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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
7/17/2007 8:57:17 AM
Creation date
2/1/2005 2:47:05 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />The storm ,:,ewl'='r SY4tem - I might sdd thai- once ?gain, <br />since Shoreview is on the northern side, they would be paying <br />half of the cost of the road. <br /> <br />The ~torm ~ewer f2cilitieQ would be propo<3ed to pick up <br />some drainage coming out of Shoreview from this new future <br />road, come C'llong Avon wher0 it would head easterly to new <br />proposed pond that will ~e discussed in a moment. Also, it <br />will pick up the int~rs€ction drainage ct Avon and Brenner, <br />down Brenner to Millw-:>od and out to the pond, picking up <br />some drain~ge on the interior of these lots which are sort of <br />(inaudible) back there according t') our prelirrin2ry calculC'tions. <br />Also, 2 new line would re Duilt along Milh"'Jod, again where it <br />would tie and g'J into the pond and again picking up a sm?ll <br />amount of drain?ge in the interior or (inaudible) back yard <br />locations. There is some exi~ting drainage that exists in <br />this area. There1s 2 12 inch culvert that goes out underneath <br />Owasso Boulevard. I ~ight cad that the ?rea you see in blue <br />depicts what we feel. fr'Jm ? preliminary review are the lots <br />that drain tow?rd this cct0rm facility and would be included <br />in C'ny improvement costs. Tho"'e th?t ere 0vtside are not <br />proposed to be csr;s8sed f-:>r,t.,rm dr?inage. This water would <br />all be going i.O a new pond C't i-he end of the ~Jillwood cul-de- <br />sac. You may see water laying aro, nd or - not in the low <br />iE'reas, but the pond is pr':)posed to r.e dug, <"ctually lower <br />than the ground is tod?y. We have discu3seo this with the <br />park people. They would like toc;ee ? '"'tcmding water pond <br />approximately five feet deep - really just for artistic and <br />visual purp0ses. Just a nice thing to have around a Perk. <br />In Centrel Park there is c. lerger pond. This pond would w0uld <br />have five feet of water in it, aB mentioned previously, ~nd <br />this 'tlould be shaped in a way that it would only be (inaudible) <br />f':)ur slopeg f:>r safety purposes. It 1Joll')uld h~ve '" 10 foot <br />flettened area AO people could walk around the pond and ob- <br />serve it. There would be another six f00t area ~gain on a <br />(in?udible) sl'ipe th?t would g0 up to the exi~ting - or to the <br />prop:>sed gr'mnd elevation':>. The elevation",: IN'ould be somewhat <br />higher: especi211y on the west and north c.ides, than they are <br />now Lecau~e the excess !notarial from this project is proposed <br />to be f"pre?d throughout the park area to enar.le the park t.o <br />develop ~nd ne usar1e to 211 the residents in the area. At <br />the present time it1s not very fecsible. There is also a long <br />range proposal to get ~ome parking in this area 90 the pe':)ple <br />would be 2ble to drive and us~ the f~cility rather than park <br />if you I re at. the wrong end of t-he development. The pond is <br /> <br />-4- <br />
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