaue~ting that the pre2 be developed 50 that the inside ')r <br />interior 10ts could becom~ ug2~le. <br /> <br />At the current time there ?re wcter mein~ along victoric <br />and 2long r~7e'"lt 01.rJ2S<:;() BoulEv?r(~. Neither t')f these - well, <br />the one on Vict')rlc ic-: tied westerly, the one on West OW?S90 <br />is nt')t loopea or tied ~0 2ny other water main. There is an <br />exi~t ing senit 2rv c:;eTNer which iA shown in green on f-h~ !l'ap <br />which come.... cl:>wn Avon St- reet, come,,; ? long Brenner, end comes <br />to l'\lcst Owa.s'10 where it joins 2'not-her sanitory sewer. There <br />iq al~o a qpnit2ry 1ewcr a10ng Vict0ria. I wight mention <br />thc:t C't: ~.he extreme northern edge ('It C0unty Roed D. Shoreview <br />?lso l.:rings <: portion ::>f its sanitary sewage into Roseville <br />where it then pa"l<::les through to St. PeUJ. on the We'Y to 1:'e <br />treated. There is ? smell meter up in this locCltion. The <br />proposal i2 to complete the water and scnitary sewer sYRtero <br />in the area. This would meen tringing ~ wcterm?in along <br />Milhvoor:,\ t':> <'"lerve ther;e 10ts ell thEO w<'y up t':l the or::>posed <br />cul-de-sac (inaudible) existing plat where it would go between <br />lots to (inccuditle) i-') the exi"lting ,'Jeter mrin. This would <br />provide S0me l~oping for these home~ pnd ~l~o loop th~se <br />homes along the cul-oe-'"lac. There is al~o ? proposerl water <br />m?in from West OWcs....o clong Brenner to Victoria, and al:>ng <br />l'v:>n to C,:>unty Roa.::! B v-lhere it would then go over ano lo:")p <br />to vict0ria 0nce egain and serve the interior lots. <br /> <br />Now, i-he existing city proposcl which will be dealt with <br />12ter ?S fer 2~ co~t, i~ l?id out in a manner that goes ry the <br />standard procedures ,:>f the city - mainly that corner lots are <br />c' :1ses<:Jed 25 feet for ~ewer 2nd water around the --ic1er.:. This <br />is ~ m~t~er th?t is re21ly not for final conclu~i0n e~ this <br />poin+: . I f the il1'pr)w~tr'Ent is orclered in" ?t the time of +:he <br />puhlic hearing, HIS p':>::;sibls there rright r-e some consic1erction <br /> <br />-2- <br />